Thanks to the person responsible for pointing me in the direction of this video. If you skip the annoying advertisement at the beginning it is quite funny and well worth a watch but nothing comes close in the hilarity stakes to the original Tameside Hitler parody video which can be viewed on Youtube after you type into the search box “Roy Oldham's Downfall“. That video is pure class and all that have followed since are mere imitations.
My apologies for moving off topic however what other means is available to expose the continued 100% proof that "YOUR LIVES" IN TAMESIDE are at very serious risk, being that Tameside is one of the worst Air Polluted regions in the North and was rated No1 in the UK by the Department of Transport for increased traffic volumes.
For 15 years of my efforts its time you woke up to reality,and your PCT and people like Gwynne,Chand,and Tameside Council as the main health protection agency "deliberately" stopped
burying the facts and ONLY concenttrating their rhetoric on Smoking,Drinkin,Obesity and
Excercise as threats to your lives.
I find the Tameside public ignorant and contemptuous of accepting the facts and ignore many of their deaths from Air Pollution issues,stop smoking,get your weight down,don`t drink too much,go to the gym etc and yet there you are with every ingested breath at far more danger than any of these other lesser reasons for your deaths.
Read yet another example of the facts:
Come on Gwynne,the Tameside PCT,Senior Health Administrators,
TMBC, face me on my own in a public debate and I will expose 100% to the public how with utter contempt and callous attitudes you all have decided long ago to bury the facts with the dead.
Let the rhetoric immerge again from the brain dead,and those behind the anon comments by TMBC
phantoms and especially Gwynne who
should be totally ashamed of his
undoubted incredible contempt and callous acceptance of babies,kids,adults and the aged
he represents being seriously harmed by what they ingest.
No he will not face me in an open public debate,and here we have this
seriously lacking Labour Shadow Spokesperson on the Publics Health
who is the ultimate in fork tongued
Do not slag me off for exposing the absolute truth,it indicates your attitude to destroying people`s lives and their right to live.
I don't think that this is an imitation of the first one, I think it is by the same author as the first one.
It is brilliant I could not stop laughing
The video is pure class.
J Hall, there is no need to apologise. The facts you reveal have really opened my eyes to the shadowy figures who operate behind the scenes. I read this blog every day in the hope of discovering more information as you keep on exposing the cheats and liars who we are espected to look up to.
instead of apologising Mr Hall you could always create your own blog then there would be no reason to go off topic.
You may find though, that even fewer people would read it.
Daryl Oates
Ignore the Labour trolls Mr Hall. They want to silence you because they fear you.
its not as good as the Roy Oldham one, now that was class.
I see the topic has been stolen again! If its not Hall its West. Have they ever been seen together? spooky!!!
Anonymous 14/11/2011 13:11
stop moaning you little girl.
New group to fight elections in Tameside.
Doctors, scientists and architects behaving badly on a night out. Come on guys, sort your heads out, you are the people who are being groomed to makes sure Britain keeps its competitive edge against the likes of China, Japan and Germany.
Hall is well known trouble causer. If you want some good advice here it is, just ignore him.
Metrolink definition:
Massively expensive.
Permanent traffic disruption/obstruction.
Expensive to use.
A pathetic 96 vehicles (as opposed to approx 2000 buses) upon completion in five to seven years. Even at full standing capacity the tram will only ever move a miniscule proportion of Greater Manchester's moving public.
The Metrolink, a monument to anti-logic.
Heil Labour! said.....A pathetic 96 vehicles (as opposed to approx 2000 buses)
That's a really bright idea. Let's have 2000 buses rather than 96 trams. Thank god this person is not in charge of our transport planning
Brenda said...
Hall is well known trouble causer. If you want some good advice here it is, just ignore him.
(He certainly is for Councillors and the Administrators of TMBC)
Here comes another callous and contemptuous person hell bent on the destruction of the health and lives of infants.children,and the rest of society.
You should be absolutely ashamed of being such a disgusting person as to doubt the truth.
