Sunday, 10 November 2013

Tameside Remembrance Sunday 2013

The Dukinfield last post and two minutes silence was very moving. Thank you to Roy West for filming and sharing with us.

With regards to Adam White not wishing to stand for our national anthem in remembrance of our war dead; would you really expect anything different from a Labour politician who airs his private thoughts in public?


Anonymous said...

The Great struggles of our Fathers depend upon the one true God,
The blood of the Christ.
Remember, in everything you do, he weighs the heart.
He sees the wicked, and the unjust actions of lairs.

SerpentSlayer said...

I dont like the anthem either, can we not at least sing "God save the King" instead of honouring one the worst monarch we have ever had?

Requiem For Britain said...

During the reign of Elizabeth II we have lost everything. Starting with the empire and by the times she has gone large parts of the country.

E II R, Long to (too long)reigned over us said...

The decline and destruction of our country and its identity with no monarchical protest illustrates the utter failure of her reign.
If she has influence 'behind the scenes' it's either useless, misguided or malign.

A collection of todays said...

service in Dukinfiel

Anonymous said...

I'm increasingly indifferent about Remembrance Sunday. Given the general direction of the country along with the apparent consent of the general population it strikes me that the average Briton fundamentally doesn't really stand for much and never did. I have to wonder if the general populace would rally around any cause if the powers that be wrapped a national flag around it and screamed the orders.

One thing's for sure - the future Britain I envisage ain't a Britain I'd lift a finger to fight for and defend. And given the pc kosher views of the majority of white British it wouldn't surprise me if they'd willingly wage war on another European country whose people were of a different stripe in that regard. In any such conflict I know which side I'd be gunning for, and far more important fundamental principles would take priority over unthinking 'nationalism' and loyalty to king & country etc etc.

Anonymous said...

During the two minutes silence, I could not help thinking about FREEDOM and FREEDOM OF SPEECH!
The words of Judge Osbourn kept coming into my mind "significant breach of freedom of speech"
To describe new charter housing's injunction against me.
New charter housing are desperately trying to take away people's civil liberties, in terms of free speech and their human rights.
The most worrying aspect of this new charter attempt to block Free Speech, charter sponsor the police and work closely with the police sharing people's data, and intelligence.
The most bizarre development in new charter's eviction case against my partner, charter have officially stated that I'm going to rely heavily on the fact that I'm a carer for my partner in the eviction case.
A policeman came to the house about 9 weeks ago, saying that he would have a word with new charter to get a transfer rather than going through the trauma of eviction, his words.
Not heard from him since he promised to do that.
Yesterday was a reminder that we must not allow bully's like new charter housing take away our rights to Free Speech.
Not so long ago, Mr Ivan Wright (new charter enforcer) tried to get me arrested for using the term "just off the boat" and quoting Enoch Powell

Anonymous said...

serpent slayer. i have read some crap you have put on here . now after the comment about the queen , i am convinced you are you just a wind up merchant , and a disgrace

Anonymous said...

serpent slayer. i have read some crap you have put on here . now after the comment about the queen , i am convinced you are you just a wind up merchant , and a disgrace

Anonymous said...

No he's just strange in his thinking, like we all can be.

Anonymous said...

And not everyone like's, and looks up to the Queen.
What, should we all think alike under mind control?

Anonymous said...

What as the Queen said or done about the destruction of this Country?
When the Muslims take over, do you think they'll say "we love our Queen"

Go with the flow said...

@ Anonymous 10:33, explain why you like the Queen and why not liking her is a 'disgrace'.

Anonymous said...

A quote from Mr Paul Wilson (new charter housing solicitor)
Quote: "we're all in favour of free speech it's when it becomes incitement"

Anonymous said...

So what about having English Republicanism views? why do we all have to bow down to the Queen?
It does not mean that you are a traitor, if you are not a Royalist.
What's this world coming to when people can't have their own views and thinking?

Edict of Expulsion said...

The Queen should be judged on her actions, or lack of them, like everyone else.
The state of Britain at the end of her reign, compared to its condition on the 6th of February 1952 will give an accurate summation of her reign. In my opinion it will be the worst possible indictment.
Her worst flaw, although she can't be blamed for it, is a lack of the intelligence necessary to formulate relevant and meaningful views and consequent actions that would directly defend our national heritage, identity and survival. What she can be blamed for is not seeking the best advice to help formulate those views.
Her Grandfather George V, who was certainly no great brain, DID however have ample courage and common sense and constantly sought advice from capable, intelligent and experienced people with the country's best interests at heart.
The 'pot luck' nature of monarchy can best be demonstrated by some of the dross we've been lumbered with throughout history such as: Edward VIII, an infantile, selfish non-entity; George IV, a bloated, blustering oaf; James II, a self-obseessed, self-righteous prig; his father Charles I, a duplicitous, deceitful weakling, the list goes on.
The solution, if we must have a monarchy, is obvious, select the family member demonstrably the most suited for the job. If gender is no longer an obstacle to succession why should age and DIRECT lineage be.
If the monarch's influence has waned to the point where it is no longer meaningful, the position should be dispensed with.

