Monday, 18 November 2013

Dear Dr Dow

Having read of your responsibilities concerning the health and welfare of all those living in Tameside and your role in the PCT/CCG administration. may I advise you of facts relating to Tameside Council its Councillors, and Executives, who are directly involved with you in the Tameside Shadow and Health Well-being Board whose members I have perused.

I have been monitoring the activities of TMBC for 15 years concerning the large area’s of extremely high air pollution denoted in the Tameside AQMA designated area’s which are a definite threat to the public’s health and mortality rates.

I have collated a mass of data, correspondence, and Epidemiological research information from a number of highly respected world renowned Professors involved with issuing reports which substantiate the diseases caused by PM2.5 Particulates and Nitrogen Dioxide toxins which generally result from traffic related emissions.

Please do not be misled by any attempts from Tameside officials and councillors to discredit the facts which I can totally substantiate, and have done in large Public Inquiries held in Tameside where I cross examined those who presented seriously flawed evidence and exposed their deceptive evidence.

I have considerable amounts of correspondence with Secretaries of State, Ministers and Select Committee MP`s, The Royal Commission on Air Pollution, the EEC Environmental Commissioners and a host of other organisations and individuals concerned with air pollution toxins being daily ingested by families in the UK.

At present our Group of UK scientists, and professors are determined to expose the deplorable and deliberate stifling of facts from the general public in Tameside and other locations, and that includes the Health Authorities and Directors of Public Health who I have met and confirmed their total avoidance of this serious situation.

Tameside was denoted by the DfT as being No1 in the UK league table for increased traffic volumes, it is also one of the most air polluted localities in the North which was even admitted by Tameside councillors and a local MP in a letter I located on the internet but their subsequent denials are a misguided effort to dispute this.

Tameside is No 1 in the UK for heart disease, a well established and substantiated link again with Traffic Air Pollution related diseases.

With increasing volumes of PM2.5 Particulates being constantly ingested by the citizens of Tameside the resultant serious diseases have been conclusively identified i.e. cancers, heart disease, strokes, lung cancer ,emphysema and COPD, plus neurological damage such as dementia and Alzheimer’s plus serious effects on foetus and pregnant mothers.

Kidney and Liver problems have been conclusively linked with these air pollution toxins and most concerning is the identified damage being done to children and infants.

All the facts denoted are substantiated and accepted by the WHO, the EEC and the UN reports all of which confirm the Epidemiological Research conclusions which cannot be contradicted.

The House of Commons Select Committee carried out an investigation in recent years and released information stating 50,000 annual deaths were occurring in the UK because of air pollution linked diseases, and numerous thousands requiring Hospital and GP treatment.

Councils are required to monitor air pollution and advise the electorate of which toxins and the volumes involved, and Government and EEC Directives have declared that Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) should have air pollution lowered in accordance with safety limits concerned with the Health and Welfare of all residents.

What you may not be aware, but which your TMBC colleagues and councillors certainly are is that the real time air pollution monitoring site installed by Tameside was placed away from roads, highways and motorways as well as industrial sources of pollution to establish the air pollution in a typical suburban location which would represent what 225,000 Tameside residents were daily ingesting, was installed in a field overlooking countryside with views of the Pennines and for 15 years this knowingly and deliberate disgusting deception has been carried out with the full knowledge of Tameside councillors.

Council Executives and local MP’s in order to deliberately withhold the full knowledge of real time air pollution levels in Tameside from the public which they have a legislated right to know in accordance with Human Rights Articles, Aarhus Convention Protocols, and UN Legislation including the UN Children’s Charter.

Tameside Councils refusal for 13 years to offer real time air pollution knowledge to the 47.000 people living in one large affected area close to the M67/M60/A57 interchange which in excess of 400,000 daily vehicles congregate stop and start forcing even larger amounts of pollution into peoples lungs.

Tameside Health Authorities were also made aware of this serious fraudulent action but totally ignored it, which made them also complicit along with TMBC of deception of the public and withholding vital information of the large amounts of daily toxins the Tameside Public were ingesting.

I discussed this extremely serious deception with Tony Blair as PM, however he also preferred to stifle the information I presented in a dossier giving full details.

