Conflict over centuries created Britain. From the Roman invasion, to the blood soaked fields of the Middle Ages, the Wars of the Roses, the Armada, the English Civil War, the Napoleonic wars, on through battles to win and hold the Empire, two world wars, Northern Ireland and the Falklands. Millions have died to build a nation and its identity, history, customs, culture and heritage. Now, the manipulators without, and the cowards, traitors and enemies within are trying to destroy our land. They are sucking us into foreign wars that are no business of ours, for their own purposes, whilst flooding us with hostile, backward aliens from the Third World. If we have enough of our ancient fighing spirit we will prevail, if not we will perish as a people.
Dear Northern Voices. As you know, I stood Independent in the last elections for Dukinfield on a platform of Cllrs loot. Did you know that the police knocked on doors on Victoria street asking to see my leaflets.? Then the police stopped me asking to read one.
Old white Britannia cannot and will not be saved from its inevitable islamic / mulatto future. It's high time racially concious whites ditched their old nationalistic sentiments and embraced a more broad based white European identity, one that envisages future white survival arising in overseas lands following a period of inevitable turmoil and disintegration over the next several decades.
Anyone who seriously believes the many millions of muslims / Africans etc will one day be repatriated to their ethnic homelands in the third world is even more divorced from reality than the left. For the love of god, wake up and smell the coffee - it is over!! Our young women jump into bed with black men given half the chance, our young men worship the ground black footballers and 'musicians' walk on, our old folk mollycoddle black kids in the street and are all smiles and lovey-dovey with their parents.
Far from being complacent about their own destruction, they actively participate in it. Adolf must be laughing his socks off at those who thought (and still think!) they were the ultimate victors. Whatever wrongs the Germans committed (and admittedly there were many), they have subsequently been abrogated by the utter destruction and defilement of our continent by those who still believe that right is 100% on their side.
Nature and fate is sorting the wheat from the chaf. Sub sections of the white race who once idenitifed themselves on the basis of nations will disappear, and they will do so only because they deserved to - greedy self serving politicians and the naive short sighted masses. Those of us with eyes to see noticed the writing on the wall a good while back. The yellow man of China / Japan will be the main carrier of human civilisation over the coming centuries. The task of the remainder of the white race who grouped together and survived will be to deal with them on the best terms possible, whilst defending themselves from the mongrel islamic hordes of nuEurope / central Asia and Africa.
For new white homelands, potential may lie in parts of central northern and eastern Europe, regions of north America and perhaps Australia and SA. The last place to look though is multicultural negrophilic mosque accomodating anti-racist Britain. Our example may prove to be a useful example which hastens the process of white survival elsewhere.
well done roy ? you show jush how thick you are yet again . The royal british legion poppy appeal this year is in support of the injured wounded and bereaved of Afghanistan and like a spud you support illegal wars ? what has the poppy got to do with Afghanistan first of all ? unless your on about opium crop . The soldiers of to day are no better than mercenaries occupying another country igeally and with this any one killed has been murdered ? I will have no sorrow for any of ours killed in these illegal wars but my heart doz go out to all they have killed over there ? So roy i find your dribble offentive to the memory of my hero granddad who the poppy was meant. Hes buried in dukinfield cemertary he did is job by defending his country and not attacking for it
Our queen is a freeloading anti-white traitor for whom 'england' is a meaningless concept beyond the mansions castles and manor houses of her family and aristocratic upper class friends. It would make no difference to her if our towns and cities were lost to alien peoples so long as her privilege and status remained intact. God save the queen just makes me wince.
It's about time we English had our own King again, before Guillaume de Batard took the crown of our last true King, we had a "King of the English" (likewise before the usurpers William and Mary the Scots had "King of the Scots")
Now we have a "Queen of the United (sic) Kingdom" and maybe shortly a "King of the United Kingdom" in that blundering jug-eared ponce Charles. Perhaps it is time both we English and the Scots found our own King, a real leader who cares for his people. Simply having a Patriotic leader is not enough, a state without a strong Monarch is nothing.
Dear Northern Voices. I called up the police to complain about my neighbour Taking pictures of me in the garden. And that their CCTV cameras are recording us in our garden. The police said what do you want us to do about it. Then my neighbour calls up the police to say I'm filming him wash his car. Two police officers come round and arrest me and lock me up for it.
I have a video to post later which will show the deputy leader of the Council, laughing and joking with his Mafia friends when people are Placing the wreath. It will show you how much respect they have for the fallen.
