It has been announced by senor officers of the armed forces that the army will have a display tent at the "Living Islam Festival" in Lincoln. Aimed to recruit Muslims to the British Army instead of ISIS in Syria and god-knows-who-this-week in Iraq. With the Centenary of he British entry into WW1 it is perhaps the moment to remind ourselves, or perhaps more appropriately given the lack of knowledge on the subject, learn about The Indian National Army. Given the undoubted references there will be to the Indians who "fought for us" , and it is admitted that many Indians served in two world wars, though who the "us " they fought for is unclear (see picture). Enlistment reached 40.000 and many fought for the Japanese.

We do not dispute the numbers of Indian troops who remained loyal. But the traitors then were outside the country. Imagine if a fraction were in the UK. An organisation prepared to shake hands with the Nazis would do anything. That 40,000 people were prepared to support that organisation should be borne in mind when we face the "Loyal Muslim / Loyal Indian" propaganda assault over the coming weeks.
Top: "The Desert Fox" inspects Azid Hind Members.
Upper Middle "Colour Party"
Lower Middle"Nazi salutes" Imagine giving similar salutes to a Sikh in Southall!
Bottom Subhash Chandra Bose, leader of the Indian National Army, shakes hands with Austrian Politician.
more details, click below
Loyal until Britain went to war with the 'wrong' country, i.e. a Muslim one. Killing other Muslims in the name of British 'patriotism'? Not a cat in hell's chance.
Great article keep them coming.
Did Winston Churchill once call Mussolini "A Great Man"?
Did Rommel learn too late.?
Ukip Friends of Israel are seeking support from all right minded patriotic people who wish to defend Western interests in the Middle East. Israel upholds Western values and is under attack from Hamas. Do your bit by making a donation to the Ukip Friends of Israel.
Enough of English money and English made equipment has been given to that terrorist state and far too many politicians who pretend to represent the interests of English people, instead represent those of Israel and it's "chosen people".
The fact that our prime minister can sell military equipment to a country that murdered English servicemen sent to protect them, who had just fight a war to protect their interests and who deliberately target women and children in artillery and air strikes, is disgusting.
Those men of Hamas are little more than a symbolic resistance in the face of industrial slaughter by a malicious and twisted Israeli government.
Will you join us has we take on Satan?
Please sign this petition.
Speaking of loyalty, Baroness Warsi, Foreign Office Minister (unelected cabinet member) has resigned from the government in protest at the government's response to Israel's attack on Gaza.
This has nothing to do with Gazans being almost universally Muslim. And apparently the moon is made of green cheese.
So the esteemed Baroness Warsi has resigned. When will people, especially knob socks like Cameron learn that people should be promoted to high office because they are suitably qualified to do the job and not because they are from some politically correct pet group.
Palestinians are being used by Muslim fanatics. And I don't Support ZIONISM!
which has been forced upon us.
@ Stop being so negative, Calais is burgeoning with them and there are massive numbers waiting in their home countries to join the ever growing queue to get to the land of milk and benefits that is soft touch Britain, led by the human invertebrate Cameron.
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