Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Haughton Green Bonfire

Now that is what I call a bonfire and according to the builders it was only half complete when I took the photo. It is due to be lit around 6.45. Let's hope it doesn't rain because a lot of time and effort has gone into building this monster.


Anonymous said...

This is not the only monster in Haughton Green
watch out for the local Councillor with the mouth of a monster.

Anonymous said...

Israel is planning to destroy hundreds of Palestinian apartments in occupied East Jerusalem in the single largest proposed demolition there since it annexed the area after the 1967 war.

The proposed demolition of structures deemed illegal in the Ras Hamis area, adjoining Shuafat refugee camp, was announced in posters put up on apartment buildings last week.

I expect Gwynne and Reynolds are celebrating
tonight and full of support for the latest Israeli Land Pirates decision.
Why not tell the Commons and your supporters how pleased you are about turfing kids and families out of their homes.

hard times said...

This must be the quietest bonfire night ever. People are obviously too skint to be spending loads on fireworks.

India, annual recipient of £300m of British taxpayers' cash, launches spacecraft to Mars said...

What happened to our space programme? Oh yes, it was scrapped and the money is now distributed as foreign aid. Come on Guy Fawkes, all is forgiven, now about our traitors

Dying Embers said...

Guy Fawkes night is falling out of favour somewhat, losing out in the popularity stakes to Halloween. Plenty of trick or treaters, but can't remember last time I saw penny for the guy or cob coaling.

Hardly surprising mind, when the native population are indoctrinated with internationalist multiculti sentiment which is at best indifferent and at worst outright hostile to native British traditions. And I very much doubt many of our new 'Britons' will gives a monkey's either about marking the anniversary of a failed 17th century attempt at insurrection in England.

That said I've no problem with Halloween. The muzzies won't exactly feel comfortable in a nation celebrating an ancient celtic pagan festival. The artistic depiction of people and animals (aniconism) is frowned upon is islam, which accounts for the distinct lack of animal / human imagery in islamic art which prefers calligraphy and geometric foliage patterns. All those grinning skulls and undead zombies decorating our high streets might leave a sour taste in the wake of Ramadan.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that this bonfire night thing as not been banned, everything else is being banned in the Country.

Gunpowder, Treason and Plot said...

Bonfire night as a a specifically British traditions such as Guy Fawkes Night are being deliberately and gradually diminished and eroded. Some of this is indeed due to the massive ongoing demographic changes, some is due to influence from above to place greater emphasis on the far more international celebration of Halloween.
Remember, when so many things point and lead in one direction it isn't an accident.

SerpentSlayer said...

Its money making, you can churn out merchandise for Halloween easier than for Fawkes night and America likes it far more, therefore they can sell it via US TV and film across the world.
Demographics does its part but the constant hard sell through the media does its bit also. What All Hallows Eve once was is now gone, gone are the offerings to ancestors or nights spent honouring them, in comes the tacky parties and slashed films.

Shocking video shows the murder of 2 Golden Dawn members said...

Sprayed first by the HK MP5 then finished off with pistol shots to the head.

Shipbuilding at Portsmouth to end after more than 500 years said...

This is absolute proof that the madness of maintaining a £13 billion international aid budget is costing British jobs and compromising our ability to fund our armed forces properly. £13 billion!! That's a third of the defence budget. If we got rid of international aid and increased the defence budget by £13 billion, we could increase the number of frigates and destroyers we have from 19 to 30, as well as bolster the RAF and army. That would save all the shipyards and the jobs. Its as straightforward and simple as that. It is ridiculous to waste £13 billion on international aid at a time like this. It is also worth noting that much of that 'aid' is wasted on India. What are India doing? Well, they are now able to afford to build 3 new aircraft carriers (1 more than Britain) and launch its own space agency which is sending a probe to Mars. Has Britain ever been able to afford to send its own probe to Mars? The answer is no. What a pathetic mess!

No God, No Guns and No Fucking Guts said...

The smartest move our masters made was to de-arm us. They foresaw the rising tide of fury.

SerpentSlayer said...

Just after the brothers wars they did it, we've been had over a barrel since. We got a cabinet full of Commie spies not long after, unemployment soaring, repression of a political movement then led into a war for international Jewry against the enemies of murderous bolshevism, loss of empire, loss of industry and swamped with foreigners, all in less than a century.
People who would rise are now to afraid, conditioned to fear authority, I'm not one of them. The few will lead the many.