Anyone who regularly uses the Denton M67/M60/A57 roundabout will probably agree that this roundabout attracts a particularly bad type of idiot driver. If you watch the video you will see such an idiot in a grey Ford Focus estate cut right in front of me. I had to add a little music in order to save your sensitive ears from the verbal tirade emanating from my lips following this incident. The fool in the Ford was in the left hand lane which is only for joining the M60 in the Stockport direction but he, as do many others decided he would go straight on instead and without any consideration for other road users he barges in. In this particular instance it was not too bad in my case because I was going straight ahead onto Manchester Rd but if I was going onto the M60 in the Stockport direction, something which is permitted from the middle lane it is likely that this moronic cretin would have crashed into me as I turned onto the M60.
It is no surprise that this location is the No1 accident black spot in Tameside. The junction is the responsibility of the Highways Agency and not TMBC but regardless of that; it is not the actual junction or road markings which is to blame. The blame lies squarely with bumbling idiots like the one I captured on video, idiots who should not be allowed onto the roads in any form of self propelled vehicle.
Ok, rant over!
A polite request from TC. Please do not start petty BNP related bickering here as there are many other places where you can post such nonsense for those who may be interested. Anyone posting such items will have the offending posts deleted without further explanation. Thank you for your cooperation - in advance!
I don't have a car seems to be alot of bad drivers on the roads.
Alot of speeding cars, stolen ones.
Look at our policy on having too many cars on the roads it's a worth while read.
The totals for Denton are therefore
Number of accidents 148
Casualities 224
Kiled/Serious Injuries 9
So what do Councillors now back only another large development site almost opposite Morrisons near Crown point attracting even considerably larger traffic volumes.
Time for the Nut House medics to round Councillors and MP up big time.
Also perhaps people don`t recognise the Denton M60 interchange is one of the downright scruffiest interchanges throughout the North West and it shows welcome to Tameside,good job its never part of the Tameside in bloom localities lets see the pictures TC.
Is there a speed camera near Denton Roundabout? I've been told recently that there are about 10 genuine speed cameras in Tameside and roughly 50 fake ones. Can anyone confirm this?
I've been thinking about speed cameras quite a lot lately as my boss has tried to frame me for a speeding ticket that he knew full well was his own. I drive the company vehicle 6 days a week and the boss drives it on my day off. It turns out the vehicle was clocked speeding on my day off. The boss has 9 points on his licence so he's desperate to avoid his latest ticket as it will result in another driving ban and rack up his insurance costs. But with the help of a girl who works in his office (who hates his guts) I managed to prove that he attempted to pervert the course of justice.
All vile mouth comments should be
blocked by TC,as an Ex Army bloke even the tough Army lads didnt need to give it out as much as some do on here.
So those just wanting to sound tough need their heads sorted.
The stats are interesting. A typical 'bad junction' might have had 35 or so incidents in ten years. That's 3.5 a year or one every 105 days. When you consider how many vehicles pass through one of these extremely busy junctions in over three months, I would regard that as an extremely low accident rate and a demonstration of how safe Britain's roads are. Combined with the fact tht the Road Research Laboroatory's own figures prove that 87% of ALL road accidents are caused by pedestrians stepping into the roadway, it makes you wonder why the local authorities' (and sometimes the Highways Agency) almost default response is to install another set of traffic lights or other impediment.
In the past, balanced judgement and proportionate response, as opposed to blanket hysteria, was an essential part of good governance and its approach to problems. The quality of local governance, combined with agenda driven decision making, has resulted in Tameside being a crawl zone when it comes to road traffic.
nice one labour mafia and yes he may be a cabbage but hes slill twice the man you are
Light headed, TMBC hate the private car, that's why the lunatic tram's coming. It will make virtually zero difference to the number of car journeys but it WILL cause significant congestion at some already extremely busy junsctions. I ahd a relative from Newcastle come to stay recently and he couldn't believe the traffic speeds in Tameside, But when you've got a council whose priority is traffic obstruction as opposed to traffic flow that's what happens. Also, planning and installing never ending schemes, humps, chicanes, traffic lights etc gives related council staff something to do. The, 'There's nothing wrong with it let's leave it alone' option is now a virtual non-starter.
there's far too many traffic lights, too many cars and poor public transport.
I have come across some vile comments on this blog but never so low as the disgusting comment I have just read regarding Aluman’s disabled son. I struggle to believe that even the lowest of the Labour bottom feeders would stoop that low.