Obviously one of Gwynne`s slaves and groupie`s back again primed to attack
Wait for an accurate and 100% factual exposure within the next week BW which will tell the public what can happen to Tamesiders who threaten the stability of the status quo in Tameside, where slander, threats, and life threatening attacks are used on the decent,honest,and trustworthy folk who release the 100% truth.
You will be seen as below contempt especially when you are identified,
instead of hiding in your bunker,come out and show some bottle Brenda before you are unmasked for all to know and scorn.
"Wait for an accurate and 100% factual exposure within the next week"
We've been waiting for some years for one of those from Hall, another week wont make much difference. It will be nice to actually see one.
Although, perhaps you should put up or shut up. Print it now Hall, come on man, no more empty promises, show us what you are made of... I wont hold my breath
Daryl Oates
Hall has never put forward a decent argument but just rants and insults. The guy Heil Labour is just as bad. Why not get rid of some of the 2000 buses for a more modern form of public transport.
TC. Why don't you remind us all of your recent vote on Metrolink. As I recall a good majority would like it in their area.
Daryl Oates another stupid loser and friend of the Labour Mafia.
Daryl Oates is not on the UK Electoral Roll is this another imposter created by TMBC
I think you will find that Daryl Hall and John Oates had some hits in the 80's and my guess is that Daryl Oates is a play on that with John Hall being the other element.
Its interesting to note that names used on here are checked against the electoral register though. Another good reason not to use your real name, you get stalked.
Note. No post from Mr Hall with the big expose, it does appear an empty threat.
D. Duck
Anonymous 2210, why is the chronically expensive, virtually useless capacity wise, railbound, obstructive, traffic jam causing tram a 'more modern form of public transport'. It was got rid of in the 40s (not very modern is it) for all the above reasons. It's being brought back as political and 'Green' expediency.
As usual when minority agenda cranks get their way it's the majority (in this case road users) who suffer.
Socialists hate the private car for ideological reasons, all their pontificating about Green issues is window dressing.
Tameside is, like many other areas in the North of England, suffering from Labour blight brought on by mass apathy amongst three quarters of the electorate, and the reliable cretins etc and their automatic, unreasoning support.
Bring back the trolley bus, the horse drawn omnibus, and someone walking in front of cars with a red flag. Also more speed bumps and a massive increase in road furniture. Plus, reduce the urban speed limit to 4mph. Better still ban the private car! It is an invention of LUCIFER!!! Oh shit I've just cum.
Heil Labour, I have deleted two of your posts for excessive use of foul language. Please feel free to re-post your comments minus the expletives.
Anon@22.10 Yes, the people who participated in the poll, and the polls on this site are genuine and impossible for me to fix*, voted by a large ratio in favour of the Metrolink being extended into their locality.
*I have no way of fixing the polls, but a leading question can sometimes skew the way people vote and it is possible to vote more than once when you have cleared your cookies and refreshed your browser.
Ps, I look forward to the revelations from Mr Hall, I am sure they will be worth waiting for.
So where is the exposé of Mr Hall. Sounds like hot air again to me.
OK TC I'll repost but it wasn't excessive swearing, judging from previous topics you're pro-railbound transport and that's probably affecting your objectivity. I only swore in one post so someone else must have used my identity in the other.
Anonymous, 20:17, We already HAVE 2000 buses. IF the tram's ever finished it will have a maximum of 96 vehicles (currently 70), which demonstrates the miniscule proportion of the moving public it will transport when compared to 2000 buses, cars (77% of movements), motorcyclists, cyclists, walkers etc. Thank God you're not in charge of, ANYTHING.
Heil Labour!
We are all glad you are not in charge. Fortunately others will invest in modern forms of transport. Future generations will look back and be grateful for Metrolink and laugh at views of people like you who wanted 2000 buses running around the place. And I post this view without offensive comments which you find difficult to do for some reason. Maybe because you know your argument is feeble.
'We are all glad', you mean you. Demonstrate what's modern about the tram, given its inherent inflexibility, miniscule capacity, expense and the delay and obstruction it will cause to the vast majority.