We as the British Clean Air Foundation group of Scientists and researchers are therefore in the process of exposing this national scandal which has existed for 15 years, and we have corresponded with Professor John Ashton and Secretary of State O Patterson MP whilst continuing to update the EEC Commissioner and his Legal Staff because we believe the European Supreme Court should be now involved in actions related to Tameside Council and its local administrations, claiming deliberate deception and gross negligence relating to the health and welfare of numerous thousands of families.

You may prefer to ignore this correspondence which was the typical attitude of the previous PCT, including Dr.Chand BMA and previous Tameside and District Directors of Public Health.

Those who you are now closely deliberating with on the health and welfare of Tameside residents on your PCT/CCG new Board Administration may already be guilty of deception and gross negligence towards the Tameside electorate, and be in no doubt Dr.Dow that our facts cannot be discredited whatsoever by any person within TMBC or any health administration and we intend a robust and vigorous exposure of those involved with this deceit and deliberate deception.

Should you wish to see a photograph of the site of the Tameside Real Time Air Pollution Monitoring site chosen, please let me know.

Should you avoid responding to this correspondence then such action will indicate further complicity in negligence towards the public of Tameside.

Yours sincerely

J Hall (Tameside)
BCAF Nationwide


Anonymous said...

Hall, with all this deadly pollution you talk about why has your locality got the highest life expectancy in the borough?

Anonymous said...

I can`t imagine anyone thicker than you,its staggering to think how you get through life and even more so how an MP should chose you as his spokesperson.
Mind you our local MP has the utmost contempt for his constituents especially the children and babies who he delights in knowing their lungs are stuffed full of dangerous toxins daily.Now brain of Haughton Green read this and try your very hardest to absorb it into that gap between your ears.
Latest Lancet Report November 2013
We are what we breathe; air pollution a carcinogen
Last month, scientists from around the world issued a report about air pollution, classifying it as a carcinogen. After looking at scores of studies relating air particles to disease outcomes, WHO researchers found that the evidence for a cancer link was overwhelming. Their conclusions were underscored by a case report of an 8-year-old in China — the most heavily polluted country in the world — who developed lung cancer.
A second report from Lancet — a leading British medical journal — linked air pollution to increased rates of low birth weight infants. Their data indicated that more than 20 percent of cases of fetal growth retardation could be prevented by improving air quality in European cities.
Over the last decades, most Americans have come to realize that we control our health, to a great degree, by the choices we make regarding diet, exercise and habits. We don’t have a lot of control over our genetic predispositions for diseases, though knowledge about how our genes interact with the environment is expanding rapidly.
As individuals, we also have little control over what we breathe. Clean air is a public policy issue — with health concerns balanced against cost. Strengthening the federal Clean Air Act is our best protection against dangerous air pollution; states can’t do it alone. Citizens need to know that the health risks of air pollution are real, and support measures that reduce its impact. “You are what you eat” is an old adage — new data add that you also “are what you breathe.”
And you call yourself a female human ????????

Anonymous said...

I can`t imagine anyone thicker than you,its staggering to think how you get through life and even more so how an MP should chose you as his spokesperson.
Mind you our local MP has the utmost contempt for his constituents especially the children and babies who he delights in knowing their lungs are stuffed full of dangerous toxins daily.Now brain of Haughton Green read this and try your very hardest to absorb it into that gap between your ears.
Latest Lancet Report November 2013
We are what we breathe; air pollution a carcinogen
Last month, scientists from around the world issued a report about air pollution, classifying it as a carcinogen. After looking at scores of studies relating air particles to disease outcomes, WHO researchers found that the evidence for a cancer link was overwhelming. Their conclusions were underscored by a case report of an 8-year-old in China — the most heavily polluted country in the world — who developed lung cancer.
A second report from Lancet — a leading British medical journal — linked air pollution to increased rates of low birth weight infants. Their data indicated that more than 20 percent of cases of fetal growth retardation could be prevented by improving air quality in European cities.
Over the last decades, most Americans have come to realize that we control our health, to a great degree, by the choices we make regarding diet, exercise and habits. We don’t have a lot of control over our genetic predispositions for diseases, though knowledge about how our genes interact with the environment is expanding rapidly.
As individuals, we also have little control over what we breathe. Clean air is a public policy issue — with health concerns balanced against cost. Strengthening the federal Clean Air Act is our best protection against dangerous air pollution; states can’t do it alone. Citizens need to know that the health risks of air pollution are real, and support measures that reduce its impact. “You are what you eat” is an old adage — new data add that you also “are what you breathe.”
And you call yourself a female human ????????