@ Covington 2064, The bitter, despairing, writing off of thousands of years of sacrifice, heroism and shed blood and advocating giving up, and giving up our nation, is exactly what the manipulators outside and barbarians inside want. If you propose the Chinese and Japanese as nation role models of the future you cannot accuse patriotic Brits of clinging on to 'nationalist sentiments'. The finest of British history, achievements and values are something to be immensely proud of. It may end in White enclaves in 2064 or even White annihilation, but we're in 2012 and at the moment Britain as a recognisable entity still exists and as such can draw on its deep and mighty roots, endure and prevail. Never give up.
This years offering of poppy burning filth is from a group of white liberal marxists that as far as I can see look to be paving the way for their mudfilth friends to have a "get-out-of-jail-free card"....
The double standard of the "twitter intelligentsia" is utterly nauseating, they are beside themselves with liberal outrage at Koran burning or someone making a politically incorrect remark and here they are defending someone's "right" to deface a symbol of rememberance on a very important day.
What I like is the fact that these liberal idiots are always so sure of why it was that the two world wars were fought, for them to do as they like of course and for people who disagree with them to be denied a voice! They are the most ignorant, pampered and hypocritical people who have ever lived. I cannot wait until they are mugged by reality, the look on their faces when it happens is absolutely priceless.
Obama's re-election is furthering resentment and disenchantment amongst many Americans, and the call for secession is growing louder. Citizens of at least 18 states (led by Louisiana) have petitioned the White House, requesting a peaceful withdrawal from the US.
Louisiana's petition reads.... " When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
The Texas petition reads.... " The US continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government’s neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending. The citizens of the US suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, theTSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect it’s citizens’ standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government."
The numbers (so far) calling for secession may be small, but the reality is that the USA could at some point this century turn into a failed state. The Republicans are licking their wounds after being clobbered by the new latino vote (70% for Obama), and are now reconsidering their stance on such issues as immigration as a means of wooing their new 'americans'.
Such is the farce of liberal democracy - a form of gerrymandering via mass immigration. The neo-marxist liberal left have long understood that you need not change the ideology of the people, you can instead literally change the people and thus destroy the traditional bonds and sentiments that have held them together (hence 'multiculturalism' etc). Hopefully the USA will eventually fall to pieces, and out of the wreckage will rise some new and lasting remnants of the old America which tamed an entire continent and put a man on the moon. Any such break-up would only bolster similar calls in the Europe of the late 21st century. Maps have always changed throughout history, and new nations need to be born and others allowed to self-destruct.
Despite his former connections with the vile and odious BNP, I do find something rather endearing about Roy West. He reminds me of those indefatigable characters R.P. McMurphy in the film 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' or 'Cool Hand Luke', both of whom, refused to submit to the system. Despite his own trials and tribulations, he will not be silenced. But beware Roy, politics is a dirty business and you know what happended to McMuphy for challenging authority, nurse Ratched had him lobotomized and turned into a vegetable.
Nigel, you really are pushing your luck. The twitter stalking and the rest of your antics are the sign of a very sick and disturbed individual. Do not force me into taking pre-emptive action.
During the April Court case my neighbour started his hearsay evidence against me, by saying: The CPS asked him "What's it been like for you" My neighbour "It's been a nightmare, when he first moved in he just started planting." CPS "Planting" My neighbour "planting plants I've never seen so many plants in one garden before." shaking his head as he said it.
I'm sorry that my plants have caused so much distress.
My neighbours double standards and playing games with our lives, is truly outstanding to watch. They hand over a dvd recording filmed from their house CCTV, which they say shows me filming a person wash his car. Yet, their film footage shows that they are filming our front garden, front gate, pathway. So they've got me locked up for doing what they're doing to us. (filming us) but not just on that day they've been filming us for over a year. Filming visitors, members of my family, filming our grandchild in the front garden playing. All that time we have been the victims of secret filming from our neighbours house CCTV
we need a big nationalist demo outside you know whose house EDL, BNP,BRITAIN FIRST, NF all of us and let show this country just how many nationalist there are.?
No Platform For Publicity Hungry Hypocrites
That's a good idea but it would backfire as he is a publicity whore and it would just give him the opportunity to get his grinning mug onto the front page of the local paper. He loves publicity and it would play into his hands. Remember the Redwatch saga and how he milked that for everything it was worth?
our country don't want him? FULLSTOP! and another country does? So being a bit of a business man i would trade him and let europe take it up with them.
What's the differnce and how does it affect you? Do you believe in the Union or English independance? Can non-white people be classed as English or are they British, or maybe United Kingdom passport holders?