I have deleted the vulgar comment and I congratulate Aluman on showing such restraint in his response. Aluman would have sound justification to report such a vile comment as a hate crime and if anything similar should reappear he would be well within his rights to report it to the relevant authorities.
From what I understand, Aluman has a son who up until a couple of years ago was a perfectly normal happy go lucky teenager. One morning on the way to work on his scooter a car pulled out and he had no chance of avoiding an impact. The resulting injuries were described to me as ‘catastrophic’ and the poor lad is now permanently disabled.
I hope your boy makes the best possible recovery Aluman and I wish him all the best for the future.
Terrible, terrible roundabout. And what is the purpose of the air traffic control tower overlooking it? has anyone ever been seen in the windows at its top?
Thank you TC and i guess i asked for it ? but i found it hard when my wife saw it and broke down in tears .but hay free speech and all thay.
TC you should also look at some of alumans comments.
Vile and not really for a blog like this.
I’m sorry anon, Aluman has never posted anything nearly as offensive and whoever posted such a vile comment about a disabled teenager who has never wronged them should feel thoroughly ashamed of themselves.
Aluman, would you mind sharing with us an update on the condition of your son? If it is too personal of a request no offence will be taken if you do not respond.
100% agree TC - indeed I posted as such directly after the vile little comment, saying much the same as you gave above.
However, is it not a tad underhand on your part to imply that it was somehow a comment from a 'Labour bottom feeder'?
Especially as the comment came from someone calling themselves 'Labour Mafia', and was part of some BNP / exBNP bitchfest. A shameful enough thing in itself, but to use it to score points, really?
If you would care to re-read what I said you will see that I cast doubt upon the suggestion that it was actually someone connected to Labour who made the sickening comment. However, there was a recent derogatory comment regarding disabled drivers on one of the items about traffic wardens, that comment was believed to have come from an ex-Labour candidate from the Dukinfield/Stalybridge area. But regardless of that I do believe in this case the offender was connected to the ‘BNP bitchfight’ and probably used the name Labour Mafia to deflect the inevitable flak they expected.
Has Mr Hall and Mr Watkinson stopped posting on here. I thought with an article on stupid drivers approaching Denton roundabout they would be on here blaming TMBC for everything despite the fact the article is about inconsiderate drivers on a Highways Agency road. As for comments on traffic lights well they tend to be positioned at junctions in order to give all drivers the opportunity to proceed.
Thanks for the response and clarification TC.
Regardless of an individual's political / personal beliefs, I still hope that there must still exist a basic thread of decency that links us diverse bunch of humans. Reading some of the comments on here at times makes this a difficult hope to maintain...
yes i dont mind coz it may help some people to stop driving like fools and to look before pulling out like that car that cut you up on Denton roundabout ?
He will never walk again. He has bran stem damaged and that affect quite alot.It makes him shakes like a jelly its damaged his speech and his memory and what he missis the most his eye sight which is down to 10% in the day and zero at nite time .
then there is bran damaged to the front lobe which me and the wife and his team of carers find the hardis coz this affects his mood,personality,his behaves infact that part of your bran makes you who you are and now it can be like having a 22 year old baby at times with his tantrums and going into moods at the drop of a hat and smashing things up. but on the flip side when hes bein good hes a lovely and very funny young man.
Than you have the scars and the worse being his stomach which is one big scar coz hes had that much done to it that they could,nt close it up and it was open for 12 months infact he had all his organs in bags on his chest for weeks. so now he has no stomach which caused its own problems .
all this from a 20mph crash ? So people pls look before pulling out
Yes, UTSTG, I can appreciate where you are coming from. I think the problem is that many of the distasteful posts which appear on comments section of this blog are the work of the same person using different usernames. People never seem to learn that just because it is typed on a keyboard it is no less of a crime than if it is said using the spoken word. If you went up to someone on the street and insulted them on the grounds of race, religion, disability or gender orientation you would probably expect (if you were white, able bodied and straight) to get arrested. But certain people think when they are on the ‘interweb’ they enter a free-for-all zone where anything goes. This is not the case as many people have discovered when it is too late.
Dear Aluman, that is dreadful, truly saddening. Thank you for sharing that with us and let us hope that rapid advances in medical science will bring about treatment that will help improve your lads situation.
Thank you
Congratulations to the (usually left wing) BBC for their review of the Labour's conference today. The last 3 hours has been one long piss-take of Milliband & Balls.
Mind you, Labour have given them plenty of material!