Anonymous said...

I can`t imagine anyone thicker than you,its staggering to think how you get through life and even more so how an MP should chose you as his spokesperson.
Mind you our local MP has the utmost contempt for his constituents especially the children and babies who he delights in knowing their lungs are stuffed full of dangerous toxins daily.Now brain of Haughton Green read this and try your very hardest to absorb it into that gap between your ears.
Latest Lancet Report November 2013
We are what we breathe; air pollution a carcinogen
Last month, scientists from around the world issued a report about air pollution, classifying it as a carcinogen. After looking at scores of studies relating air particles to disease outcomes, WHO researchers found that the evidence for a cancer link was overwhelming. Their conclusions were underscored by a case report of an 8-year-old in China — the most heavily polluted country in the world — who developed lung cancer.
A second report from Lancet — a leading British medical journal — linked air pollution to increased rates of low birth weight infants. Their data indicated that more than 20 percent of cases of fetal growth retardation could be prevented by improving air quality in European cities.
Over the last decades, most Americans have come to realize that we control our health, to a great degree, by the choices we make regarding diet, exercise and habits. We don’t have a lot of control over our genetic predispositions for diseases, though knowledge about how our genes interact with the environment is expanding rapidly.
As individuals, we also have little control over what we breathe. Clean air is a public policy issue — with health concerns balanced against cost. Strengthening the federal Clean Air Act is our best protection against dangerous air pollution; states can’t do it alone. Citizens need to know that the health risks of air pollution are real, and support measures that reduce its impact. “You are what you eat” is an old adage — new data add that you also “are what you breathe.”

So to make it easier for you to learn if you can
Air Pollution = Cancer
And you call yourself a female human ????????

Anonymous said...

Any chance of a more concise article. I figured after the first few lines that it was Hall on another long winded explanation of pollution. No doubt the same rant that has already been aired too many times on here. I didn't get past the 2nd paragraph before I knew who wrote it.

Pollution is a problem so what. People live too long anyway who wants to be senile and wet the bed in an old folks home. Lets see if people are willing to change their lifestyles to reduce pollution. Somehow doubt it. Most people accept pollution as a byproduct of enjoying a few privileges.

Alf Garnett said...


Anonymous said...

Hall falsely states that 220,000 people (ie - the entire population of Tameside) are all affected equally by air pollution, yet oddly he also states that pollution drops substantially when monitoring is conducted at sites within the borough situated away from traffic hot spots.

Much of Tameside's population does not reside beside busy roads. Therefore, if traffic is a major factor in Tameside's heart disease epidemic, one would expect to see variance within the borough related to people's proximity to traffic at home and / or work. I'm not aware that Hall or anyone else has yet provided any such evidence.

What there is good evidence of is Tameside's poor record on obesity, smoking and exercise. You only need observe many of our locals to see that much of the borough's poor health trends are largely self inflicted. Yet Hall chooses NEVER to discuss these factors, preferring instead to take us on a guided tour of his pseudo-science and amateur eco toxicology adventures.

Instead of going all around the houses and through the woods on dubious issues such as traffic pollution, he'd be well advised to simply spend a bit more time observing his fellow man and his habits rather than behaving like some Green warrior out to save humanity from evil politicians.

Incidentally, we all know what really underpins his ranting. His on-going obsession with road building schemes in other people's towns which should be of little or no concern to him.

jifla said...

Hall no good banging on about the states effort to do good they won't ratify kyoto.

Anonymous said...

Anon said
Pollution is a problem so what. People live too long anyway.
Refers TO ALL OF YOU with Cancers,Lung Diseases,Alzheimers,Heart Diseases and Childrens Diseases.Strokes,and Autism plus many more
Amazing how our elected idiots expect respect when they utter vile trash.
So people are dying including children with Cancers and all the other Diseases caused by air pollution,and this ANON TAMESIDE POLITICIAN states SO WHAT,THEY LIVE TOO LONG ANYWAY.
And you want to Vote LABOUR again when these
vile human trash laugh at your Cancers and Diseases causing you distress.
Such obscene comments are allowed by TMBC completely who support these types,besides these people are allowed on Health and Welfare Panels and Boards.
You are voting for the very lowest of the low
who are walking the streets of Tameside and its supporting Tameside Advertiser which tells you also everything you need to know about Tameside.