There are already 2000 buses 'running around the place', the tram won't and can't even touch them or other forms of transport for capacity.
The only 'abuse' I posted was in direct response to the abuse from Anonymous 20:17 who clearly knows knows little or nothing about public transport but saw fit to be simultaneously ignorant and offensive re my previous comment.
'I post this view without offensive comments' - 'your argument is feeble', I suggest that's offensive, and incorrect.
At least I put an argument forward.
Problem with trams is when they go on the road and hold traffic up. They reckon it'll be one per 5 mins in Droylsden, on that rd it'll cause big trouble, espesially in the rush hour.
Heil Labour!
I don't have to put forward any argument. The patronage of current Metrolink demonstrates its popularity. The fact that Nottingham, Sheffield, Edinburgh have all introduced them. The fact that places like Bury, Salford and Trafford have all welcomed the tram, the fact that Tameside, Oldham and Rochdale have all welcomed the tram and the fact that Stockport would love the tram all shows its popularity. These councils have different political administrations so don't blame Labour. All forms of transport will exist together but investment in Metrolink is one thing that Greater Manchester should be proud of.
One line of light rail has a theoretical capacity of up to 8 times more than one lane of freeway (not counting buses) during peak times. Roads have ultimate capacity limits that can be determined by traffic engineering. They usually experience a chaotic breakdown in flow and a dramatic drop in speed (colloquially known as a traffic jam) if they exceed about 2,000 vehicles per hour per lane (each car roughly two seconds behind another). Since most people who drive to work or on business trips do so alone, studies show that the average car occupancy on many roads carrying commuters is only about 1.2 people per car during the high-demand rush hour periods of the day.[19] This combination of factors limits roads carrying only automobile commuters to a maximum observed capacity of about 2,400 passengers per hour per lane. The problem can be mitigated by using high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes and introducing ride-sharing programs, but in most cases the solution adopted has been to add more lanes to the roads. Simple arithmetic shows that in order to carry 20,000 automobile commuters per hour per direction, a motorway must be at least 18 lanes wide.
By contrast, light rail vehicles can travel in multi-car trains carrying a theoretical ridership up to 20,000 passengers per hour in much narrower rights-of-way, not much more than two car lanes wide for a double track system.[20] They can often be run through existing city streets and parks, or placed in the medians of roads. If run in streets, trains are usually limited by city block lengths to about four 180-passenger vehicles (720 passengers). Operating on 2 minute headways using traffic signal progression, a well-designed two-track system can handle up to 30 trains per hour per track, achieving peak rates of over 20,000 passengers per hour in each direction. More advanced systems with separate rights-of-way using moving block signalling can exceed 25,000 passengers per hour per track.
A bus line using its own lanes can have a capacity of 7,000 per hour (30 buses per direction, 120 passengers in articulated buses). Bus traffic is the traditional alternative to light rail, at least if very high capacity is not needed. Using buses, roads can get a high transit capacity. To have 30 buses per direction and hour, they must have priority in traffic lights and have their own lanes, as must trams to reach this density. Buses can go closer to each other than rail vehicles because of better braking capability. However, each bus vehicle requires a single driver, whereas a light rail train may have three to four cars of the same capacity in one train under the control of one driver, increasing labor costs of high- traffic BRT systems.
Which Labour MEP is the parasitic representative for the Tameside Area.
Hear no-one,see no-one,and a no-one who no-one can name.
Milking the electorate and a very wealthy women out of it yet how many read,see, or hear her views.
The last time I read something probably two years ago concerned her campaign re crisps ?????????
Not sure which flavour.
MEP's represent a region not a borough or constituency. You must be getting confused in your old age and thinking of an MP rather than an MEP.
Councils promote trams for their own political and propaganda purposes. There is no logical case for them capacity, expense and flexibility-wise.
Sheffield's tram largely runs on old railway lines and isn't on the same scale or disruption level, as Manchesters.
