If they have 14700 properties and (allegedly) 90% of their tenants are on benefits they must be getting a s***load of money paid straight into NC bank accounts from the benefits agency. In October next year however they'll have to collect this money from their army of high quality, responsible tenants. Let's hope they've all spent it down the boozer or on cannabis and tell NC to get f****ed. Who knows, then they might start favouring DECENT RESPONSIBLE WORKING PEOPLE and the scum will be shoved in hostels where hopefully they can drink or drug themselves to death ASAP.
Note the comment about accommodating the "rising population". What they really mean is accommodating the rising non-white population, growing through high birth rates and mass immigration. And we all know what that means - just take a look in the direction of openshaw and clayton. More social housing inevitably means more multi-culturalism, and Tameside (which has remained relatively unscathed) is on borrowed time.
New Charter Housing Trust – Chair of the Building Company and New Charter Operations Committee. We meet on a monthly basis to discuss reports on repairs and maintenance, voids and financial matters; Member of the Greater Manchester Pension Fund Management Panel.
who are the people making money out of the poor?
Gerald (Ged) P Cooney
Ged is Chair of the Trust Board.
He has extensive experience of local housing needs and the building industry, being a joiner by trade and the Branch Secretary of UCATT since 1987.
He is also a member of the Greater Manchester Pension Fund Management Panel; the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership Trust; and the Tameside Economic and Learning Partnership.
Follow the link on Society this is where you'll find the above sucking the life out of the poor on benefits. The likes of Munro, Cooney, Ricci. Care about how much they can get for themselves. I'm not fooled by them.
Have a go hero who was stopping an old man being mugged at a cash point was stopped from carrying out his civic duty of keeping hold of the mugger after giving him a good hiding because the liberal do-gooders involving themselves in the incident decided it must be a racist attack because the mugger was Asian and the decent chap doing his moral and civic duty was white.
I believe this man deserves a medal and the liberal do-gooders that got themselves involved should be named and shamed in their local community and charged with aiding and abetting.
Institutionalised Insanity of the liberal mindset
The struggle attracted the attention of diners at the Nice Croissant Café but, just as Mr Stapleton managed to get a grip on the mugger, a crowd of women rushed out and started screaming at him.
Mr Stapleton said: “Some of them were shouting ‘It’s a racist attack!’ because the guy was Asian.
Yup, White v any brand of ethnic enricher is automatically assumed to be racist by the chattering classes and the authorities, what ever the circumstances.
Why is it that New Charter feel it necessary to block tenants from the team? Surely, if it were a true democratic process, you would be nominated and seconded by other New Charter tenants, then voted for BY NEW CHARTER TENANTS! What a FARCE! Keep at it Steve.....you are not alone in your battle.
England is in the middle of a profoundly disturbing social experiment. For the first time in a mature democracy, a Government is waging a campaign of aggressive discrimination against its indigenous population.
Never in the history of this nation has so many low life traitors been gathered in one place at one time. Did you see Balls talking about building 100,000 new homes for yet to arrive immigrants? These creatures truly are despicable.
The apathetic, spineless, ignorant people of this country have got the political class they deserve. I'm beginning to believe only mass blood letting can save us.
Well let’s celebrate this news and put the past behind us. It is great to hear the eviction proceedings have been dropped. It was a families life at stake after all. An eviction would have destroyed Pauline and nobody would have wanted that. Now is not a time for triumphalist celebration, it is a time for common sense dialogue between all parties with a view to getting Mr West and his family transferred to another New Charter property. This would be in the interests of the West household and the neighbours with the barking dogs. Come on, let’s get this resolved and everyone will be happy.
LABOUR's immigration spokesman yesterday dismissed claims that Britain was overcrowded.
Shadow immigration minister Chris Bryant claimed the aid Government attempts to curb the number of foreigners moving here were “ludicrous”.
His comments are at odds with official projections that show the country’s population will surge from 62.3 million last year to 70 million by 2027.
Two-thirds of the rise will result from immigration with the rest due to rising birth rates and increased life expectancy.
The latest immigration statistics also show that half a million immigrants arrived in Britain last year – more than 1,300 a day.
Speaking during a debate on immigration at a fringe event at the Labour Party conference in Manchester, Mr Bryant said: “There is another argument which people worry about and it is that this country is too full.
“I don’t subscribe to that view, I find that an odd argument. It is certainly true that Britain has an economy that is far too dependent on London and the South-east and I would like us to change that.”
