A guest article by J Hall. This article is without a doubt the most important item to ever feature on this blog. When you have finished reading this you will view the Tameside political scene as you have never viewed it before. I can confirm that the documents in the possession of J Hall from the various police agencies are authentic and they do confirm the claims made. Tameside Citizen
The following is an instance of what can happen to those who rattle cages in Tameside,
and start exposing the many devious issues which the public never know.
I first began by composing a dossier as to the proof behind the Kingswater/Waterside
huge development scheme which would have considerably decimated the Denton/Audenshaw area with the A57 approaching Junction 24 being stripped clean of the 100 year old hedgerows alongside the Denton Golf Course on Manchester Road, and then creating a massive development site of offices and storage depots, with large new access roads onto the where Denton Golf Club presently is.
This fight between TMBC and 35,000 residents who opposed this huge scheme lasted for almost 12 years with Public Inquiries and House of Commons questions, and I wondered why TMBC should be so determined to usurp the wishes of many thousands of Tameside residents.
Having created a large dossier produced for the intended Public Inquiry with facts to oppose the development I submitted it by hand and signed for at the Regional Government Offices in Piccadilly Manchester in accordance with the submissions final dates.
On the day prior to the Public Inquiry opening I checked that my large volumes of documentation was in place, only to be informed it could not be located anywhere which would negate my submission, on the eve prior to the Inquiry commencing I made direct contact with John Prescott’s Office as Deputy Prime Minister and requested an investigation and within hours I was notified that it had been located in the brief case of the designated Public Inquiry Chair Person, and I should check with him on his arrival at the PI.
That person refused to allow me to speak to him re the missing dossier and the following morning I interrupted the Public Inquiry within 10 minutes of its commencement on two counts, firstly that my evidence had not be located 24 hours earlier, and TMBC had not released public notification in any great detail to the whole electorate of Tameside re the times, dates and venue that a Public Inquiry was going to take place, so with this situation confirmed with my checks and when the PI started with its many legal specialists in attendance who were supporting the Development, I managed to halt the PI there and then on the opening day on the grounds of TMBC usurping the required methods and a date three months later was made until TMBC had duly posted press details which the Public had a right to know.
With TMBC`s 100% determination to get the development through and with no interest in the thousands of objectors, and having discovered the large area of land adjacent to the Manchester Road Denton Golf course and the M60 road belonged to United Utilities who was behind the Planning Application, and I discovered TMBC as administrators of the Greater Manchester Pension Fund (Roy Oldham Chair) had deposited also £28 Million into the funds of United Utilities through a back street
Company Office in Salford named "Innvotec" (3 Staff) whose name had been created by United Utils for the deposit of money, therefore a devious conflict of interest had occurred between TMBC and United Utils which was certainly not known.
The PI Chairman refused my request for these facts to be made known during my large submission of evidence to the Public Inquiry, so I printed these facts and I placed my Posters and leaflets on the many chairs and walls at the Public Inquiry rooms.
After the PI ended (after approx 3 months) I was asked by John Prescott’s Office (as Deputy Prime Minister) to forward the facts I had uncovered direct to him, and as most now know John Prescott stopped the Planning Application for the Kingswater/Waterside Planning Application..
I then pursued my interest in TMBC by visiting the Council Offices and searching the Councillors declaration of interest which by law had to be annually reviewed and changed accordingly under the responsibility of the TMBC Chief Executive at that time Mr Greenwood.
What I found was absolutely alarming seeing that many Councillors had not updated their outside interests for as long as 5-12 years, this resulted in my complaint to the Chief Executive and copied to Prime Minister Blair seeing that the Council Leader himself had the longest period of no declared interests for almost 12 years.
Within 2 weeks an immediate rush to update and complete Councillors interests was carried out but no condemnation followed, and the local press were not interested in this very serious breach of legislated law.
Other issues were located when in TMBC`s annual financial report I found a Co named Modesole in Manchester had not repaid any of a £multi million loan for 20 years and it was displayed within the TMBC annual report, seeing the then Council Leader’s declaration of interests indicated he was a Director of Modesole which was connected to G-Mex (Greater Manchester Exhibition Centre), I discussed this with the District Auditor from Chorley and a partial explanation was offered.
Having then checked who was involved in the TMBC Standards Committee which was set up and chosen by those at the top of TMBC I noticed the Rev Thomas (a Religious Leader) was a member of this Standards panel, but TMBC would not disclose his whereabouts or his full initials and any interests he had. I then discovered the Rev Thomas was a high ranking most powerful regional member of the Freemasons Past APGM Central Area No1 and a P Dep G Chap who had a controlling influence over many Greater Manchester Lodges and even local administrations including the local Police, and he been a Chaplain to the Duke of Kent in the past.
