Saturday, 9 March 2013

A modern tale by Denton community campaigner Carl Simmons

People were being terrorised by (Tory) sharks and everyone was afraid
to go into the water. A Security firm (Labour) came to the people and
said "if you will only employ us, we will protect you from the

So the people employed Labour to guard the beaches.

But over the next few years miners, textile workers, dockers and many
others all fell victims to the Tory Sharks.

Yet Labour said "if you keep us employed, we will protect you from the sharks?"

And once more, the people employed Labour to guard the beaches.

But over the next few years railway workers, trades unionists, people
in social housing and those on the benefits system all fell victims to
the Tory sharks.

Yet Labour still said "if you keep us employed, we will protect you
from the sharks?"

And once more, the people employed Labour to guard the beaches.

But then over the next few years the Libraries, Community Centres,
Recreation facilities and other public services all fell victims to
the Tory Sharks.

Finally, a few angry people turned on Labour and complained "you
assured us that if we kept employing you then we would be protected
from the sharks!"

And Labour responded: "But if we actually did save you from the Tory
Sharks, then you would no longer have need of us........... and WE


Dentonian said...

Carl Simmons is a good bloke. He fought really hard to save Haughton Green library.

What is this about? said...


There are none so blind... said...

Don't forget a whopping 29,000 (67.7% of the turnout) STILL voted main party at the Eastleigh by-election last week.
It's incredible, given the destruction wrought on Britain by these gangs of traitors, lunatics and incompetents, that they can even muster ONE vote between them.
How long will it be before the British wake up and see the truth.

fake democracy said...

Good point and as Mr Simmons says their jobs and financial wellbeing come ahead of the needs of their constituents or the national interest. The whole system is wrong and needs to be overhauled.

Ohhh...Dee camptown ractrack nine miles long... said...

@ 09:22, Hey that dancing's really good. Dey got platform soul, man.