Saturday, 16 November 2013

The Little Consultation

I am sure most of us are aware of the TMBC Big Conversation which is all well and fine, but now for something a little different. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you The Little Consultation.

If you click the words The Little Consultation you will be directed to the new blog of Carl Simmons* from Denton. The consultation is not only of interest to Dentonians but it should be of interest to all Tameside residents.

The consultation can be found on the left side of the blog main page and it is similar in format to the polls which I often have on this blog. The questions are important as they focus on local democracy and the number of councillors in the borough of Tameside. I would urge anyone who has an interest in local democracy to participate in the consultation because if enough people do take part the council might just have to listen.

*Carl Simmons stands as an independent candidate in the Denton South ward and as far as I am aware he has no affiliation to any political party. At the last council elections Carl Simmons received 675 votes which was a better vote than any political party other than Conservative or Labour. Unlike our 'job for life' Labour councillors who retreat into hibernation until election times, Carl Simmons is a committed full time community champion who campaigns all year round.


Bill said...

Just voted on Carl's poll. Reduce the councillors, re-election all at the same time, no family members and a limit to the number of years in office.

If enough people take the time to vote maybe we can get rid of the parasitic career councillors for good.

Apathy reigns supreme said...

That's true five thousand fold come council election time yet 75% of people can't be bothered to vote.

Anonymous said...

More democracy zealots parroting the lemming cause of the rosette warrior I see....

Many people can be forgiven for their apathy given the unwavering hardcore support for Labour in the borough. And given such leanings in the area, it would hardly make sense to Tameside's teeming red loyalists to advocate a cull of elected officials which would (proportionately speaking) only serve reduce the strength of Labour's stranglehold.

As for the supposed untapped potential of the current abstainers, there's no reason to suppose they aren't simply inactive reds happy to by-pass the effort of voting whilst Labour remains safe in the borough.

The local BNP outfit got carried away on that hope and in no short measure had the mat pulled from right under them and came crashing down to earth with a bump.

I dare say this Carl fella is a far better choice than your average red Labour clone, but what's he really hoping to achieve? Even if he wins his seat his actual power as one third of a tiny sub-section of the borough is at best extremely limited. Leave 'em all to it I say.

VOTE UKIP said...

Do nothing, brilliant incisive advice.
There's no reason to suppose anything about the voting sympathies of the apathetic three quarters but if they DID get off their backsides and all vote Green or UKIP say, it would have a massive shake up effect on the utterly stagnant and corrupt one party state that runs this borough.
At least the BNP tried and came extremely close on several occasions and if it wasn't for the banana republic style, totally insecure postal voting system the BNP might well have won on more than one occasion. The faces of some of the Labour representatives at the closest counts were worth a fortune, they were genuinely scared. The BNP also forced the Labour mafia to use highly questionable and gutter tactics of the worst order at the Hyde Newton by-election in 2009 to get a win. At least they gave Labour a good scare, something Tameside's pathetic Tory group haven't managed for many years.

Disengaged Voters said...


>>>Nearly half of voters feel "alienated" from Britain's political parties and have admitted they will not vote for any of them, according to new research.

Sparking concerns that a disillusioned Britain is turning into a politically apathetic nation, the survey suggests public political scepticism is not just limited to the major parties – but also extends to smaller parties more likely to win "protest votes."<<<

SerpentSlayer said...

In other words the lie of democracy is finally being exposed.
This apathy will be exploited and therafter it will mutate into a will to force change.

Anonymous said...

TC Why have you put moderation on again, ALF been at it again?

Bill said...

'The Real Wasted Vote'

Anonymous said...

Age of consent should be lowered to 15, says Britain's top public health expert
Prof John Ashton is the president of the Faculty of Public Health
Says change in law would discourage young teens from having sex
Believes 15-year-olds would have sex better access to contraception

Another nail in the UK standards encourages children to have more sex.
This bloke needs locking up or is he a pervert in charge of everyones health in the UK.
Which planet have these shysters descended on us from, anyway he is a staunch Labourite what can you expect.

