On Sunday 9th October, Manchester Friends of the Earth food campaigners will be asking visitors to the Manchester Food and Drink Festival [1] to take the ‘taste before beauty’ challenge by trying a variety of apples and deciding which ones are the tastiest. The ‘taste before beauty’ campaign aims to highlight the avoidable food waste that is created when supermarkets reject large amounts of food because it is not cosmetically perfect.
Fruit and vegetables grown in the UK are governed by European Union food regulations [2] but supermarkets often require producers to meet even higher cosmetic perfection standards, which leads to even more perfectly edible food being ‘graded out’.
The Manchester Friends of the Earth ‘taste before beauty’ campaign will highlight the huge amount of perfectly edible food that is being wasted and ask people to tell their supermarket that, given the choice, they would be happy to buy this food as long as it tastes good.
The ‘taste before beauty’ campaign is asking people to:
* Send a postcard to their local supermarket chain telling them not to reject perfectly good food.
* Shop at local independent grocers where less stringent cosmetic grading processes will have been used.
* Sign up to a box scheme which supports local growers, as the amount of food wasted by small scale producers working with box schemes is far lower than the more highly packaged food offered in supermarkets.
* Buy fresh fruit and vegetables from a local farmers’ market, as direct sales to customers do not require producers to ‘grade out’ food produce.
Debbie Ellen from the Manchester Friends of the Earth food campaign said:
“Supermarket chains say that they are responding to what their customers want. Join our campaign to ask them to put taste before beauty by taking the ‘taste before beauty’ challenge in Albert Square on Sunday.”
Photo opportunity: 11am–3pm, Sunday 9th October, Manchester Friends of the Earth stall in the Kids Food Feast area, Albert Square.
What a wonderful campaign. The EU dropped Führer Directive 2257/94 after much ridicule regarding what was and what was not permissible when it comes to bent bananas and curved cucumbers. However supermarkets take this lunacy further and reject vast quantity of perfectly good produce for solely cosmetic reasons. Add to this the enormous amount of food wasted as a result of unnecessary expiry dates and you soon begin to realise how selfish it is to waste so much when so many are in need.
Did you know that Tesco will actually prosecute you for ‘stealing’ out of date food which they have already binned should you be so audacious as to help yourself to it?
These profit driven monsters of exploitation and destruction need reigning in and that is just one of the reasons why I support this campaign by Friends of the Earth. Tameside Citizen
I smell a rat; Ralpho, thou dost prevaricate.
Show me a liar, and I will show thee a thief.
Liars are always most disposed to swear.
“Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold -- but so does a hard-boiled egg.”
Friends of The earth mostly talk rubbish but they're right on this one. Fancy throwing good food away because it's not symmetrical.
But of course Tesco etc are responding to customer demand which must mean people prefer 'good looking' fruit and veg.
I back this campaign and will help it out if I can. If people were better used to growing their own crops or buying them from growers we may not have so great a problem.
Supermarkets should be replaced by cooperatives, local produce sold at a good rate and with far less fuel wasted on transporting them.
Globalism is the serpent mentioned in my name and I find the supermarkets to be a particular aspect of it that I personally hate. So impersonal, all the money goes to wealthy foreigners and they pay British farmers a pittance. Not to mention the practices of Jack Cohen's chain in relation to planning permission.
I urge a boycott, go to your local market and shops instead.
In Ireland, we have lots of different kinds of food. Our growing immigration population gives us that variety.
The supermarkets have no say in this matter ? its down to the ministry of agriculture and there europian counter parts ? you should see what they do at smithfield market when they come round with their measuring rings if the apple doe,snt fit threw the hole or it falls threw to easily they pink slip the full wagon and its off to the crusher, and the ministry also so to the supermarkets distrubustion centres
Sir John Edward Cohen (6 October 1898 – 24 March 1979), born Jacob Edward Kohen and commonly known as Jack Cohen, was a British businessman who founded the Tesco supermarket chain.
He was born in Chatham in the Medway area of Kent, the son of Avram Kohen, an immigrant Polish-Jewish tailor, and his Jewish wife, Sime Zamremb.
In 1924, Jack Cohen created the Tesco brand name from the initials of a tea supplier, T. E. Stockwell (formally Messrs Torring and Stockwell of Mincing Lane), and the first two letters of his surname.
Dublin today ? im in shock i thought the Irish had more go in them than to let that happen but i guess thats what you get when your part of the UK ? Ireland should of fucked britain off a long time ago
Dublin is not a part of Britain you numpty aluman.
You see these dictators up on their pedestals, surrounded by the bayonets of their soldiers and the truncheons of their police. They're afraid of words and thought. ... They make frantic efforts to bar our thoughts and words. ... A state of society where men may not speak their mind -- where children denounce their parents to the police -- where a businessman or small shopkeeper ruins his competitor by telling tales about his private opinion. Such a state of society cannot long endure if it is continually in contact with the healthy outside world.
If the man doesn't believe as we do, we say he is a crank, and that settles it. I mean, it does nowadays, because now we can't burn him. - Mark Twain
I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery.
In some of its more lunatic aspects, political correctness is merely ridiculous. But in the thinking behind it, there is something more sinister which is shown by the fact that already there are certain areas and topics where freedom of speech, in the sense of the right to open and frank discussion, is being gradually but significantly eroded.
Dublin today, who wants all those Irish people in Ireland's capital, ludicrous. Fill it up with Nigerians and it will become 'New Lagos' and can model itself one of the world's most dangerous cities. Funny how no irish people want to emigrate to Nigeria isn't it.
With a whimper, we WILL go out.
With a bang, we might not.
Anonymous ? So what you are sayin is that dublin as never been part of the UK isit ? and if your going to call me silly names pls be big enough to put your name to it you shit bag
aluman Dublin is part of the Rep of Ireland you numpty.
Look up the history of Ireland.
Not Northern Ireland, they've no desire to be submerged in foreigners there and aren't afraid to say so.
There are now believed to be 30,000Polish people living in Northern Ireland. This influx has been relatively recent, and has increased since Poland joined the European Union, with many coming on a short term basis for work. A recent report showed that in the Police Service of Northern Ireland's most recent recruitment drive, nearly 1,000 Polish people applied to become officers.
United Nations Wants To Regulate Free Speech Of Every Nation
All the while Catholics and Protestants are at each others throats.
Foreign mercenaries holding power of enforcement over Ulstermen. I really hope the men loyal to Ulster were lying when they said they had disarmed.
The old divides are meaningless, both the Unionist and Republican politicians care nothing about Irishmen.
Ulster needs heroes.
The BNP answer the smears off panorama on BNP web site in advance of the BNP smear programme showing on monday nite ? Are the smears being put forward by discrumled ex members or is there any truth to it ? Not long to go now till we find out ?
The Tameside BNP is still there, the people have not gone away.
There's no confidence what-so-ever in NG and his followers.
NG has destroyed a growing political party.
The party has lost most of it's Councillors due to his bad leadership. Thousands have left many more kicked out by Griffin.
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