Bob the Builder, traffic lights USED to be positioned on junctions to give traffic the opportunity to proceed. That was when reason, proportion and balanced judgement generally went hand in hand with being in a position of authority and responsibility. As a professional driver for several decades I can tell you their imposition and spread, especially in areas like Tameside, are driven by blanket hysteria reactions to traffic accidents, or cranks pursuing their own agendas. Traffic lights are now seen in many authorities as speed inhibitors and accidents the convenient excuse to install a new set. Anyone who disagrees is generally demonised as being a speed freak or not caring about casualties. If they WERE installed due to increasing traffic volumes why did their spread not stop in 2005 when traffic volumes peaked in Greater Manchester (apart from the M60), and why are they left on 24/7. A trial system has been proposed in Portsmouth modelled on the eminently sensible 'flashing amber' system used in many European countries very safely for many years. At off peak times the lights automatically switch to flashing amber when two roads of roughly equal priority meet. This signal means proceed with caution. When one road is obviously the major one, the minor one has a flashing red or similar whcih means the major road has priority. The element of slight uncertainty this creates results in an increase in caution and consequently such junctions are amongst the safest. This is a common sense approach based on prioritising traffic flow and minimising unnecessary delay, noise and pollution.
Aluman, sorry about what happened to your son. Was anyone convicted for causing your son's injuries and what punishment did they receive?
Aluman, what is that picture next to your name? It looks very disturbing if it is what I think it is.
Reasoned comments about the disabled, however upsetting or extreme some may find them, clearly fall within the bounds of free speech not hate speech.
Personally directed so-called jokes or derisive, cruel and gratuitous comments about the disabled should result by law in a birching for the perpetrators followed by twelve months inside to teach them some decency and discipline.
I would agree with birching those who ridicule the disabled but it would never happen because nobody would want a job as the local paid bircher.
yes somone was covicted and he got 7 points and £500 compow that he has not payed to this day and yes light headed it is my son
I'll take the job, nothing else to do. Does it have to be a birch or can I use something bigger?
Petty criminals annoy the hell out of me, make life miserable.
Mr West, if you kindly re-post your last comment about your new leaflet on the article below regarding the vandals in Longdendale it would be appreciated. This article is centred on bad driving and the consequences of bad driving.
If people wish to debate your new leaflet with you the article below would be a more appropriate place to do so considering the sensitive nature of some the issues being discussed here in relation to dangerous drivers and accidents.
It has to be said that whilst some posters take every opportunity to criticize TMBC for the introduction of traffic calming and traffic lights etc they are only done to reduce the instances that occurred with Aluman's son. Statistics show that accidents are reducing as a result of speed reduction measures so those of us who might experience some slight delays in our journey times we need to remember that.
If you look at the councillors who push the hardest for speed humps you will find most of them own shares in car shock absorber companies. It is proven fact that speed bumps reduce shock absorber life by two thirds.
'If you look at the councillors who push the hardest for speed humps you will find most of them own shares in car shock absorber companies. It is proven fact that speed bumps reduce shock absorber life by two thirds.'
What a stupid statement. Shock absorbers are only affected when drivers speed over speed humps. This brings us back to the issue here and road accidents and injuries / fatalities. Even though we have heard about Aluman's situation people are still concerned about shock absorbers and not the reduction in fatalities / injured children
That is ok for you to say Bob but as a proffesional driver I put it to you that we do not all have the time to potter about at 8 mph as we have a living to make. Speed humps cause more problems tham they solve.
Bob the Builder, accicents would reduce to zero if the speed linit was 5mph. This is about the authorities making balanced, proportionate and common sense decisions, as opposed to the agenda and hysteria driven decisions they are increasingly making now. As nearly nine out of ten of ALL accidents are caused by careless pedestrians stepping into the roadway according to the RRL, a PEDESTRIAN focussed safety campaign, even if it it only achieved a slight percentage reduction, would have a massively greater effect on overall casualties than default and blanket introduction of yet more so-called 'calming' measures. Speed is a causal factor in approximately 5% of accidents but is vastly exaggerated by the authorities either pursuing their own anti-car agendas, or revenue streams.
This has nothing to do with one incident involving Aluman's son (which was a 20 mph incident anyway), but using a specific casualty to make those with opposing views and better arguments appear callous is a typical tactic of the modern anti-car, anti-common sense establishment. If that establishment's real concern WAS reducing casualties it would focus on the majority source and cause, pedestrians.
Bob the Builder, stop going on about dead kids, it's a cheap shot of the vilest kind and exposes the weakness of your argument. Repeated speed bump impact, at even modest speeds, causes vehicle damage to springs, suspension etc over a period. Ask any taxi or bus company.
