To ask Her Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to encourage greater participation in sport by women of Bangladeshi origin.[HL3473]
In addition, Sporting Equals, one of Sport England's national partners, supports NGBs to attract and engage black and minority ethnic (BME) communities to participate in sport. This support is essentially in the form of the provision of insight and resources to engage members of the BME community, such as Bangladeshi women. Sporting Equals also conducts marketing support activity for NGBs, which impact Bangladeshi women, for example supporting British Cycling's "Breeze" programmes to south Asian women with a focus on Muslim women and girls. Hansard
This of course has nothing to do with Labour currying favour with the enormous Bangladeshi community in Hyde.
Very similarto the BBC's chronic over reporting on rubbish like women's rugby. Virtually no viewers want to watch woefully inferior sport so why broadcast it? Pure gender bias is the answer and the pursuance of 'an agenda', in this case the warped and subversive dogma of feminism which of course does not promote equality of opportunity (i.e. true equality), but instead tries to masculinise women and defy the law of nature.
Feminists don't want equality of opportunity, they want things rigged to their advantage.
English money squandered on baubles to entertain foreigners.
How's about giving the money to sports clubs for the dispossessed English men and women, discriminated against for employment, abandoned by the Labour Party and left to struggle by.
I know plenty of people, especially young people who have very little to do. They either spend all their time trying to find work and look after their children, or they work all day for little money and when they get free time, all that there is left for them to do is watch god-awful television or get drunk.
This obvious waste of money enrages me, I'm sure 95% of Tameside and of the country itself, could not care less about Asian women not wanting to take up sports and would be outraged to see any public money spent on anything like this. It's bad enough we have to listen to the whinging of wealthy liberals.
The English working class have been left to rot, it's about time we had organisations to represent us.
The sex offender was jailed for having sex with an animal after being trapped by DNA evidence – after his underpants and socks were found at the scene.
"Currying" favour? Ouch! Pun intended?
Speaking of local Labour Lords you don't hear much from Lord Sheldon these days do you.
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