The Acts of Union were two Acts of Parliament: the Union with Scotland Act 1706 passed by the Parliament of England, and the Union with England Act passed in 1707 by the Parliament of Scotland. They put into effect the terms of the Treaty of Union that had been agreed on 22 July 1706, following negotiation between commissioners representing the parliaments of the two countries. The Acts joined the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland (previously separate states, with separate legislatures but with the same monarch) into a single, united kingdom named "Great Britain".
Tory MP Kris Hopkins has sparked a row in the Commons by claiming gangs of Muslim men are raping white "kids". The Keighley MP claimed police had felt they needed "permission" to go after abusers due to "political correctness". He said MPs should not avoid talking about the issue or the BNP and others will hijack it.
But Labour MP Yasmin Qureshi warned about "playing into the hands" of far right groups with such accusations. The Bolton South East MP said senior police officers and judges involved in cases of abuse had said race did not play a part. She said the fact that the victims of abuse were white - in the cases Mr Hopkins was referring to - was "coincidental not deliberate".
Just been down Ashton, it should be twinned with Sh**sville Kentucky. Chavs, braindead loudmouths and shuffling scrotes everywhere. It used to be a decent town only a few years ago. Such are the 'benefits' of Socialism.
Nothing compared to the decline of Droylsden. In the 60s the place had all kinds of shops, shoes, clothes, grocers whatever you need. Now all we have our discount shops, pound shops and pawnbrokers.
My God Roy, what have they done to you? When did you get out? Tell us of what it was like on the inside.
@10/11/2012 19:35 your not beardist are you.?
Well said Roy, bone to pick though, you advised me to shave off my facial hair when I tried to grow some!
Conflict over centuries created Britain. From the Roman invasion, to the blood soaked fields of the Middle Ages, the Wars of the Roses, the Armada, the English Civil War, the Napoleonic wars, on through battles to win and hold the Empire, two world wars, Northern Ireland and the Falklands.
Millions have died to build a nation and its identity, history, customs, culture and heritage. Now, the manipulators without, and the cowards, traitors and enemies within are trying to destroy our land. They are sucking us into foreign wars that are no business of ours, for their own purposes, whilst flooding us with hostile, backward aliens from the Third World.
If we have enough of our ancient fighing spirit we will prevail, if not we will perish as a people.
Cat Faeces just as bad when you've got children playing in the garden.
SerpentSlayer It's what you were growing young man.
Dear Northern Voices.
As you know, I stood Independent in the last elections for Dukinfield on a platform of Cllrs loot.
Did you know that the police knocked on doors on Victoria street asking to see my leaflets.?
Then the police stopped me asking to read one.
Spotted three West's on it.
Old white Britannia cannot and will not be saved from its inevitable islamic / mulatto future. It's high time racially concious whites ditched their old nationalistic sentiments and embraced a more broad based white European identity, one that envisages future white survival arising in overseas lands following a period of inevitable turmoil and disintegration over the next several decades.
Anyone who seriously believes the many millions of muslims / Africans etc will one day be repatriated to their ethnic homelands in the third world is even more divorced from reality than the left. For the love of god, wake up and smell the coffee - it is over!! Our young women jump into bed with black men given half the chance, our young men worship the ground black footballers and 'musicians' walk on, our old folk mollycoddle black kids in the street and are all smiles and lovey-dovey with their parents.
Far from being complacent about their own destruction, they actively participate in it. Adolf must be laughing his socks off at those who thought (and still think!) they were the ultimate victors. Whatever wrongs the Germans committed (and admittedly there were many), they have subsequently been abrogated by the utter destruction and defilement of our continent by those who still believe that right is 100% on their side.
Nature and fate is sorting the wheat from the chaf. Sub sections of the white race who once idenitifed themselves on the basis of nations will disappear, and they will do so only because they deserved to - greedy self serving politicians and the naive short sighted masses. Those of us with eyes to see noticed the writing on the wall a good while back. The yellow man of China / Japan will be the main carrier of human civilisation over the coming centuries. The task of the remainder of the white race who grouped together and survived will be to deal with them on the best terms possible, whilst defending themselves from the mongrel islamic hordes of nuEurope / central Asia and Africa.