Edinburgh's ran out of money and was nearly scrapped after massive expenditure. The initial cost was £375 million for a cross city route with airport extension. After years of delays, wrangles and upheaval and with only 25% completed it was nearly scrapped. As a sop the cross city stretch WAS scrapped and only the airport stretch is going ahead. The cost for all this? Starting cost, (for the full system) £375 million. Final cost (for a single line to the airport), well in excess of £1,000 million. A public inquiry is under way.
As for the cut and paste job, meaningless statistics irrelevant to Manchester. 70 - 90 vehicles with a capacity of 220 or so each can do a finite and quantifiable amount of work however efficiently they are run, and that quantity as a proportion is very small.
Heil labour, your argument has been totally destroyed yet you persist in embarrassing yourself. Give up before you make an even bigger tit of yourself.
20,000 per hour v 7,000 per hour. It says it all really.
Neil Labour is dead and buried by reasoned argument
MEP's represent a region not a borough or constituency. You must be getting confused in your old age and thinking of an MP rather than an MEP.
I stated MEP not MP and Tameside is a part of the Region.
I am fully aware of MEP`s Regions
and your remarks continue to denote your lack of knowledge sources also inform me.
Perhaps TC and those who comment should be aware you are a Hacker
along with Gwynne and I for one have passed your past and present comments onto other parties seing
the MP and his sycophants have now resorted to hidden hacking into
peoples internet reference system.
Deny you are Councillor Brenda Warrington and acting on behalf of A.Gwynne.
Do not refer to me being confused
especially as you have no bottle to creep from under your stone and declare yourself to the TC site,and its a pity that your unintelligence is widely known.
TC Its essential that all posters
know that the Labour Party members in Tameside have hacked into individuals identification site references,and know who is posting whatever.
The sordid and gutless Labour Councillors and MP who prefer to be simply vague anonymous posters are the paid slime that represents Tameside.
I suggest people who feel certain that they have had their identification hacked should make a formal complaint to the GMP at Chester House not Ashton for obvious reasons.
We are dealing with the lowest of the low,who constantly hide in their cess pit world and only venture out to usurp the rights of your posters.
Next time anyone has knowledge of Political expenses sleaze should inform the Tax Offices for a full investigation into whoever decides to use Our Money for their own profit.
This is Neil Labour’s granny. Will you lot stop being nasty with him and let him get his own way, especially you Ronny Rabbit, you have really upset him tonight.
Let me give you a bit of background information and then maybe you wont be so nasty in the future. It all started when he was just a boy. It was on a Christmas Day a long long time ago that Santa left he and his older brother a very special present. Neil’s brother got an electric train set featuring the Flying Scotsman locomotive and young Neil, due to his age got a large red mechanical Routemaster double-decker bus. Neil’s brother claimed his train set was better than little Neil’s mechanical bus, but Neil would not accept this and he challenged his big brother to race, Flying Scotsman locomotive versus mechanical Routemaster bus. All the family gathered round to watch the race and little Neil was so sure he was going to win as he furiously would up his mechanical bus. Grandad gave the countdown and on the count of three the race was on, five seconds later the race was over and sadly for wee Neil it was not even come close. The train won by a country mile and in a fit of pure temper little Neil kicked his big brothers train clean off the track on broke it. For that he was sent to bed without supper and to this very day, whenever trains of any descriptions are mentioned he gets very very angry.
Now you know the background to his condition, please be more thoughtful and allow him to win a debate every now and then.
Love and kisses Granny
The claims by J Hall regarding hacking have me worried. How can I tell if they have hacked me?
Just knock yourself up a tin foil helmet and I reckon you will be safe.
Granny said.....
Thank you for that insight into Heil (Neil) Labour. It does explain his resistance to Metrolink. Poor man.
This is a politician that we should respect and look upto.
A Council leader that supports beating up young people.
It's amazing, this guy went to complain to the CID that I had called him a nasty, violent man.
When his solicitor asks me, why did you call Cllr Taylor a nasty, violent, man?
My answer to that question will be.