Chris Bryant posted a picture of himself in his underwear on a gay dating website. He also flipped his second home expenses twice before the 2009 MP's expenses scandal. Imagine what Muslims living here and the hordes of Muslim immigrants make of an immigration minister man married to another man.
Yeah private people that give advise over the internet on how to kill and trap foxes. Strange blood lust they have. They didn't loose all the weight killing the wildlife did they?
Thanks for posting that link. I view the situation from a different perspective now. I am sickened after reading it, especially this: “During the winter months, our dogs can flush as many as 20 or 30 foxes to the gun on our local area of moor land. This is exciting for them, keeps their instincts sharp and their energy levels and senses keen“.
This is utterly obscene and I cannot believe that Cllr Taylor, a person who has written many times about the evils of fox hunting is actually friends with such individuals. I will have to brush the dust off my 640mm Canon prime lens and take to the moors to try and catch the culprits in the act of persecuting foxes - and then publish the images.
I have encountered animal torturers on the moors before today. Only on Friday just gone did I disable traps I discovered on Bleaklow.
My view on these sadists who like inflicting death upon small creatures for their own gratification is low. They enjoy the ‘thrill of the kill’ without ever being at danger themselves. If I had my way I would seize them and transfer them to a safari park with one way in and one way out and surrounded by a 40ft wall, a place where lions, tigers and bears roam free. Seeing as they like ‘the thrill of the kill’ they could play for real as they become part of the game as they find themselves locked in with the animals and armed with a spear, sword and net. They would have a sporting chance of survival, but there again they may get devoured, but hey, they would get devoured doing something they love?
Check out this video I made a few months ago of a fox taking meat for its cubs. I think foxes are wonderful animals and I would struggle to contain my anger if I did actually catch sadists in the act of killing them.
A host of celebrities have signed an open letter to DEFRA minister Caroline Spelman calling on the government to postpone the pilot badger cull in England while EU lawmakers consider its legality.
I agree about the disgusting hunting with dogs etc, but unfortunately bunnyhuggers never know when to stop. It IS possible to have too maany of a particular species and the increase in the badger population is the only plausible cause put forward for the huge increase in bovine TB. But bleeding hearts aren't really concerned with animal welfare, which sometimes involves unpleasant realities such as culling, they're only bothered about avoiding unpleasantness and tend to view the killing of any animal as a tragedy even if there is a perfectly sound reason for that killing. The pseudo scientific, 'We don't really need to kill the badgers' is simply a ruse to disguise their irrationality regarding killing ANY animals. No doubt there is some evidence to the contrary, there virtually always is, but DEFRA, in this case have weighed up all the evidence and on balance are proceeding with this urgent cull to support our increasingly hard pressed dairy farmers. The 'antis' have their own agenda based, whatever they may SAY, on emotion not reason.
Thank you very much for your interest, but there is really no need for any grandiose statements or hollow promises. Just asked me nicely and I will gladly facilitate to take you and your little Bum Chum out with me next time. You will then have the opportunity to observe at close quarters and can snap away to your heart’s content. Consider it a community spirited favour, as we don’t want the good folk of Tameside getting the wrong idea about the two of you and your long lens hiding in the bushes all alone together now do we.
Ich bin gegen die Jagd, aber im Interesse des Tierschutzes Ich werde Sie nehmen auf Ihr Angebot und kommen als Beobachter teil. Ich werde so tun undertanding, dass alle bilder und videos auf diesem blog veröffentlicht werden.
Ich möchte ja nicht Ihre deutsche Grammatik kritisieren, aber wenn mann Deutsch schreiben will und beweisen möchte das mann gebildet ist müsste mann das besser Beherschen, und sich nicht nur auf Goggle verlassen. Ich bin fuer die Jagd, wenn sie von ausgebildeten Jägern betrieben wird.
Gegen die Jagd sein und für den Tierschutz ganz ohne Jagd oder ohne Kontrolle geht garnicht. Denken Sie mal darueber nach.
'Vor uns liegt Deutschland, in uns marschiert deutschland, und hinter uns kommt Deutschland!' Sieg...HEIL!!! The only statesman ever to stand up for the White race.
Dear TC...Regarding those posts of invite to film the fox hunt. I find it difficult to believe their genuine nature. Indeed, that person would then be at the mercy of public outrage and opinion. That person does not have the courage to invite such outrage onto themselves.
Keeping the Fox population down is vital to Countryside management. The great unwashed have no idea what vital work needs to be done to keep things in their place. The Fox is vermin it kills life stock such as chickens.