Anonymous said...

Should be a campaign to delete Labour and Conservative off the ballot
What do all these devious sh--- do for Tameside people.
Vehicle stickers "Do Not Vote" would sell out in days on Tameside Markets.
What a business boost for any trader selling at £1.50 now that`s the way to do it !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Real Wasted Vote

Tells us that Bill votes Labour.

Anonymous said...


VOTE UKIP said...

Well done Mr Simmons. Although I hope no independents or smaller parties stand at the next few elections: local, European and General, because this is the most crucial time in our country's history and the opposition to the main party clique that is literally destroying our country MUST NOT BE DILUTED.

Very Slow and Painful Death said...

There are two types of beasts who prey on children. The overt, vile scum, insects and the self-proclaimed 'educators'.
Don't be fooled by the arch trickster Satan, he comes in many guises.
I'm not religious but there is such a thing as evil.

Anonymous said...

Iran’s bid for the bomb “threatens directly the future of the Jewish state,” Netanyahu told CNN recently, in a short preview clip of an interview broadcast on Saturday. As the prime minister of Israel, he stressed, he had to care for “the survival of my country.”

And we Brits have the right to deport all the Israeli supporters from our land because they are
totally out of proportion in numbers in the Media,Politics,Legal system,Film and Show business,Banking,
Celebs and Footballers Agents,so we need to protect our heritage and our roles in running all these positions now swamped with Israeli supporters
So we have every right to protect ourselves from the increasing deliberate invasion of our key organisations.As for Obama never throughout history has an outside Country sought to get rid of an American President in such a vicious and vile manner,just as they will throughout the world until the Israeli supporters rule the World which is their No1 objective.
Our land is our land Israel but out.

Bill said...

@Anonymous 12:39

UKIP actually. Suggest you read my other comment (i.e. the 1st) before applying the foot in mouth syndrome.

Alf Garnett said...

UKIP LOL ? Need i say any more ? VOTE BNP

Alf Garnett said...


Anonymous said...

It's one thing for a teenage boy, maybe 17, even 18, to have sex with his 15/16 year old girl friend. Not wise and should be discouraged, but not the end of the world.

However this reduce-the-age-of-consent stuff is always pushed by the paedophiles and yes, I know that the legal definition of paedophilia doesn't include 15 year olds. I don't care about 'legal' definitions. For a full grown man, certainly a man in his late 20s or older, to even consider sex with a 15 year old is paedophilia, whatever the 'legal' definition.

Any full grown man who has sex with a 15 year old should be put to death.

Anonymous said...

ALF are you standing again for the bnp?
You fit the stereotypical image of that party.

ex-BNP and he was never like the rest of us said...

He certainly does and that makes it all the more tragic because he is the exact opposite of your typical BNP member. He perfectly plays the part of a knuckle dragging bonehead just as per the media stereotype.

No God, No Guns and No F***ing Guts said...

In some midwestern states in America underage sex is classed as statutory rape and carries a MANDATORY 50 years imprisonment. Guess if THEY have a propblem with the sexualisation and corruptiuon of children. The would be perverts and corrupters simply won't chance it.

Of course in the US they have a PUNISHMENT based criminal justice system, in lunatic-run Britain everything is 'society's fault', and people are deemed to be not responsible for their actions and need 'treatment'.
The results of this institutionalised, corrosive insanity are all around us.

Alf Garnett said...

whats up cant youlot bully me ? tits

Alf Garnett said...

less of the EX

Anonymous said...

No Alf, the question was, are you standing for the bnp in 2014?

We must deliver ourselves from evil said...

A LibDem proposal a few years ago supported lowering the age of consent to 12. That tells you everything you need to know about how established evil is within the nation's seats of power.

Anonymous said...

Who would vote for an imbecile like Alf. He hasn't got the ability to string a sentence together never mind serve as a councillor.

Anonymous said...

@18/11/2013 08:43 would you believe that 600 people did vote for him in Drolysden

Anonymous said...

@ 12:10
According to a recent post about Droylsden it said they call it the silly country, so that explains it.