The history lesson in this video would make Michael Ballagher proud. To be honest I think this is a diabolical abuse of the blue plaque scheme. If anyone doubts the power the TUC Communists wield in this borough, try and force yourself, tortuous as it is, to watch this twenty minute video.
Ha good to see all this, public get what they deserve....LOVE IT!
R.Oldham Brass Plaque to announce where he lived,Beacon Awards until Tameside burnt down,Statues for Footballers who didn't turn up for the unveiling.
Unwanted Statues stuck everywhere.
Trying to get a revolution amongst the dross in Tameside is like plaiting sawdust.
How about a cat statue which haunts TMBC Offices with milk left each day.
This Council is having one big laugh at YOU every day.
Never mind the Public Service workers tomoorow its us who should take to the streets and occupy TMBC Offices.
Thousand upon thousand of Tameside’s finest sons have died for their country over the century yet the council decide to commemorate this Red no-mark with a blue plaque. There is no doubting the enemies of our civilization are at their absolute peak. They can keep on pushing and prodding us, but one day, who knows when, the tormenters will suffer merciless retribution at the hands of the tormented
Oh BRITAIN, where did we go wrong?
We're "broke" and can't help our own Pensioners, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless etc.?
Are you aware of the following?
The British Government provides the following financial assistance: -
BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER (bearing in mind they worked hard and paid their Income Tax and National Insurance contributions to the British government all their working life) Weekly allowance: £106.00 IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES LIVING IN BRITAIN (No Income Tax and National Insurance contribution whatsoever) Weekly allowance: £250.00
BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER Weekly Spouse allowance: £25.00
BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER Additional weekly hardship allowance £0.00
ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES LIVING IN BRITAIN Additional weekly hardship allowance £100.00
A British old age pensioner is no less hard up than an illegal immigrant/refugee yet receives nothing
The average pensioner has paid taxes and contributed to the growth of this country for the last 40 to 60 years.
Sad isn't it? Its about time we put our own people first.
There are three groups involved in today’s public sector strike. Firstly you have the professional red agitators, then you have the highly paid trade union bosses and officials and thirdly you have a section of the public sector workforce. The involvement of the first two is self evident but curiously the actual public sector workers involved are worthy of greater study. On the whole it is not the dinner ladies and lollipop men who are making the noise, it is the very highly paid and under worked Guardianista element of the public sector workforce.
As I come home from my nightshift at Asda this morning I watched as two of these parasitic individuals, a homosexual couple who live in the big detached houses at the end of my street, loaded their cars with big purple banners and placards before heading off to join the protest. These people do not give a toss about workers in general but they do care about keeping apartheid in the workplace as they benefit from high wages, lots of holidays and early retirement with an incredibly generous pension.
Their actions are motivated by pure self interest so do not get sucked into the hype and if any striker asks you for support tell them they have had it too good for far too long.
Now this I find an unbelievable sickening question asked by MP Gwynne in the House of Commons
Andrew Gwynne: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what steps he i taking to tackle chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in areas of high occurrence.
What is the top cause of COPD in our society,no its not smoking regardless of what you think.
Then ask Tamesiders what is COPD probably 80% haven`t a clue.
In Tameside the PCT (Dr Chand and others) "stopped" the highly effective COPD instruction courses assisting thousands with COPD,yet Tameside has very large numbers of folk having great difficulty in simply breathing.
With the chronic air pollution renowned in Tameside,what has A.Gwynne actually done for many COPD sufferers ?
For years absolutely sod all,yet has constantly for years "solidly backed the ever increasing traffic volumes right bang into
his own Constituency" heaping constant ever increasing pollution into Our Air.
It is contrary to Human Rights,Aarhus Convention Rulings,United Nations Charters, EEC Directives and World Heath Authority requirements yet
here we have an MP pretending to have concerns now he has moved over to the Shadow Health team.
The absolute proven hypocrisy of A.Gwynne re this issue is staggering, as is that of the Councillors as well (none of which live in this area of Denton)
I happen to know a very great deal about COPD,its causes and effects which cannot be rectified,and the suggestion made to me by
A.Gwynne was "move out of the area" such nice ignorant cynical remarks those were.
So to all Gwynne supporters I can confirm his actions and deliberate negligence are a feature and reason for the high pollution levels in his Constituency which he has knowingly and deliberately ignored and even passed scorn on anyone who informed him of these problems 10 years ago.
I "openly challenge" A.Gwynne MP to hold a public meeting as our public servant where I can release all the evidence to my comments in FULL
which would confirm and expose this MP`s utter and total lack of concern over many years for the thousands in Tameside who are affected because of the
chronic Air Pollution established,Mapped,and which breaches the Governments and EEC Directives on the Air which populations have a right to breathe.
This challenge to Mr.Gwynne is sensible,essential,and in the Public Interest because their lives and their families are at a serious health risk.
What will be the response to my open challenge "nothing" and that includes "nothing" from Councillors other than contacting and ensuring
they produce their Anonymous critics to get posting as always happens as an organised mob of critics with no substance.