They don't. However, when the opportunity arises, foxes kill surplus prey even if they are not hungry and cache (bury) it for later use. This is a very sensible strategy in the wild, since there are likely to be some days when hunting is a lot less successful, and so the fox can eat the prey killed earlier. However, in an unnatural situation such as in a hen house, where the prey cannot escape, this behaviour, called "surplus killing", leads to the fox killing far more prey than it could ever consume.
The dens occupied by species such as otters and badgers are protected, but fox earths are not. So there is no legal obligation to protect the inhabitants, although there is clearly a moral obligation. Fortunately, foxes have several potential earths on their territories, and tend to move their cubs if disturbed. So the easiest solution is to disturb the site, such as by using animal deterrents (for advice, contact John Bryant, Humane Urban Wildlife Deterrence (tel.01732 357355, enquiries@jbryant.co.uk) or by clearing the area around the earth. The foxes will then normally move to an alternative den. There is no need to catch the foxes and take them to an animal sanctuary; this should only be a last resort if all other options have been tried.
If there is a surplus population overall and it is becoming a nuisance, cause of disease etc and a localised natural inbalance exists then culling is sometimes necessary.
Large family homes? "nudge nudge, wink wink"
New Charter Is Satan and lives on benefits.
If they have 14700 properties and (allegedly) 90% of their tenants are on benefits they must be getting a s***load of money paid straight into NC bank accounts from the benefits agency.
In October next year however they'll have to collect this money from their army of high quality, responsible tenants. Let's hope they've all spent it down the boozer or on cannabis and tell NC to get f****ed.
Who knows, then they might start favouring DECENT RESPONSIBLE WORKING PEOPLE and the scum will be shoved in hostels where hopefully they can drink or drug themselves to death ASAP.
Join us today as we take on Satan and free people's minds.
Note the comment about accommodating the "rising population". What they really mean is accommodating the rising non-white population, growing through high birth rates and mass immigration. And we all know what that means - just take a look in the direction of openshaw and clayton. More social housing inevitably means more multi-culturalism, and Tameside (which has remained relatively unscathed) is on borrowed time.
Councillor Vincent Ricci
Ward: Denton North East
Participation on Outside Bodies and Partnerships
New Charter Housing Trust – Chair of the Building Company and New Charter Operations Committee. We meet on a monthly basis to discuss reports on repairs and maintenance, voids and financial matters;
Member of the Greater Manchester Pension Fund Management Panel.
Ian Munro
Ian is the Group Chief Executive of New Charter Housing Trust Group and is the Group’s representative on the National Housing Federation Board.
Amongst other things, Ian is currently Chair of the Board of Governors at the New Charter Academy and is also a Governor of Tameside College.
Gerald (Ged) P Cooney
Ged is Chair of the Trust Board.
He has extensive experience of local housing needs and the building industry, being a joiner by trade and the Branch Secretary of UCATT since 1987.
He is also a member of the Greater Manchester Pension Fund Management Panel; the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership Trust; and the Tameside Economic and Learning Partnership.
Follow the link on Society this is where you'll find the above sucking the life out of the poor on benefits.
The likes of Munro, Cooney, Ricci.
Care about how much they can get for themselves. I'm not fooled by them.
If not kept firmly in line, humans turn into base or evil creatures to be used by the Lord of the Flies.
Nuisance Barking Dogs.
Have a go hero who was stopping an old man being mugged at a cash point was stopped from carrying out his civic duty of keeping hold of the mugger after giving him a good hiding because the liberal do-gooders involving themselves in the incident decided it must be a racist attack because the mugger was Asian and the decent chap doing his moral and civic duty was white.
I believe this man deserves a medal and the liberal do-gooders that got themselves involved should be named and shamed in their local community and charged with aiding and abetting.
Britain needs more men of this calibre.
Good on you Tommy Stapleton.
The struggle attracted the attention of diners at the Nice Croissant Café but, just as Mr Stapleton managed to get a grip on the mugger, a crowd of women rushed out and started screaming at him.
Mr Stapleton said: “Some of them were shouting ‘It’s a racist attack!’ because the guy was Asian.
Yup, White v any brand of ethnic enricher is automatically assumed to be racist by the chattering classes and the authorities, what ever the circumstances.
It will be a grim place when the job Labour started is completed and we sink beneath the waves.
The sooner the killing starts the better.