At a District Assembly meeting I released a leaflet asking who was actually running TMBC whilst offering important information, but no response followed.
Having been asked to assist in the anti Mottram By-Pass campaign, and knowing that area well and also having been deeply involved in the large Kingswater/Waterside Park Public Inquiry I commenced establishing all the facts and composing a 400 page dossier which also questioned why TMBC and the Highways Agency had blatantly refused for many years to try a three month HGV ban on the rat run across the Peak Park (through Tintwistle onto the M67) as a common sense approach to determine any possible benefits.
My large dossier of DVD film, photographs, documents and collated evidence was presented to the PI which followed with a strong fact based section on the subject I have been devoted to for almost 15 years; that of the known Traffic related air pollution in Tameside and the serious diseases and deaths caused.
Checking on the Environmental Statement issued by the Highways Agency and TMBC I found they were to create false impressions. Two air pollution sites had been monitored in Denton
one 30 feet below traffic on the M60, and the other 100 metres from Manchester Road Denton in a quiet street, whilst over 40 sites had been monitored for air pollution along the main route from Mottram to Tintwistle, one of which was approx 7 feet from standing traffic exhausts pipes.
As you know the Mottram By-Pass was backed by an Andrew Gwynne MP. A letter he sent to a person outside our region became a £22 million costing Public Inquiry farce which when I cross examined the devious and manipulated evidence offered by TMBC/Highways Agency/Highly and paid technical experts shown as being "unfit for purpose evidence" by all those proposing the By-Pass plans.
Tameside Council itself spent almost £1 million of your money on its own By-Pass presentation which became an absolute waste of almost £1 million because the evidence was seriously flawed.
When the TMBC Planning Committee meeting passed its backing for the Glossop Spur/Mottram By-Pass, I was offered 3 minutes max (which I refused) to state my case seeing I had large volumes of data and evidence prepared to oppose the intended scheme.
During these past years events that I have mentioned my mission was simply to expose the 100% truth to the Tameside Public with a variety of discovered and well researched facts which local press preferred to ignore.
However, sinister developments followed when I received a large padded envelope one morning in the post.
At this stage Mr Roy West who I have never ever had contact with or his followers or any other fringe political movement may be interested at the following occurrence.
The large padded envelope addressed to me was not an expected, so I slit the bottom of the envelope and slid out a very sturdy and extremely well constructed thick board which had several primed large syringes containing blood fixed firmly in a line aimed at the recipients hand as the package became opened and any hand placed within.
My grandchildren or wife could have opened this in my absence and it required a serious investigation.
Two Tameside Police arrived and saw this seriously threatening package and informed me because of this serious threat it would be sent to Forensics for full investigation and I would be contacted and departed with the envelope and its contents .
Months later I had received "no further information" even after telephoning Ashton Police, so I vigorously pursued a Police Complaints procedure by passing details to the Chief Constable and the GMP Discipline and Complaints Department at Chester House.
I will not bore you with all the written communications and home visits by senior Chester House Officers except to say the package was then discovered, which had been secreted away in an Ashton Police station locker, but without any blood contents in the syringes, and an even greater mystery was then discovered that this serious incident had not even been logged by Ashton Police as an incident ever since the incident took place and regardless of my telephone calls seeking information during the months prior to the intervention of the GMP Discipline Unit.
During these months the incident had not been followed up whatsoever, regardless of its intended harm and threat to the lives of a Tameside residents family.
Result: The Police Complaints Authority and GMP investigated, and a formal misconduct case and hearing resulted. However, I was not permitted to attend the complaints meeting because only after the misconduct hearing was ended I was informed that if a Police Officer admits guilty to the offence the member of public is not requested to attend or made known when the hearing would take place.
Three Police Officers it was found had been involved and two had pleaded guilty with a written warning to the third Officer.
Four documents I received, two from Greater Manchester Police and two from the Police Complaints Authority in London are being placed with TC as substantiated proof of this
deplorable and confirmed negligence, which since I have heard nothing whatsoever re the actual reported incident.
If this serious threat had been made to a Council leader, a councillor, an MP or a Police Officer I have no doubt whatsoever in suggesting this would have been a large serious issue, handled correctly and with numbers employed to ascertain who and how many had been involved in this arranged serious threat which put my family including grandchildren at great risk.