Right then you uneducated thick cunts let me put the record straight. my mas older brother from ireland volunteered to help the catholics fight the fascists in the spanish war. the facists were murdering priests and raping nuns and my uncle and lots of other irishmen went to destroy the fascist scum. during the war he used to arm and service the fiat cr 20 airoplanes which were used to wipe out fascists. he used to tell us as kids how the glorious Bandera Irlandesa dealt punishment to the fascist scum guilty of killing catholics and destroying churces and i carry on his fight in tameside
labour til i die taxi driver told me that your house is a shite hole.
I see the BBC has reported this too. Maybe the TUC could nominate that brave "anti-fascist" Desi Noonan for a plaque in honour of his attempts to stop the BNP organising in his manor.
Desi was a good man and may his soul rest in peace. he was a great antifascist fighter and he scared the shit out of them just like my uncle johnny who went to spain
Thats what people tell, that go in your house ya scruffy dosser!!!!
Mr Hall is ranting again.
rant, rant, labour rant.
Not a rant but a statement. This is a RANT
Now this I find an unbelievable sickening question asked by MP Gwynne in the House of Commons
Andrew Gwynne: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what steps he i taking to tackle chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in areas of high occurrence.
What is the top cause of COPD in our society,no its not smoking regardless of what you think.
Then ask Tamesiders what is COPD probably 80% haven`t a clue.
In Tameside the PCT (Dr Chand and others) "stopped" the highly effective COPD instruction courses assisting thousands with COPD,yet Tameside has very large numbers of folk having great difficulty in simply breathing.
With the chronic air pollution renowned in Tameside,what has A.Gwynne actually done for many COPD sufferers ?
For years absolutely sod all,yet has constantly for years "solidly backed the ever increasing traffic volumes right bang into
his own Constituency" heaping constant ever increasing pollution into Our Air.
It is contrary to Human Rights,Aarhus Convention Rulings,United Nations Charters, EEC Directives and World Heath Authority requirements yet
here we have an MP pretending to have concerns now he has moved over to the Shadow Health team.
The absolute proven hypocrisy of A.Gwynne re this issue is staggering, as is that of the Councillors as well (none of which live in this area of Denton)
I happen to know a very great deal about COPD,its causes and effects which cannot be rectified,and the suggestion made to me by
A.Gwynne was "move out of the area" such nice ignorant cynical remarks those were.
So to all Gwynne supporters I can confirm his actions and deliberate negligence are a feature and reason for the high pollution levels in his Constituency which he has knowingly and deliberately ignored and even passed scorn on anyone who informed him of these problems 10 years ago.
I "openly challenge" A.Gwynne MP to hold a public meeting as our public servant where I can release all the evidence to my comments in FULL
which would confirm and expose this MP`s utter and total lack of concern over many years for the thousands in Tameside who are affected because of the
chronic Air Pollution established,Mapped,and which breaches the Governments and EEC Directives on the Air which populations have a right to breathe.
This challenge to Mr.Gwynne is sensible,essential,and in the Public Interest because their lives and their families are at a serious health risk.
What will be the response to my open challenge "nothing" and that includes "nothing" from Councillors other than contacting and ensuring
they produce their Anonymous critics to get posting as always happens as an organised mob of critics with no substance.
Asylum seeker who raped two children used Human Rights Act to stay in Britain
An asylum seeker raped two little British girls while he fought deportation on grounds of his ‘human right to a family life’. 39-year-old William Danga raped and violently molested two young girls, one of whom was only four years old. The Congolese national was allowed to stay in Britain to rape the two children even after he had raped a teenage girl ten years earlier.
J Hall is a man with balls of steel. If everyone was like J Hall the country wouldn't be in the mess it is.
well said
do you get balls of steal by living in East Gorton - sorry, Denton West? No doubt another complaint.
and just to set the record straight. "labour till I die" aint Ballagher, arse that he is, he isnt Irish, nor are his ancestors.
are they all scruffy bastards like him?
Thanks for the information. we will be holding a demo outside on the 5th.
@Labour til I die
From the wikipedia page "Red Terror (Spain)"...
"The Red Terror in Spain (Spanish: Terror Rojo en España) is the name given by historians to various acts committed "by sections of nearly all the leftist groups"[3][4] such as the killing of tens of thousands of people (including 6,832[5] members of the Catholic clergy, the vast majority in the summer of 1936 in the wake of the military rising), as well as attacks on landowners, industrialists, and politicians, and the desecration and burning of monasteries and churches.[5] A process of political polarisation had characterised the Spanish Second Republic – party divisions became increasingly embittered and questions of religious identity came to assume a major political significance.
Some estimates of the Red Terror range from 38,000[6] to 72,344 lives."
01/12/2011 00:35
Oh goodie can't wait to see you all get arrested under the public order act.
Sandra should sue your arse for making a slanderes statement like that. do you ever wonder why everyone hates you
Seeing that the Borough Solicitor has to abide by Human Rights and all other legislation,I would want an E.Mail or letter prior to any District Assembley meeting confirming I was banned,the reason and the TMBC actual exclusion ruling.