Where have all the great Brits gone? said...

That is a thought provoking comment. The comparison between Britain in 1952 and 2013 truly is astonishing. I used to be an ardent royalist but now I have no strong opinion either in favour or against the institution of the monarchy. Comparing Victorias golden reign to that of our current monarch really puts our situation and decline into perspective but could the monarchy have done anything to prevent it and if so what?

Bill said...

As a republican I always thought the national anthem was almost infantile. I advocated 'Land Of Hope & Glory' but not any more. There's no hope and certainly no glory.

Juggernaut said...

There IS hope and saying otherwise is simply stating 'I've given up', which of course is EXACTLY what the enemies of our nation, both within and without, want. You may have surrendered, some of us haven't.

Captain Smith, we have just struck an iceberg and are sinking. oh shut up and stop being defeatist said...

Stating a fact is not the same as giving up. Britain is finished unless you can give evidence to suggest otherwise? The British isles' will still exist as a land mass but the people inhabiting the land will be markedly different from the Britons of the past.

Edict of Expulsion said...

Victoria was often an irrational, highly partial person given to absurd fits of pique and stubbornness based on groundless personal favouritism. Her patriotism, religious conviction and awareness of the importance of setting an example were some of her better attributes. One of her more intelligent offspring, Princess Louise, stated on her mother's death that the power of the monarchy had been massively eroded during her mother's reign. Victoria's husband Albert however was an intelligent man of the highest character, work ethic and ability. Despite being initially mistrusted as a foreigner he rapidly earned the repect, admiration and affection of the British people. He believed the monarchy had to set an example of sound, Christian, moral family values (a distinct contrast to several previous monarchs and many of their disreputable siblings/relatives). Victoria did embody this ethic under his guidance and provided a figure of continuity and stability for the British people.
Ironically, after his death in 1861, many government/establishment figures took full advantage of the fact his power and pervasive influence had gone and were able to gradually take away and reduce monarchical power and influence, something that would have been far more difficult if he had survived.

Juggernaut said...

There are tens of millions of pieces of 'evidence', they're called the British people and they still hold the power to create their own destiny.
Britain WILL on its current course end up as Britain in name only. That moment hasn't arrived yet and with countless factors constantly in play economically, culturally, racially etc, YOU have no more idea if it's a 'fact' we're finished or not. Stating we are is simply self-suiting defeatism and achieves nothing except to give ammunition and succour to our enemies.

Have our country by all means, after all it would be racist to object said...

Ha, are these the same British people who have stood aside watching as vast areas of their country has been colonised by hostile third world invaders?

Anonymous said...

Freemason Lodges
Royal Arch Chapter
are linked with the Royal Family members,not just the Duke of Kent,but Philip and
the Queen and her sons.
Whilst secret societies determine who is accepted these groups are creating
selective discrimination in our Country.
Societies who pay homage to deities such as Baal,winged Angelic/Goat
images with cloven hoofs
I am unable to have respect because they have agenda`s which are discriminatory,and avoid
natural laws in their membership initiation.
Anyone who threatens a fellow human with death if information is disclosed,cannot be trusted,and is acting in an illegal act.

Inside The Brotherhood said...

The Masonic element can never be ignored.

Anonymous said...

Freemason Lodges + police + new charter housing + Alan Kibble ex police + Paul Wilson + wrongful + evictions + Ivan Wright internet stalker of individuals.
New charter housing + Tameside Radio + not just a landlord + Tameside reporter + schools + homeless charities + £90 million turnover £7 million profit + new charter sponsor the police + police enforce court evictions + Labour Cllrs on new charter panels + Cllr Ged Cooney + new charter building company + police and new charter housing share people's person data + new charter housing + significant breach of the freedom of speech + Alan Kibble hammering on people's doors at night + Tameside the home of Freedom.

Anonymous said...

It's all the one organization working together to build an empire of fear and making profits.
And if people can't see that then I feel sorry for them.
Look at the evidence between the collusion of the police and new charter housing.
Who ever heard of a social housing landlord sharing people's personal data with the police? well it's happening here in Tameside.

Anonymous said...

The police must be very proud of their relationship with new charter housing, when they hear of the case New charter housing v Fran Winkley taken to court for not paying rent by Lunar month.
The judge was so angry that he threatened to throw the new charter solicitor in the cells for the night.

Alf Garnett said...

cant they hurry up and kick west out ? im sick of imgoing on about it ? west bur a house and as for the queen she needs a rope and a tree coz she a c-nt

SerpentSlayer said...