So before the Labour Mafia hounds descend with their rhetoric on TC blog ,may I suggest that THEY OPENLY AND FULLY DECLARE THEMSELVES else those who continue to be Anon could well be thought as having information which could re-open this serious case.
Just in passing Andrew Gwynne MP was informed by myself and scoffed at my concerns, seemingly suggested the situation had no merit. I expect it would have, if his innocent family members were dismissed with no interest and had to take their own daily security precautions for some time).
If it had been Mr Gwynne, the Special Branch would have swarmed over him and his family and no doubt Police protection would have resulted to safeguard any future threat.
I do not know who or which organisation arranged this vile attempt to stop me exposing what the Tameside Public have a right to know, whether it be the chronic dangerous air pollution in this area, or the misleading information fed to them, or any manipulation of the truth which matters and affects the general public, however I hope for some time yet I can locate 100% facts which the public are being denied, and which the media prefer not release because they themselves depend on local authorities and organisations for advertising revenue and the release of information which is created to empowers and maintains the status quo in Tameside.
Such disgusting taken actions to harm quite elderly Tameside residents and the subsequent events that occurred, must surely prove that those who administrate our lives must have distorted and dangerous objectives when it comes to our required democracy which we all seek and deserve.
My regards to all those who seek openness, accountability, and probity from those who are supposed to serve "everyone" in Tameside.
I have read this article several times now and can't understand why it's the big exposé that Mr Hall thinks. In terms of Kingswater his file was lost then found. So what. Personally this development would have brought much needed investment and jobs and maybe we would have had a Tameside Centre rather than a Trafford Centre. However democracy got its way and the development didn't go ahead. We all know the Mottram Bypass was ditched by the Highways Agency (not TMBC) because of faulty modeling. So the objectors like Mr Hall won the day but the poor people of Longdendale suffer on. In terms of the package whoever sent it, if caught, shoud have been prosecuted. Mr Hall or anyone should not be sent such material through the post. And then we have the 'conspiracy theory'. Police officers were disciplined for not carry out their duties and presumably trying to sweep this under the carpet. But this is not prove of who might have sent Mr Hall the package. If we want to believe the conspiracy theory of Mr Hall then why don't we debate whi killed Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana, did they really land on the moon etc etc. I'm afraid I don't get the connection Mr Hall is claiming. I'm also staying Anon but no doubt Mr Hall will blame me then...
Anonymous 15:14, you forgot to mention the exposure that many Tameside councillors failed to declare their outside interests for five to twelve years, and when they were forced to do it there was no condemnation, investigation or fuss made in the local Press re these serious lapses. Whatever the ins and outs of this particular exposure, anyone in the know knows that the Labourtiser in particular is bought and paid for.
There should also be serious concern about multi million deposits into shadow companies directly linked to companies with vested interests in ongoing development deals involving the council.
And the apparent fiddling of traffic pollution figures, especially if the council is going to pursue its house building, population boosting mania in the borough.
The syringes incident is extremely serious and it's very difficult to believe a Police Officer could lose the key evidence in a case cuch as this accidentally and then not be dismissed for gross incompetence.
The fact that many members of the local council mafia don't like Mr Hall is evident by the size and intensity of the response when he posts on here. If he was simply a crank with 'nothing on them' he'd be largely ignored.
Speaking of exposing councillor's I'm looking forward to Mr West's and Mr Taylor's evidence next March.
These revelations are deeply disturbing. There are far too many ‘coincidences’ where people get on the wrong side of the local political establishment, and soon after they end up in court on trumped up charges or find themselves on the receiving end of intimidation with threats of violence. This expose` deserves a thorough investigation by an outside non-political body. If I understand correctly, there is also a suggestion that the local media are ignoring these very serious allegations as they rely on the local council for advertising revenue and as a result they feel they are unable to investigate these matters.
Mr Hall's comments about media lack of interest in his case should remind us of the case 3 years ago where it was learned that Tameside supress "sensationalist" news stories
It is heroic champions of the people such as Mr Hall who are the real unsung heroes of modern Britain. If more people adopted Mr Hall's stance and possesed half his courage, the criminal elite and their lackeys could never get away with subverting democracy and imposing their will upon us.
Perjury, I understand one of the allegations regards a post on Councillor Taylor's blog some time ago that made the vilest allegations about Mr West. If Mr West is being accused of harassment he should ensure his solicitor thoroughly questions Councillor Taylor about this and any similar matters.
This is the reason why I believe it is best to just the look the other way at times and pretend you have not noticed. This policy has always kept me out of trouble.