"because he assaulted me, and he supports punishment beatings.
Dear Councillor Brian Wild.
Why did the police not stop you from driving around Dukinfield in this car.
How can you drive safely when your vision is being obscured by the posters in the windows?
So here we have it, the three most prolific trouble causers in Tameside, Hall, West and Simmons conspiring together. When I think of them, I can't help but think of Moe, Larry, and Curly.
Andrew Gwynne: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what steps he
plans to take to increase patient take-up of cardiac rehabilitation
among (a) women and (b) black, Asian and minority ethnic groups.
Sorry I forgot to mention the Jewish Community as well.
Anonymous The Three Stooges said...
So here we have it, the three most prolific trouble causers in Tameside
The latest anon from infantile Gwynne
Check out the link below. Seems Cllr Taylor's pro-UVF stance has been noted over the water by the bhoys.
Wonder if he will complain about that?
Top man tonydj
So why should we respect the Deputy Leader of Tameside Council, when he supports beating up young people?
But who is Liam Davis?
Where's the exposé by J Hall. Hot air??
Labour activists, Irish people and just plain decent members of the public are up in arms in greater Manchester over a Labour Councillor’s pro-UVF website.
John Taylor of Tameside Council has praised a UVF mob who carried out vigilante action on the Shankhill against an alleged thief. Not only that but he has decorated his site with Red Hand emblems in response to protests!
Please write to Tameside council or the Councillor in question to express your disgust.
Manchester Link
Modern transport for Tameside, Anonymous 21:27, Ronnie Rabbit, my argument hasn't been disputed on any specific point.
Calling someone a 'tit' or juvenile fairy tales from 'Granny' is the infantile zenith of any counter 'arguments'.
As for the 20,000 per hour v 7,000 per hour, that's simply cribbed from statistical academic verbiage that is irrelevant to the specific capacity and usage of Manchester Metrolink.
In Droylsden, and no doubt other parts of Greater manchester, the tram will travel within the flow of normal road traffic and will in effect be a bus on rails, that can't deviate in any way, it will be interesting to see what happens when one breaks down.
The line is so close to the houses it will seriously impinge on the day to day lives of a large amount of people. The funding for completion of the current extensions hasn't been secured and apparently some construction is being done in bits and pieces in the hope of bluffing for the rest of the money.
The tracks will be declared an obstructive anachronism (as they were in the 40s) in twenty or thirty years as the population burgeons to 70 million plus and REAL, cheap mass transportation with the capacity and flexibility to actually solve the problem will rightly be given priority over this monolithic, white elephant.
ronnie rabbit your an anonymous joke.
Dear Mr Hall
Please could you provide any evidence you may have to show that Cllr Brenda Warrington is hacking into the internet accounts of people who post comments on the Tameside Citizen blog.
Even the editor of the TC blog cannot access the IP addresses of those who make comments, as far as I know. In order to hack into people's accounts FROM this blog, Cllr Warrington would need the help of the State, probably the security services.
Eh-up, Neil Labour is back for more humilation. Come on Neil, we know what your problem is as your granny has explained in great detail.
Neil Labour....
Sheffield is my home town. What's all this about their tram being on rail lines. I'll let my relatives know. That'll be a few more people laughing at you.
As for Mr Hall....he hasn't got an exposé.......he's just a joke
Choo choo, it's long past your bed time. Now take your ribena in your Transformers spill proof cup and go up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire. Mummy will be up to read you a story in a few minutes.
Heil Labour!
Come on now. Just because everyone is ignoring you and the Metrolink is coming. Don't spit your dummy out.
Ronnie rabbit, if Sheffield was your home town you'd know that some of it is on rail lines. Although I must admit it's Nottingham that utilises rail line the most for three quarters of its length, only a few thousand yards out of nine miles is on road.
Anonymous 19:59, thanks for not ignoring me, with your comment.
Every expert study confirms the massive economic and environmental benefits of light rail systems like our Metrolink. It is only those with vested interests or simple minds who cannot accept this as fact.