Order must be imposed and maintained said...

The root of the problem is the massive and exponentially growing population of the UK, especially England. Cars for example are a good thing, there are just too many, which is caused by too many people. As is keeping your house warm, but if too many people are using too much fuel it creates problems.
If the population of the UK was a strictly controlled 15 million, with euthanasia and strict birth licencing, none of these problems would exist.

Anonymous said...

Anon said
Hall falsely states that 220,000 people (ie - the entire population of Tameside) are all affected equally by air pollution, yet oddly he also states that pollution drops substantially when monitoring is conducted at sites within the borough situated away from traffic hot spots.

This indicates there are more ignorant of the facts
mouthpieces in Tameside.
These worthless and total incorrect words are but more feeble and ignorant lack of facts spouted.
Suggest you learn the subject not spout total
deliberately misleading rubbish.

Why not declare yourself and climb out from under the TMBC gang of idiots.

Anonymous said...

The problem with Hall is that he never presents solid facts. Hall relies on internet gossip as his primary source of information and when he's asked to present solid facts such as high left expectancy rates in his imaginary pollution hot spots he cannot answer and then resorts to ranting and abuse.

Anonymous said...

Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board
Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 March 2013
Coat of ArmsPresent:
Councillor Lynn Travis (Chair) – Tameside MBC
Councillor Kieran Quinn – Tameside MBC
Councillor Brenda Warrington – Tameside MBC
Steve Allinson – Tameside and Glossop PCT
Debbie Bishop – Tameside MBC
Steph Butterworth – Tameside MBC
Alan Dow – Tameside and Glossop PCT
Jane Forrest – Tameside MBC
Martin Garnett – Tameside MBC
Christine Green – Tameside Hospital Trust
Dr Tina Greenhough – Tameside and Glossop PCT
Angela Hardman – Tameside MBC
Warren Heppolette – NHS England
Nikki Leach – Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
Tony Okotie - CVAT
Robin Monk – Tameside MBC
Tony Powell – New Charter
Steven Pleasant – Tameside MBC
Nicola Spragg – GM Police
Richard Spearing - Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
Clare Watson – Tameside and Glossop PCT

Brenda Warrington should escort all these named individuals to Tameside`s
Real Time Air Pollution Monitoring Site in a field
facing wide open countryside up Two Tree`s Lane Denton so that TMBC could deliberately deceive
225,000 Tamesider`s as to the reality Air Pollution Toxins they are ingesting which causes Deaths and Diseases in Tameside.
This disgusting and deplorable "fraud" by TMBC
has been for 15 years deliberately carried out which should be considered a criminal act by depriving Tameside people of their legislated right to know the reality air pollution toxins and the levels they are ingesting.
Its an absolute deliberate scandal and even Dr Chand
the overall Chair of this TMBC Board was informed of this duplicity.
For 15 years this vile act
has been carried out and we now find out Air Pollution=Cancer as the worlds top scientists now state.
What all these Board Members know about Air Pollution FACTS should make you fear for your
families lives.
You are being deliberately conned by this setup quango and read the World Health Organisation Facts
already shown on TC.
Check out all the details this dubious report and observe any references to Air Pollution the Diseases and Deaths being caused.
or perhaps Dr Chand could tell us all, being Chairman
of this quango which backs this fraud by TMBC.
What`s Christine Green doing on this quango,surely that`s an insult considering the deaths in Tameside,and how much does the Ex Post Worker Council Leader know about Tameside Air Pollution.Its simply disgusting how this cosy cartel operates.

Anonymous said...