TC let's have another story on foxes or badgers. Far more interesting.
"The large padded envelope addressed to me was not an expected, so I slit the bottom of the envelope" really?
Stretching creditability with that statement just a tad don't you think?
anonymous @ 13.40.
No. Mr Hall was just taking precautions. Anyone involved in research etc of the kind Mr Hall and myself engage in soon learn to be cautious.
I have had a hoax letter bomb sent to my place of work, a letter with razor blades, several windows broken and even my dustbin gone through at the dead of night! (see "No Retreat" by Steve Tilzey and David Hann for more examples)
Come on, lets have something proper to discuss rather than this rubbish based on hear say and half truths. What about the Metrolink being expanded to Dukinfield?
I'm with Brenda. Let's have something more interesting. How about doubling the car parking charges.
Good advice, keeping out of trouble sounds like your life's work. You'd be better drinking a pint of Paraquat then you'd never have to worry about it again.
Brenda said...this rubbish based on hear say
Anonymous said...
I'm with Brenda.
Anonymous said...
TC let's have another story on foxes or badgers.
These TMBC Official Labour spokespersons certainly confirm the types they are by their continued
anonymous posts
Thanks for the insight into your defective characters.
Boring Mr Hall. Your detective work is pretty poor
Quite the opposite. Mr Hall's facts are currently being researched and so far everything adds up. Expeect a story in the national press to follow.
I won't hold my breath.
Mr Hall here's one for you.
My partners son was attacked on the canal some time back.
He reported the crime to the useless police.
The police said "We'll get him to come in and look at some pictures"
Three months later nothing done. Then the police came round.
"Sorry about that we've left it too late now to do anything"
Yet the minute Bernd Kugow shouts "It's becaues I'm German" Three officers are at my house in no time at all.
Senior Labour Party official who was also a primary school governor jailed for collecting what the police described "The most serious child pornography ever seen" this evil beast was in possession of vast amounts of child pornography featuring bestiality, sadism and sexual abuse of babies.
There is a worrying link between establishment figures and hideous child abuse, anyone remember Marc Dutroux? And who could forget the Dunblane paedo killer Hamilton who was also connected to the political establishment
'A guest article by J Hall. This article is without a doubt the most important item to ever feature on this blog.'
TC. Really? The only responses seem to be from Mr Hall and Mr West. There doesn't appear to be much debate.
I noticed the same thing and I know the reason why. J Hall’s article has terrified the usual Labour trolls and they have gone running for cover as they know they cannot challenge any of the revelations put into the public arena by Mr Hall.
Or no-one is interested in Mr Hall's post other than himself, Mr West and maybe TC.
And you, other wise why did you bother making a cooment.
I'm waiting for the next article that we can debate
But we all know TMBC take lessons from North Korea: https://tamesidetories.wordpress.com/2009/12/16/is-tameside-labour-taking-lessons-from-north-korea/
Too many coincidences, Chris Bryant is the Shadow Justice Minister, in 2003 he posed on the homosexual dating website 'Gaydar' wearing only his underpants.
Re Thomas Hamilton, the Dunblane killer ran boys clubs for many years in Scotland despite numerous reports and complaints about his inappropriate behaviour around young boys he was never prosecuted. His gun licence was always renewed with no problem. it was rumoured he was having a homosexual relationship with a senior Scottich police officer.
See 'Dunblane Unburied' by Sandra Uttley, an imperfact book but with some very interesting unanswered questions, such as why has a 100 year gagging order been put on the Dunblane files for instance?
The 100 year gagging order on the events around Dunblane say it all. Robertson who ended up being shunted off to a plum job with NATO was involved.
Tameside is a cretinocracy. Those most responsible however are the apathetic 70% who never bother to vote and allow Labour and their postal voting signed up, same old same old morons, OAPs, diehard loyalists, immigrants etc to dominate 15 of the wards. It only takes 1100 - 1500 of them per ward (about 21,000 people) to maintain control over the whole Borough such is the fundamentally corrupt and undemocratic nature of the voting system.
Reading the claims by Mr Hall makes me wonder how secure the postal voting system is in this borough. If they would manipulate data to fit their agenda then surely it is plausible that they would manipulate election results too?
To those who continually want to deny the truth,you usurp all the requirements of the decent Tameside Public who definately deserve better.
I stand by every word offered,with
100% substantiated proof which can and always will back it up.
Thankyou Mr Hall, you are a beacon of light in the darkness.
People have the right to stand in elections, with-out the likes of John Taylor making vile allegations about them.
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