Heil Labour!....
Your original post said that Sheffield was LARGELY on rail lines. Maybe some but travel along City Road to Frechevile and it's all on street similar to Droylsden. And yes there was some disruption at the construction phase but you don't hear the local folk complaining now. There is room and capacity for the motor vehicle, buses and tram.
It looks like Neil Labour has had enough and has run away in a strop like he did last night.
Yes I'm afraid so. Neil Labour has gone to bed. But Metrolink will be pulling into Droylsden station next summer.
Ronnie Rabbit, I know what my original post said which is why I admitted I'd mixed it up with Nottingham which does run mainly on the road. You said Sheffield's tram didn't utilise the road, it does.
There is room for all three, unfortunately the tram is so chronically limited in terms of capacity and flexibility, and will cause so much delay, disruption and obstruction it isn't worth the (very expensive) candle.
Unless they've brought the completion date forward several years the tram won't be trundling into Droylsden next summer.
I haven't gone to bed but at least I can get a good night's sleep unlike the poor folk of Droylsden etc who will have that rackety anachronism clanking past their front doors (literally) until turned 11pm upon completion.
Heil Labour!
Yes the tram to Droylsden will be operating next summer. Not sure where you have got your information as the tram will run to Ashton by 2014 and Droylsden next year. I never said the Sheffield tram didn't use the road. It was you who indicated rail line running only to correct yourself. The fact is Metrolink is coming, it's a great public transport system so as Simon Cowell would say....Get over it and move on.
NCB said...
Even the editor of the TC blog cannot access the IP addresses of those who make comments, as far as I know. In order to hack into people's accounts.
Unfortunately your assumption is incorrect,blog sites can result in IP information being exposed,hence the numerous software programmes which when downloaded assist by varying bloggers IP addresses to safeguard their identification.
A.Gwynne and B.Warrington know my blogs regardless of whether I use Anonymous or a Phantom Name,and their knowledge can easily be shared with other Labourite people.
They have slipped up three times by directly responding to me via their response blogs regardless of some when I use anon to bring them out.
Also my contributory blogs are very often blocked and found to have been directed straight into the spam files which I feel sure TC will confirm.
You are not aware Gwynne has in the past accused me of harrassment because I expose 100% facts and stated by E.Mail he intended to inform the House of Commons Security Division.
Also not known is my previous 40 year support for Labour and help years ago with their local campaigns in an area of Manchester.
Its what I found out almost 18 years ago which immediately withdrew my support from Labour.
Be assured the methods which can and are used to identify IP`s exist.
We certainly do not live in a democracy but a devious,deceptive,
controlling and manipulative Country NCB.
"Whatever" is required to stem objectors happens,and the evidence
over recent years is well substantiated.
Whatever I post is an accurate account of data and substantiated information regardless of the various rhetoric directed at me by
those Labourites with odd ball names who live in the shadows.
For Rabbit`s info be patient before you will be seen as an absolute fool.
Those who cannot live with the truth are an enemy of the populace.
Anonymous 21:24, learn to read, I was replying to Ronnie Rabbit's incorrect statement that the Sheffield tram doesn't run on old rail lines at all, 'What's all this about their tram being on rail lines'. I didn't accuse YOU of making a mistake, the clue was when I wrote Ronnie rabbit at the start of the comment.
I corrected myself for mixing up the Sheffield and Nottingham tram, as it's the latter which runs on old rail line, i.e. out of the way, for the vast majority of its length.
The fact that the tram is apparently coming, in no way alters its fundamentally inferior, outdated and inadequate nature as a form of urban transportation. If Simon Cowell's your inspiration you've got real problems.
Neil Labour, do you really believe you are right and the worlds leading experts are wrong? If rail is such an outdated mode of transport why are all the leading nations of the world spending $billions expanding the networks of both light and heavy rail?
Back to topic
Bruno Ganz's portrayal of Adolf Hitler (Peace Be Upon Him) in Downfall is perfect and will never be surpassed. It's sacrilege to use this great film for propaganda purposes in a dispute over the Metrolink.