I'm all for an absolute monarchy, but of the kind we had before 1066. Someone who looks after the country during crises but that keeps out of everyday life and allows religious authorities (of the indigenous religion) to govern morality. For that to exist needs a new class of nobility, a restoration of our pre-christian faith and a healthy homogenous, white society.
Before that happens, we would need something resembling National Socialism. I would hope our leader of such a society would not be scared to call himself a King, such a title goes way back in history and well beyond ineffective fops like Kaiser Bill and Tsar Nick.

Edict of Expulsion said...

Oi SS, what about Edward I or Richard III? They both were kings after 1066.

French Patriots BOO Traitor Hollande said...

PARIS (Reuters) - French police arrested about 70 people at an Armistice Day memorial ceremony on Monday after protesters who the government said were linked to the far right booed President Francois Hollande.

Newscasters said it was the first time a French head of state had been jeered on November 11, which commemorates the signing of the armistice in 1918 between World War One allies and Germany.

Scuffles erupted between police and the protesters as the Socialist president's motorcade drove up the tree-lined Champs-Elysees boulevard to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier beneath the Arc de Triomphe in central Paris.

Some of the protesters shouted "Hollande, step down" and "Socialist Dictator!" and Interior Minister Manuel Valls said they included members of far-right groups opposed to government policies such as same-sex marriages.

"Today on the Champs-Elysees, several dozen individuals linked to the far right ... did not want to respect this moment of contemplation and gathering," Valls told reporters, describing their actions as "unacceptable".

One protester told BFM-TV the boos and gibes were targeted purely at Hollande.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather be far right than far left

SerpentSlayer said...

Edward saw the light, but the edict was only necessary because of the bastard letting them in. Richard the III was brave, as were a good many of the post 1066 kings, but for everyone of them we had a rotter like King John or a useless ponce like King Charlie. The system of hereditary monarchy is heavily flawed, a King elected from among the nobility would be vastly superior, so long as the nobility are kept pure and never allowed to become detached from the people.

MK X Jaguar said...

@ Alf Garnett, 'She needs a rope and a tree coz she's a c-nt', nice one Alf, made me laugh.

Pray For Blood said...

Hollande deserves to be booed. Did all those people give their lives for the mongrelised, depraved hellholle Britain is becoming. Whole towns infested with aliens which are no-go areas for British people, warped degenerates being celebrated as 'normal'. If consenting adults is all that matters you'd be able to f**k your own grandad and THAT would be normal. When does the killing start because I'm sick to the back teeth of what this country's becoming.

Alf Garnett said...

west thats a good name an all ? So keep it shut and get a job and buy a house and stop livein off us hard workers

Alf Garnett said...

you cant give me the wifes disabled crap can you so get a job you bum

Alf Garnett said...

two trees and two ropes needed

'In January, the only thing left will be the goat': click here said...

The mayor of two Romanian villages has claimed that up to half of their residents will move to the UK when restrictions are lifted in January.

Koller Gabriel-Adrian said he believed ‘50 per cent’ of the 1,100 people in poverty-stricken Berini and Uliuc could travel to Britain in search of higher salaries – and the generous welfare system – in the New Year.

Among those keen to move are 170 Roma who live in abject poverty on the outskirts of the villages, with no running water in their homes and as many as 20 people sharing a three-room house.

One of them, father-of-seven Remus Neda, 37, said he hoped to move to Britain after learning that he could be eligible for housing benefits and NHS care.

Pointing to a shaggy brown and white goat, tethered to an outhouse, he said: ‘In January, the only thing left in the village will be the goat.’

Anonymous said...

Goodbye UK. The politically correct brigade led by weak kneed politicians from Public Schools have finally done what the Kaiser and then Hitler failed to do. I just hope that all these immigrants next year go and live next to the political traitors and their pathetic cronies but fat chance of that -the general public will suffer again.

Alf Garnett said...

show it now

This video is public. Dukinfield Remembers 2013 - O God Our Help In Ages Past said...

Dukinfield 2013....Footage

SerpentSlayer said...

Beheading's more traditional.

Anonymous said...

You can't blame the Monarch for things that have happened to this country. Capitalism and its drive for globalisation has changed Briton. Show me a Republic that is any different or better. There are many that are worse places to be.

What difference would president Bliar or Cameron make really? No better I am sure.

Bill said...

@Juggernaut 14:41

The only hope is if people stop voting for the same traitorous political parties and what chance is there of that with a brain-dead electorate?

William Hay said...

This is just amazing. God Bless all the Irish Regiments who fought & gave their lives in the name of Freedom & Democracy. God Bless in Remembrance.

Slow Death to Traitors said...

Vote UKIP next year at the Euros. A massive vote for what is still an, outside the establishment political clique party, would give tha Lib/Lab/Con traitors a mega shock. You never know what might happen next.
It's hard to believe any thinking non-traitor could vote for these verminous scum anymore, how much more evidence do people need of what they've done to our country.