Tameside Health and Wellbeing Board
Councillor Kieran Quinn (Chair) – Tameside MBC
Councillor Allison Gwynne – Tameside MBC
Councillor Lynn Travis – Tameside MBC
Councillor Brenda Warrington – Tameside MBC
Stephanie Butterworth – Tameside MBC
Christine Green – Tameside Hospital NHS Trust
Tina Greenhaugh – Clinical Commissioning Group
Tony Griffin – Tameside MBC
Judith Grigg – Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
Angela Hardman – Tameside MBC
Warren Heppolette – NHS Commissioning Board
Margo Kane – NHS Health Education
Laura Middleton (for Tony Powell) – Supportive Communities Board
Robin Monk – Tameside MBC
Tony Okotie – Healthwatch
Steven Pleasant – Tameside MBC
Nicola Spragg – Greater Manchester Police
Clare Watson – Clinical Commissioning Group
In Attendance:
Jane Forrest – Tameside MBC
Martin Garnett – Tameside MBC
Ben Jay – Tameside MBC
Helen Sunderland – Ernst and Young
Apologies for Absence:
Steve Allinson – Clinical Commissioning Group
Alan Dow – Clinical Commissioning Group
Martin Roe – Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust

Anonymous said...

One of the Health and Well Being Board says

The problem with Hall is that he never presents solid facts. Hall relies on internet gossip as his primary source of information and when he's asked to present solid facts such as high left expectancy rates in his imaginary pollution hot spots he cannot answer and then resorts to ranting and abuse.

This above depicts a board members trash coming out of TMBC and obviously backed by the TMBC Board
allowing this disgusting and vile lie.

Anonymous said...

Your Lives In Their Hands

Tameside Health and Wellbeing Board
Councillor Kieran Quinn (Chair) – Tameside MBC
Councillor Allison Gwynne – Tameside MBC
Councillor Lynn Travis – Tameside MBC
Councillor Brenda Warrington – Tameside MBC
Stephanie Butterworth – Tameside MBC
Christine Green – Tameside Hospital NHS Trust
Tina Greenhaugh – Clinical Commissioning Group
Tony Griffin – Tameside MBC
Judith Grigg – Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
Angela Hardman – Tameside MBC
Warren Heppolette – NHS Commissioning Board
Margo Kane – NHS Health Education
Laura Middleton (for Tony Powell) – Supportive Communities Board
Robin Monk – Tameside MBC
Tony Okotie – Healthwatch
Steven Pleasant – Tameside MBC
Nicola Spragg – Greater Manchester Police
Clare Watson – Clinical Commissioning Group
In Attendance:
Jane Forrest – Tameside MBC
Martin Garnett – Tameside MBC
Ben Jay – Tameside MBC
Helen Sunderland – Ernst and Young
Apologies for Absence:
Steve Allinson – Clinical Commissioning Group
Alan Dow – Clinical Commissioning Group
Martin Roe – Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust

appreciative resident said...

Thank you J Hall for your tireless campaigning and for bringing this vital information to our attention.

Anonymous said...

Whoever criticised Mr.Hall with this attack is a liar eg
Much of Tameside's population does not reside beside busy roads. Therefore, if traffic is a major factor in Tameside's heart disease epidemic, one would expect to see variance within the borough related to people's proximity to traffic at home and / or work.
I also have read the manner in which pollution spreads by going on the internet and people who live within 800 metres of busy roads there health is in danger from pollution.
such lies from those with no knowledge are enemies of tameside families and i find they will jump on anyone who tells the truth
and with two under 5`s i need to know why the Council has no conscience.
New Dentonian

Anonymous said...

He still cannot explain that despite the imaginary pollution crises people in his locality have the best life expectancy in the borough and therefore everything else he waffles about can be ignored.

Deep Clean Required said...

Because there are a large number of other factors at play including wealth, age, lifestyle, diet, time spent at home etc etc.
The FACT is, and there is a mountain of corroborative evidence to prove it, is that pollution plays a major part in a wide range of health problems.
Well done Mr Hall and never surrender to the mainstream, traitorous, self-seeking political dross running our borough and nation.
Let's hope they ALL get the thorough democratic kicking they deserve come election time.

Green and Pleasant said...

Went for a walk on Tintwistle Moor/Arnfield area today. Beautiful moorland and a glorious, quiet valley right next to a highly populated area.
A genuine and important asset for us all.
Hard to believe the entire area could be destroyed by the atrocity of a massive bypass if the shortsighted, selfish despoilers and lunatics get their way.

Anonymous said...