See all this on the TV about disabled parking and its just like i,d said, everytime there,s a dispute regarding the disabled they roll out the wheelchairs, but in reality you see very few wheelchair users using the disabed bays.
Sorry and what i also meant to say was they cant even be arsed to mention the wheelchair users on the disabled parking charges consultation forms they sent out.
ps Don,t forget disabled people connot walk as far or as fast as nonedisabled people according to Tameside Council.
This is the way Britain is heading.
Only 4 more days to go to Johnny Halls big expose. Rehashed google searches with cut and paste or something real this time?
My guess, the former.
This what Daryl claims to be revealing before the 21st November " Wait for an accurate (that will be a first) and 100% factual (another first)exposure within the next week BW which will tell the public what can happen to Tamesiders who threaten the stability of the status quo in Tameside, where slander, threats, and life threatening attacks (which must be reported to plod so a real investigation can take place) are used on the decent,honest,and trustworthy folk who release the 100%(sic)truth."
bated breath
Daryl Oates
Anon, you obviously missed the comment from J Hall posted at 22.59 last night.
I can confirm what J Hall states regarding many of his posts ending up in the hidden spam file is true. I am not big on conspiracy theories, but as far as J Hall’s missing posts are concerned something is definitely not right because more often than not his posts end up in the spam folder. This is almost unique to his posts, I always mark them as not being spam and have reported this phenomenon to Google on many occasions, but still many of his posts end up marked as spam.
With regards to the IP (Internet Protocol) address issue, both NCB and J Hall are correct. NCB is correct in claiming that I do not harvest IP addresses. As far as I am concerned everyone who posts here can post anonymously if that suits them. With additional software I could obtain individual commenter’s IP addresses. If I did this I would end up with a sequence of numbers such as 163.391.494.76. In some cases this information could then be used to identify who has posted what and which ISP they use, and that is it. It is not possible as far as I know for someone unconnected to the security forces to identify an individual subscriber through an IP address alone. It is also possible for people to use mobile dongles which use dynamic IP addresses or proxy servers which mask users IP addresses, so for me to collect IP addresses would be not only a betrayal of those who post on this site, it would also be a pointless exercise.
There is of course a possibility that sinister forces are at work in the background. If government agencies, domestic or foreign wanted to obtain technical information from a humble little blog like this, there is no doubting it would be childs play for such agencies to do so.
mobile dongles sonds like a sexual device for sex starved women?
Did you know your IP address is exposed every time you visit a website? Your IP address is your online identity and could be used by hackers to break into your computer, steal personal information, or commit other crimes against you. Hide My IP allows you to surf anonymously, change your IP address, prevent identity theft, and guard against hacker intrusions, all with the click of a button.
Loads of sites helping to stop such as the Labour Mafia parasites if you search.
'The world's leading experts': non-specific, incorrect generalisations are no substitute for reasoned argument.
In the fields of so-called integrated, and public transport, impartiality from 'experts' is virtually non-existent as nearly everyone has an axe to grind, whether financial, ideological or ecological.
Some countries are investing in rail, some aren't. Many are investing heavily in road widening to ease congestion, exactly what our small and overcrowded country needs, as volume and numbers of people moved (i.e. exactly what the tram fails to contribute in any meaningful way towards) is crucial. What suits other countries does not necessarily suit Britain which is one of the most overcrowded countries in the world.
If a reasonably priced (in terms of construction and fares), high capacity, non-obstructive and FLEXIBLE form of public transportation came along that genuinely helped the overall congestion/public movement problem I would be in favour. The tram ticks none of these boxes, which is why it was done away with in the first place and why it isn't the solution.
Charging the disabled for parking is just one of many increased parking and other charges implemented by many councils as an alternative to cutting jobs and wages on the necessary scale. Get the money in by ripping off the public and keep the local government gravy train rolling are their mottoes. Reducing the £22,000 per part-time amateur councillor is not on the cuts agenda, but fleecing the disabled is. What a fucking nauseating bunch of self-seeking crooks, spivs and chancers the Tameside Labour Mafia are.