Why is it that New Charter feel it necessary to block tenants from the team? Surely, if it were a true democratic process, you would be nominated and seconded by other New Charter tenants, then voted for BY NEW CHARTER TENANTS! What a FARCE! Keep at it Steve.....you are not alone in your battle.
What have you done with the £7 Million profit last year Mr Munro?
If you stick £7 million in the bank what's the interest on that going to be.?
England is in the middle of a profoundly disturbing social experiment. For the first time in a mature democracy, a Government is waging a campaign of aggressive discrimination against its indigenous population.
Never in the history of this nation has so many low life traitors been gathered in one place at one time. Did you see Balls talking about building 100,000 new homes for yet to arrive immigrants? These creatures truly are despicable.
The apathetic, spineless, ignorant people of this country have got the political class they deserve.
I'm beginning to believe only mass blood letting can save us.
Roy, perhaps this experiment in Stalybridge is the answer to anti-social behaviour, what do you think? Click the blue link.
Well let’s celebrate this news and put the past behind us. It is great to hear the eviction proceedings have been dropped. It was a families life at stake after all. An eviction would have destroyed Pauline and nobody would have wanted that. Now is not a time for triumphalist celebration, it is a time for common sense dialogue between all parties with a view to getting Mr West and his family transferred to another New Charter property. This would be in the interests of the West household and the neighbours with the barking dogs. Come on, let’s get this resolved and everyone will be happy.
LABOUR's immigration spokesman yesterday dismissed claims that Britain was overcrowded.
Shadow immigration minister Chris Bryant claimed the aid Government attempts to curb the number of foreigners moving here were “ludicrous”.
His comments are at odds with official projections that show the country’s population will surge from 62.3 million last year to 70 million by 2027.
Two-thirds of the rise will result from immigration with the rest due to rising birth rates and increased life expectancy.
The latest immigration statistics also show that half a million immigrants arrived in Britain last year – more than 1,300 a day.
Speaking during a debate on immigration at a fringe event at the Labour Party conference in Manchester, Mr Bryant said: “There is another argument which people worry about and it is that this country is too full.
“I don’t subscribe to that view, I find that an odd argument. It is certainly true that Britain has an economy that is far too dependent on London and the South-east and I would like us to change that.”
Chris Bryant posted a picture of himself in his underwear on a gay dating website. He also flipped his second home expenses twice before the 2009 MP's expenses scandal.
Imagine what Muslims living here and the hordes of Muslim immigrants make of an immigration minister man married to another man.
Roy West wants to do a transfer with a Somalian family. If new charter refuse he can accuse them of racialism.
@02/10/2012 12:30 yes I agree let someone else have a goo with them.
Yeah private people that give advise over the internet on how to kill and trap foxes. Strange blood lust they have. They didn't loose all the weight killing the wildlife did they?
Thanks for posting that link. I view the situation from a different perspective now. I am sickened after reading it, especially this: “During the winter months, our dogs can flush as many as 20 or 30 foxes to the gun on our local area of moor land. This is exciting for them, keeps their instincts sharp and their energy levels and senses keen“.
This is utterly obscene and I cannot believe that Cllr Taylor, a person who has written many times about the evils of fox hunting is actually friends with such individuals. I will have to brush the dust off my 640mm Canon prime lens and take to the moors to try and catch the culprits in the act of persecuting foxes - and then publish the images.
I have encountered animal torturers on the moors before today. Only on Friday just gone did I disable traps I discovered on Bleaklow.
My view on these sadists who like inflicting death upon small creatures for their own gratification is low. They enjoy the ‘thrill of the kill’ without ever being at danger themselves. If I had my way I would seize them and transfer them to a safari park with one way in and one way out and surrounded by a 40ft wall, a place where lions, tigers and bears roam free. Seeing as they like ‘the thrill of the kill’ they could play for real as they become part of the game as they find themselves locked in with the animals and armed with a spear, sword and net. They would have a sporting chance of survival, but there again they may get devoured, but hey, they would get devoured doing something they love?
Check out this video I made a few months ago of a fox taking meat for its cubs. I think foxes are wonderful animals and I would struggle to contain my anger if I did actually catch sadists in the act of killing them.
Alte Kameraden
Germans are good people true Saxons a pure, great people indeed.
The English go on about being Anglo Saxon where do they think the Saxons came from?
A host of celebrities have signed an open letter to DEFRA minister Caroline Spelman calling on the government to postpone the pilot badger cull in England while EU lawmakers consider its legality.
Yes, Germans are good people and it is worth remembering that one bad apple does not destroy the entire barrel.