May I just address those Tameside folk who can see through the murky tactics of TMBC
My grateful thanks to those
expressing support for the truth I offer,and regardless of the bullying tactics used by TMBC Councillors,they have chosen the wrong bloke to offend because the more they lie the more effort I give to exposing the truth to the many decent folk and families in Tameside.
My total and devoted objective over 15 years was and will remain so is
that exposing the the most despicable antics perpetrated on all Tameside families that of hiding the pollution monitoring equipment in a open field because they are terrified of the huge air pollution which daily remains over large Tameside area`s which were designated Air Quality Management locations where Councils were told by Government to reduce the pollution causes which they have certainly contributed too,because the levels of extremely dangerous PM2.5 Particulates and Nitrogen Dioxides far exceed the safe required levels,and TMBC have totally ignored
this for 15 years and decided to continue deliberately perpetrating a serious fraud so as to
report air pollution which is totally fictitious because it monitors unbelievably extremely limited pollution stuck in an open field with stretching long countryside views to the Pennines.
This disgusting decision known to all Tameside Councillors must rate as the biggest show of contempt for Tameside families ever carried out during the history of TMBC.
Just to expose the TOTAL LIES put on this Blog Site
these EXACT following words I located in a correspondence from Councillors Brenda Warrington,Councillor Smith and Councillor D.Lane with the backing of Andrew Gwynne to a linked Local Government organisation.
I Quote the EXACT words sent by these 3 Denton Councillors and the Gwynne MP

These are words from these 4 lying local politicians who now accuse me of lying
So here are 5 Comments Posted on TC regarding this subject in recent days by the same blatant lying Councillors and MP
who wrote the words above "the most congested and polluted in the North West"
These imposters are not fit for any role within TMBC or House of Commons
because they are habitual liars and will lie through their back teeth to put anyone down who proves the truth.
However for a Denton Councillor acting on behalf of TMBC to state yesterday on TC,
"Pollution is a problem so what. People live too long anyway who wants to be senile and wet the bed in an old folks home".
These must be rated amongst the most callous and contemptuous words ever stated by a local Councillor.
So to all Tameside Councillors, those who are dying and suffering diseases such as Cancers.Heart Problems,Lung Diseases,Alzheimers/
Dementia,Strokes,and damage to innocent kids and Fetus should remember these words PollUTION IS A PROBLEM,SO WHAT.
Nice to know the TMBC politicians thoughts as you struggle to contend with family members suffering in Hospitals,Hospices and Bedrooms
The decent folk in Tameside deserve much much better individuals administrating your lives
than the bunch of vile cretins who lie and deceive deliberately

Anonymous said...

Add Dr K Chand to the list of health imposters.

Anonymous said...

@New Dentonian

And your point is??

That no busy road in the world should have residential properties?

And if you actually read what my point was.... I was actually addressing Hall's crazy suggestion that all 200k of Tameside's population were affected by pollution overdose.

Anonymous said...

I am no fan of the local labour council but I find Halls accusations that TMBC is trying to kill us all with pollution way over the top.

I don't think anyone with half a brain would deny that pollution is bad for humans (and wildlife). If you want to stop pollution then lets have a realistic solution that can work in modern day Tameside. I don't think you will find one without upsetting a lot of folk.

Anonymous said...

You've got them rattled Mr Hall, Brenda's got your picture on her wall next to her bed.

Siege Committee said...

We residents need a solution to the pollution that is destroying the quality of life in our village and that solution is a bypass. Sign our petition now and demand a bypass.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I find Halls accusations that TMBC is trying to kill us all with pollution way over the top.
We residents need a solution to the pollution that is destroying the quality of life in our village
I was actually addressing Hall's crazy suggestion that all 200k of Tameside's population were affected by pollution overdose.