Neil Labour said: "Some countries are investing in rail, some aren't"
This is correct, the worlds advanced and advancing countries are investing heavily in rail, the worlds backward countries are not.
More generalised, incorrect dogma. Who cares what SOME other countries are doing, we should do what suits our unique national needs.
Neil Labour
You've lost the argument. You're entitled to an opinion. That's what democracy is all about. However your opinion is wrong. Metrolink will supplement the buses you so like and help the modal shift from the car. Completion of the Northern Hub will also help get passengers on heavy rail as well. Get with the times.
Neil Labour is a glutton for punishment. How many times do you want Ronny Rabbit to destroy your credibility Neil? Do not try and engage in debate with those in possession of a higher intellect and a greater understanding of the subject being discussed.
Do yourself a favour and either study the facts or stick to subjects of which you have at least a cursory amount of knowledge.
Ronnie Rabbit, Ronnie KOs naughty Neil, neither of you have countered any of my specific points, just resorted to vague dogma or juvenile abuse.
Even a miniscule 'modal shift' from the car to the tram would totally overwhelm the Metrolink system because the car does 77% of all public movement on its own. 70 - 90 trams will play a relatively insignificant role in regard to the 2000 buses currently in use, especially when that fact is set against the massive cost of the tram system and the permanent delay and obstruction it will cause on road. You're right about the northern hub it will help some passengers get on heavy rail as well, but only a relatively, and proportionally insignificant, number that doesn't come close to ameliorating the phenomenal expenditure, delay and obstruction.
I HAVEN'T lost the argument but then neither have you as haven't put an argument forward. 'I like trams and they have them in other countries' are statements not reasoned arguments.
Neil Labour
I could put forward lots of arguments to blow you out of the water but there's no point. You have an opinion and I don't think you'll move on it. I think you need to wait a couple of years for the Ashton line to be complete. If you are a cricket or football fan you can try getting the tram from Ashton to Piccadilly and onto Old Trafford. You'll then appreciate what we are all saying.
There's every point in putting an argument forward but I doubt you will because you can't counter my argument and the specific points therein. You're right I have an opinion, but unlike a lot of opinion, mine is based on facts, experience, reality and logic.
No doubt the tram will take a small proportion of UTD fans to the game, the vast majority however will go by car, motorbike, bicycle, car share as I used to do, or get a taxi, train or bus. They, like everyone else, managed perfectly well before the tram came along.
The tram is an unnecessary, grossly inadequate capacity, expensive, obstructive scheme brought about by vested interests, political deal making, and socialist/Green cranks pursuing their own fundamentally irrational agendas. If the priority was traffic flow instead the VAST MAJORITY of the moving public would benefit and, as is well established, improved traffic flow and speed provides significant economic benefits, particularly important currently.
The M60 join-up had a packet spent on it too but it shifts Christ knows how many a day, like the Mancunian Way. Shut either of them just for a few minutes and Manchester's roads feel it big style.
What is up with this Neil Labour geezer? He is like a stuck record! He obviously dislikes the Metrolink but does he think if he keeps repeating the same thing over and over again he will persuade others to dislike it to?
Public transport user, I think the Metrolink is a bad idea and I have explained why in my reasoned arguments. Any repetition is response to counter statements (they weren't arguments).
I wouldn't try to persuade anyone, just lay out the facts. Others can make their own minds up.
Keep your nerve Mr West, and ensure Councillor Taylor is called to account for HIS alleged actions, in court. If he's got nothing to hide, particularly re the alleged vile allegations/suggestions about you on his website, he's got nothing to worry about. If I was him and those allegations WERE true I would be shitting myself.
Seems the only reason the Metro was built was to let Tameside Councilloers travel to manchester in double quick time on free passes, as the cars are no good on the New road, and the cars take three times longer on the Old one, due to all that use the New road travelling on the Old road to get to work.
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