For new white homelands, potential may lie in parts of central northern and eastern Europe, regions of north America and perhaps Australia and SA. The last place to look though is multicultural negrophilic mosque accomodating anti-racist Britain. Our example may prove to be a useful example which hastens the process of white survival elsewhere.
well done roy ? you show jush how thick you are yet again . The royal british legion poppy appeal this year is in support of the injured wounded and bereaved of Afghanistan and like a spud you support illegal wars ? what has the poppy got to do with Afghanistan first of all ? unless your on about opium crop . The soldiers of to day are no better than mercenaries occupying another country igeally and with this any one killed has been murdered ? I will have no sorrow for any of ours killed in these illegal wars but my heart doz go out to all they have killed over there ? So roy i find your dribble offentive to the memory of my hero granddad who the poppy was meant. Hes buried in dukinfield cemertary he did is job by defending his country and not attacking for it
Roy West Today Dukinfield
Happy days
Our queen is a freeloading anti-white traitor for whom 'england' is a meaningless concept beyond the mansions castles and manor houses of her family and aristocratic upper class friends. It would make no difference to her if our towns and cities were lost to alien peoples so long as her privilege and status remained intact. God save the queen just makes me wince.
It's about time we English had our own King again, before Guillaume de Batard took the crown of our last true King, we had a "King of the English" (likewise before the usurpers William and Mary the Scots had "King of the Scots")
Now we have a "Queen of the United (sic) Kingdom" and maybe shortly a "King of the United Kingdom" in that blundering jug-eared ponce Charles. Perhaps it is time both we English and the Scots found our own King, a real leader who cares for his people. Simply having a Patriotic leader is not enough, a state without a strong Monarch is nothing.
Dear Northern Voices.
I called up the police to complain about my neighbour Taking pictures of me in the garden. And that their CCTV cameras are recording us in our garden.
The police said what do you want us to do about it.
Then my neighbour calls up the police to say I'm filming him wash his car.
Two police officers come round and arrest me and lock me up for it.
I have a video to post later which will show the deputy leader of the Council, laughing and joking with his Mafia friends when people are Placing the wreath. It will show you how much respect they have for the fallen.
@ Covington 2064, The bitter, despairing, writing off of thousands of years of sacrifice, heroism and shed blood and advocating giving up, and giving up our nation, is exactly what the manipulators outside and barbarians inside want. If you propose the Chinese and Japanese as nation role models of the future you cannot accuse patriotic Brits of clinging on to 'nationalist sentiments'. The finest of British history, achievements and values are something to be immensely proud of.
It may end in White enclaves in 2064 or even White annihilation, but we're in 2012 and at the moment Britain as a recognisable entity still exists and as such can draw on its deep and mighty roots, endure and prevail. Never give up.
This years offering of poppy burning filth is from a group of white liberal marxists that as far as I can see look to be paving the way for their mudfilth friends to have a "get-out-of-jail-free card"....
The double standard of the "twitter intelligentsia" is utterly nauseating, they are beside themselves with liberal outrage at Koran burning or someone making a politically incorrect remark and here they are defending someone's "right" to deface a symbol of rememberance on a very important day.
What I like is the fact that these liberal idiots are always so sure of why it was that the two world wars were fought, for them to do as they like of course and for people who disagree with them to be denied a voice! They are the most ignorant, pampered and hypocritical people who have ever lived. I cannot wait until they are mugged by reality, the look on their faces when it happens is absolutely priceless.
Obama's re-election is furthering resentment and disenchantment amongst many Americans, and the call for secession is growing louder. Citizens of at least 18 states (led by Louisiana) have petitioned the White House, requesting a peaceful withdrawal from the US.
Louisiana's petition reads.... "
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
The Texas petition reads.... "
The US continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government’s neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending. The citizens of the US suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, theTSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect it’s citizens’ standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government."
The numbers (so far) calling for secession may be small, but the reality is that the USA could at some point this century turn into a failed state. The Republicans are licking their wounds after being clobbered by the new latino vote (70% for Obama), and are now reconsidering their stance on such issues as immigration as a means of wooing their new 'americans'.
Such is the farce of liberal democracy - a form of gerrymandering via mass immigration. The neo-marxist liberal left have long understood that you need not change the ideology of the people, you can instead literally change the people and thus destroy the traditional bonds and sentiments that have held them together (hence 'multiculturalism' etc). Hopefully the USA will eventually fall to pieces, and out of the wreckage will rise some new and lasting remnants of the old America which tamed an entire continent and put a man on the moon. Any such break-up would only bolster similar calls in the Europe of the late 21st century. Maps have always changed throughout history, and new nations need to be born and others allowed to self-destruct.
Despite his former connections with the vile and odious BNP, I do find something rather endearing about Roy West. He reminds me of those indefatigable characters R.P. McMurphy in the film 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' or 'Cool Hand Luke', both of whom, refused to submit to the system. Despite his own trials and tribulations, he will not be silenced. But beware Roy, politics is a dirty business and you know what happended to McMuphy for challenging authority, nurse Ratched had him lobotomized and turned into a vegetable.
Quite right, politics is indeed a dirty business. But hey on a lighter note enjoy this video.