I agree about the disgusting hunting with dogs etc, but unfortunately bunnyhuggers never know when to stop.
It IS possible to have too maany of a particular species and the increase in the badger population is the only plausible cause put forward for the huge increase in bovine TB.
But bleeding hearts aren't really concerned with animal welfare, which sometimes involves unpleasant realities such as culling, they're only bothered about avoiding unpleasantness and tend to view the killing of any animal as a tragedy even if there is a perfectly sound reason for that killing.
The pseudo scientific, 'We don't really need to kill the badgers' is simply a ruse to disguise their irrationality regarding killing ANY animals. No doubt there is some evidence to the contrary, there virtually always is, but DEFRA, in this case have weighed up all the evidence and on balance are proceeding with this urgent cull to support our increasingly hard pressed dairy farmers.
The 'antis' have their own agenda based, whatever they may SAY, on emotion not reason.
Sehr geehrter Herr Tameside Citizen,
Thank you very much for your interest, but there is really no need for any grandiose statements or hollow promises. Just asked me nicely and I will gladly facilitate to take you and your little Bum Chum out with me next time. You will then have the opportunity to observe at close quarters and can snap away to your heart’s content.
Consider it a community spirited favour, as we don’t want the good folk of Tameside getting the wrong idea about the two of you and your long lens hiding in the bushes all alone together now do we.
Waidmanns Heil
H. Göring
Sehr geehrter herr Reichsjägermeister,
Ich bin gegen die Jagd, aber im Interesse des Tierschutzes Ich werde Sie nehmen auf Ihr Angebot und kommen als Beobachter teil. Ich werde so tun undertanding, dass alle bilder und videos auf diesem blog veröffentlicht werden.
Ich möchte ja nicht Ihre deutsche Grammatik kritisieren, aber wenn mann Deutsch schreiben will und beweisen möchte das mann gebildet ist müsste mann das besser Beherschen, und sich nicht nur auf Goggle verlassen.
Ich bin fuer die Jagd, wenn sie von ausgebildeten Jägern betrieben wird.
Gegen die Jagd sein und für den Tierschutz ganz ohne Jagd oder ohne Kontrolle geht garnicht. Denken Sie mal darueber nach.
Waidmanns Heil
Entschuldigung, ist mein Deutsch nicht gut. Ich verstehe, was Sie sagen, und ich schätze Sie den Punkt zu machen. Bitte E-Mail an näher zu besprechen.
besten Wünsche
Keep Cruelty History! I would really be interested to know what these people get out of doing what they do. No, genuine interest here.
'Vor uns liegt Deutschland, in uns marschiert deutschland, und hinter uns kommt Deutschland!'
The only statesman ever to stand up for the White race.
Dear TC...Regarding those posts of invite to film the fox hunt.
I find it difficult to believe their genuine nature.
Indeed, that person would then be at the mercy of public outrage and opinion. That person does not have the courage to invite such outrage onto themselves.
I agree, I have heard nothing since via email so I come to the same conclusion as you.
Fox hunting was banned because of it's Savage nature. Most people, in a Civilized society would be disgusted with such activities.
As you can see, these fox killers did not like being filmed at all. And you can see how violent they can get.
Keeping the Fox population down is vital to Countryside management.
The great unwashed have no idea what vital work needs to be done to keep things in their place.
The Fox is vermin it kills life stock such as chickens.
They don't. However, when the opportunity arises, foxes kill surplus prey even if they are not hungry and cache (bury) it for later use. This is a very sensible strategy in the wild, since there are likely to be some days when hunting is a lot less successful, and so the fox can eat the prey killed earlier. However, in an unnatural situation such as in a hen house, where the prey cannot escape, this behaviour, called "surplus killing", leads to the fox killing far more prey than it could ever consume.
The dens occupied by species such as otters and badgers are protected, but fox earths are not. So there is no legal obligation to protect the inhabitants, although there is clearly a moral obligation. Fortunately, foxes have several potential earths on their territories, and tend to move their cubs if disturbed. So the easiest solution is to disturb the site, such as by using animal deterrents (for advice, contact John Bryant, Humane Urban Wildlife Deterrence (tel.01732 357355, enquiries@jbryant.co.uk) or by clearing the area around the earth. The foxes will then normally move to an alternative den. There is no need to catch the foxes and take them to an animal sanctuary; this should only be a last resort if all other options have been tried.
If there is a surplus population overall and it is becoming a nuisance, cause of disease etc and a localised natural inbalance exists then culling is sometimes necessary.
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