With a tape recorder and camera I would attend the District Assembly with a witness and ensure every word spoken to me, by whom, and the time it occured.
There is no need to utilise bad language,insulting comments or threats,simply confirm your exclusion by trying to attend but then more critical is collecting specific and substantiated facts from whoever is not permitting your
Freedom of Speech at that particular time and place.
Over and Out Night Owl
You are making some outrageous allegations there Mr West, I strongly advise you to consider deleting or amending what you have just written regarding the solicitor.
LTID, or whoever it may be possibly pretending to be LTID, I have deleted your comment for repeated use of foul language, and you should be grateful I did to save you from further embarrassment regarding historical inaccuracies in what you wrote.
By all means put a link to the letter but to condemn someone as being less than honest without cast iron proof is just not on.
I am surprised that Ms Stewart would involve herself in such a way.
Makes you wonder what Ms Stewart was thinking when she dictated that letter to be sent out. It's very wreckless to say the least.
@Roy West, as I recall Taylor stated in that election literature that complaints had been made about you by that woman with mixed-race kids, not that you had actually been tried and found "guilty". If she had made such complaints about you and Taylor merely stated that fact, then technically he is simply being honest with the people whose vote you are asking for.
£235,000 that's just in the last 8 years.
@Well it's about three years ago that the leaflet came through my door and I don't recall exactly what it said. What I go remember is GUILTY as a headline in big letters and underneath it described the Kreuga (or whatever) incident and also described the incident with the woman. And given what was said it was obvious to me that the term 'guilty' was a reference to the Kroooga case.
Well your not a solicitor and you've no idea of the counter claims of harassment put forward in this case.
So I'd leave it at that.
Well if only qualified solcitors and those privy to Roy Kevin West's personal evidence are permitted to remark on the issue, then it really doesn't belong on an open and public discussion board like this does it (especially when it is of no relevance to the above story featured). So take your smarmy and patronising little comments elsewhere.
Well shut up then about it.
It might be more appropriate to aim your latest remark at Mr West himself. But since you're that contemptible ever-loyal little friend of his who is always waiting in the wings to jump to his defence....
Most Irishmen who fought in Spain fought for Franco in Eoin O'Duffy's "Blue Shirts", the largest forign contingent of GENUINE volunteers to fight for freedom and anti-Bolshevism in Spain.
Viva Franco! Eriba Espania! Pasaron!!
The Alcazar de Toledo was a Military academy held by the Nationalists under Colonel Moscardo, they were beseiged by various Red scum. Early in the seige Colonel Moscardó was called on the telephone by the chief of the Worker's Militia on the morning of July 23 in Toledo and told that if the Alcázar were not surrendered within ten minutes, his son Luis would be shot. Colonel Moscardó asked to speak to his son and his son asked what he should do. His father replied, "then commend your soul to God, shout 'Viva España' and die like a hero." To which the son said, "That is quite simple. Both I will do." Colonel Moscardó then told the chief of the Worker's Militia that he would not surrender the Alcázar and a few minutes later he received a call stating that his son had been shot
And these are the scum Tameside wish to honour!
What is the Red Terror? During the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s, many of the Republican forces were violently anti-clerical anarchists and Communists, whose assaults during what has been termed Spain's red terror included sacking and burning monasteries and churches and killing 6,832 members of the Catholic clergy.
One scholar noted that despite the fact that "the Church...suffered appalling persecution" behind Republican (Was Keogh from Ashton involved?)lines, the events have been met by much silence and even attempts at justification by some scholars and memoirists. In the Spanish Civil War's first months most of the killing did not come from combat on the battlefield but from executions.
The Red terror started with the murder of some surrendering rebels as the revolt faltered in some of the cities, and it expanded to widespread detentions, and even mass executions, of individuals related to the right or to the Church. It was not the spontaneous act of mobs but was at least partly organized and carried out by virtually all the leftist groups with the exception of the Basque Nationalists.
For an impartial view on the Red Terror carried out by people like Keogh from Ashton, click here.
It is little surprise that TMBC, the Red unions and the BBC hype these butchers up to be some kind of heroes.
I remember when I was lad back in Bermondsey in 1937. My father took me to see Oswald Mossley`s blackshirts march to the Elephant and Castle. I can see the Blackshits now marching down the road singing the anthem of the Nazi Party the 'Horst Wessel Lied' and the hymn of Mussolini's Fascists Party. In those days the fascists weren't afraid to give the Nazi salute or to make speeches denouncing democracy. Come on tonydj, stop hanging on to the frocks of priests and nuns by pretending to be a devout Roman Catholic! We all know its not the Pope you admire, but Hitler and Mussolini. No wonder you didn`t like this blue plaque to a fallen anti-fascists.
Right on, it's 2011 and the country's on the precipice of destruction by immigration but you harp on about some crap from 80 years ago.
There's no fool like an old fool.
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