Firstly attacking someone else with downright lies as this Anon concerning a "crazy suggestion" refers to indicates the extent to which Anons will lie on behalf of TMBC in their barricades.
The 220,000 plus do not all have the same amounts of pollution and that was never stated,the deception of false monitoring was carried out by TMBC "to" 220,000 Tamesider`s you muppet.Don`t embarrass yourself further.
As for the first (another anon)trying to kill us is way over the top.
How many times before the penny drops in some heads.
with far in excess of 400,000 daily vehicles pumping out clouds of dangerous toxins which you obviously no nothing about what they cause,and an area a DESIGNATED AQMA LOCATION WELL ABOVE SAFETY LIMITS, WHERE AT LEAST 47,000 LIVE is yet another Anon glib comment without
researching all the facts.
As for the Seige comment item two that they want a Bypass pity all your Public Inquiry evidence presented by the Department of Transport,Highways Agency and TMBC to back your campaign was yet again full of deceptions,untruths and unfit for purpose as the
PI Inspector declared after giving you 6 seperate attempts to
too provide factual evidence.
Hardly anyone lives on Mottram More few in Hollingworth and a couple of thousand in Tintwistle
in all Longendale has approx 9,000 in a open countryside environment where any suggested pollution simply disperses quickly.
So yet another muppet wanting us along the Hyde,Denton,route to the M60 to have 40,000 plus MORE HGV`s/Vans/Cars shoved on top of the present 400,000 we get already an area as Gwynne and his sycophants state the most congested and polluted interchange area in the NORTH WEST.
So more than 47,000 at least with Hude probably 60,000 plus people having 450,000 at least trundling from where 23 lanes arrive
from the M60/M667/A57 directions.
So WE HAVE EVERY REASON TO STOP YOUR BYPASS (excepting A.Gwynne and TMBC Councillors) because YOU want us to have even more toxins stuffed into the men,women,children and infants in the Hyde,Denton,Audenshaw Districts.
You had your chance by turning up at a Public Inquiry with seriously flawed and deceptive evidence which fell apart as unfit for purpose.
So that was another deliberate deception which cost over £25 million,with TMBC residents paying part of JUST FOR THE HUGE "PREPARATION OF" a load of manipulative crap which was exposed.
All these Anons are unbelievably out of touch with reality and I can prove every comment I make,so do me a favour and learn ALL THE SUBSTANTIATED FACTS THAT AIR POLLUTION = CANCER AND A LARGE NUMBER OF OTHER SERIOUS DISEASES,which the politicians ??? suggest you ignore.
NO WAY ANONS,I want children,infants, babies, and fetus to have their right not to have THEIR LUNGS STUFFED FULL OF EXTREMELY SERIOUS TOXINS.
Just something else to dwell on In Cities and Town where traffic congestion is regular children in such locations are smoking the equivalent
of 20 to 30 cigarettes per day.
Well fancy that because the infamous Councillor Brenda Warrington was a National Union Leader in not restricting smokers activities for which she was paid but didn`t disclose on House of the Andrew Gwynne`s House of Commons Registers on top of keeping quiet on those registers that she was actually a well paid Councillor in Tameside.
Pleas either drop the ANON
or lies and tell the public the FACTS.

Anonymous said...

@ Siege Committee, good idea. Widen and redesign the existing road and where necessary bulldoze the houses down one side, remove all unnecessary obstructions and above all prioritise traffic FLOW at peak times. Not nice for those affected, who should be properly compensated, but infinitely better than the mass scale destruction of YET MORE of our precious local countryside. A road widening scheme would also be vastly cheaper than the truly mammoth bypass (this would be a MAJOR engineering project) required.
Unfortunately we live in a borough increasingly peopled by the inferior, the self-interested and the apathetic, allowing elected mediocrities, incompetents and inadequates to reign. Their solution to every traffic problem is: Destroy and hamper the flow, with artificial obstructions such as speed bumps, chicanes, false kerbs protruding into the road, evermore unnecessary and/or 24/7 traffic lights etc.
This of course solves nothing and in virtually every case makes the problems of delay, obstruction, anger, frustration, economic damage and pollution WORSE.

David Priest said...

Mr Hall, like Mr West, Mr Simmons, the former BNP group and the tiny number of others who have stood, and in some cases genuinely intimidated, the existing Labour clique are not perfect but at least they STAND UP TO BE COUNTED.
Well done to all.

Anonymous said...

jeez give me strength Hall. You seem to be confusing several anon posters with myself. Not that I care. I only post on here anon for one reason thats not to hide from you. I am nothing to do with TMBC nor care what their cause is. Your argument looses sense in many ways. Yet maybe somewhere along the lines you make a decent valid point that I would agree with. You are arguing against a point that has become a fact of life and too many people are willing to live with it the alternatives a no better.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 19:23, Apathetic, ignorant defeatism of the worst order which is music to the ears of the corrupt, stagnant clique destroying our borough.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

YAWN, Translation: I have no contribution or counter argument to make so use flip, meaningless posts as a substitute.