Blimey the bloke dancing doesn't half associate with some slappers. Sluts do seem to be attracted to celebs for some reason.
Nigel, you really are pushing your luck. The twitter stalking and the rest of your antics are the sign of a very sick and disturbed individual. Do not force me into taking pre-emptive action.
I did tell you all that nigel was a barm pot long ago ? and theres one or to more on hear anal ? LOL pissing my self
Lobour pulling the trigger with one hand and laying a wreath with the other
Look at this solemn moment of the placing of the wreath in Dukinfield.
Look at the group of people that should know better, acting like children in a playground.
During the April Court case my neighbour started his hearsay evidence against me, by saying:
The CPS asked him "What's it been like for you"
My neighbour "It's been a nightmare, when he first moved in he just started planting."
CPS "Planting"
My neighbour "planting plants I've never seen so many plants in one garden before."
shaking his head as he said it.
I'm sorry that my plants have caused so much distress.
My neighbours double standards and playing games with our lives, is truly outstanding to watch.
They hand over a dvd recording filmed from their house CCTV, which they say shows me filming a person wash his car.
Yet, their film footage shows that they are filming our front garden, front gate, pathway.
So they've got me locked up for doing what they're doing to us. (filming us) but not just on that day they've been filming us for over a year.
Filming visitors, members of my family, filming our grandchild in the front garden playing. All that time we have been the victims of secret filming from our neighbours house CCTV
we need a big nationalist demo outside you know whose house EDL, BNP,BRITAIN FIRST, NF all of us and let show this country just how many nationalist there are.?
That's a good idea but it would backfire as he is a publicity whore and it would just give him the opportunity to get his grinning mug onto the front page of the local paper. He loves publicity and it would play into his hands. Remember the Redwatch saga and how he milked that for everything it was worth?
NO? Because all we wont is for him to be to be tryed under English law and thats all we want ?
Tried on what charge, high treason?
What an absolute shame. Such a pretty girl.
I want him tryed in our courts under our laws to see if he should be deported or not and if we say yes? We deport him ? end off ?
Where would you deport him to if he was born and bred in Britain and no family overseas?
and thepublicity would be ours not his ? that would be just one big big demo
our country don't want him? FULLSTOP! and another country does? So being a bit of a business man i would trade him and let europe take it up with them.
Britain ? Do you meen the UK ?
Britain, the UK, it's all the same thing isn't it. But what about if no country was willing to accept him?
all the same ? ALL THE SAME TO WHO ?
Are you call nigel by any chance ?
What's the differnce and how does it affect you? Do you believe in the Union or English independance? Can non-white people be classed as English or are they British, or maybe United Kingdom passport holders?
No, I'm nothing to do with Nigel.
Nigel One more thing before i never speek to you again ? Yes and with the signing off the union came the UK not britain ?
The Acts of Union were two Acts of Parliament: the Union with Scotland Act 1706 passed by the Parliament of England, and the Union with England Act passed in 1707 by the Parliament of Scotland. They put into effect the terms of the Treaty of Union that had been agreed on 22 July 1706, following negotiation between commissioners representing the parliaments of the two countries. The Acts joined the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland (previously separate states, with separate legislatures but with the same monarch) into a single, united kingdom named "Great Britain".
The word britain is slang for the UK
Ok, thanks, I will remember that.
The official name off the UK yes UK is the United kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland
God save The Union Of British Brothers.............
Good video Roy. It looks miles better in full screen rather than 4.3.
Britain powerless to stop tens of thousands of Bulgarians and Romanians moving to UK next year, Theresa May admits
Tory MP Kris Hopkins has sparked a row in the Commons by claiming gangs of Muslim men are raping white "kids". The Keighley MP claimed police had felt they needed "permission" to go after abusers due to "political correctness". He said MPs should not avoid talking about the issue or the BNP and others will hijack it.
But Labour MP Yasmin Qureshi warned about "playing into the hands" of far right groups with such accusations. The Bolton South East MP said senior police officers and judges involved in cases of abuse had said race did not play a part. She said the fact that the victims of abuse were white - in the cases Mr Hopkins was referring to - was "coincidental not deliberate".
Just been down Ashton, it should be twinned with Sh**sville Kentucky. Chavs, braindead loudmouths and shuffling scrotes everywhere. It used to be a decent town only a few years ago. Such are the 'benefits' of Socialism.
Nothing compared to the decline of Droylsden. In the 60s the place had all kinds of shops, shoes, clothes, grocers whatever you need. Now all we have our discount shops, pound shops and pawnbrokers.
Makes one sick.
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