I know a few people who have got rid of perfectly good cars and replaced them with large gas guzzling 4x4’s due to frustration with speed bumps and poor road conditions in general. Apparently if you have a Range Rover Sport you can glide over speed bumps as if they do not exist.
People talk about speed humps like they are everywhere. And as for 8mph.....pathetic comment. I travel out of Manchester city centre at rush hour and constantly do 21 mph. I don't hit a single speed hump until I rat run up a street in Hyde. So get real you lot. And don't come the I'm a professional driver and don't have time
I dont think speed bumps solve anything but they are a good thing on housing estates ? The law is whats rong with the sentencing ? me and my wife begged the court to give the asian gentlemen that hurt my son a small ban and it was,nt in there power and thats a hard pill for us to swollow becoz i do feel when somone gets badly injured and the driver is 100% at fault as he was in our case then the punishment should reflect the damage he has done and i dont feel 7 points fits the bill but at the same time do i think he should be put jail ? No coz all he was guilty of was making a mistake and not lookin properly before pulling out from a stop signed junction ? He did say that a wagon had flashed him out ? well thats a pet hate of mine and i think that flashing people out should be made illegal coz i believe this to be by far the biggest killer on are roads .
and just as a rant i hare them that hog the outside lane just coz they are going at the road for the said road
sorry i meant speed of the said road
TC I've got this video for you, told to leave the Dukinfield DA tonight. You see for yourself Jack boot Labour/Police in action.
Click on my name.
Aluman, who is writing on your behalf? Is it TC?
Bob the Builder, so no speed bumps until you get to Hyde, in Tameside, which is what we're talking about.
There is no such thing as a rat run and roads through housing estates should be the same as any other. If there are more pedestrians in these areas they are ideal for the imposition of pedestrian directed signs saying: 'Large lumps of moving metal on wheels weighing 1.5 tonnes, take responsibility for your actions and LOOK before you step out!'
The number of people hit whilst on the pavement is virtually zero and reasonable caution by pedestrians means it makes no difference if a car is doing 14 or 34 mph.
Re professional drivers, it is manifest you aren't one.
When the Tameside Labour Mafia say jump, the political police say, 'How high?' I bet PC Plod was out of that seat like you'd come in with a flamethrower and a chainsaw.
If you plead guilty you'll be playing right into their hands. If, in the end, you're FOUND guilty go and see the police and tell them you want the Taylor leaflet with the statement about the neighbour with the mixed race kids making an official complaint of racial harassment looked into, and the alleged comment on his site about the BNP candidate in Duki approaching kids in the park, looked into as well. They might interview him under police caution, it won't be the first time.
Mr west a good friend of mine is now on a loony ward for doing pretty much what you are doing ? He hasseled the CPS and the people and his MP thar much that when he went to court they sectioned him off and hes been in there for 5 years up to now and he dont know when hes getin out ? roy its true and he was right anall
Very interesting post aluman. But in my view it doesn't alter the fact that Taylor's a c**t amongst c***s.
yes he is but you still have tobe carefull with them ? my mates mum died and he said she had been killed and he pushed and pushed with the CPS and the cops and in the end they wised him off and hes out when they say hes out
BAe, one of Britain’s last remaining significant manufacturing companies, is to cut almost 3,000 jobs. What The cause of this sickening blow to the British economy?
A political decision by successive Labour and Tory Governments to end our country’s ability to build the fighter planes that guard our airspace and subordinate the once mighty British aircraft industry to Europe. The result has been to tie the fortunes of Britain’s last surviving military planemaker to a useless and expensive Eurocratic bungle. Now thousands of the most skilled British workers are paying the price.
Thanks to rampant Europhilia in high places, BAe, heirs to the British planemakers who built the Spitfire and the Hurricane, have been reduced to making some bits of the Typhoon “Europfigher”, on whose fortunes in the intensely competitive international jet fighter market our planemakers’ jobs have now become entirely dependent - with disastrous results.
The Eurofighter arose out of a political decision in the early 1980’s by the then Thatcher Government, belying the “Iron Lady’s” handbagging Eurosceptic posturing, to cancel a projected new British fighter aircraft project in favour of surrendering our independent fighter planemaking capacity to a European consortium. Presented with the same choice France in 1985 chose to stay able to defend the sky over its own people with its own planes. They went on to develop their own alternative to the projected Eurofighter, the Dassault Rafale. Which is now beating the Eurofighter in key export markets.
Meanwhile Britain’s future fighter defence got ever more bogged down in Euro-muddle. The unwieldy consortium of German, Italian, Spanish and British firms soon ran up massive cost overspends and target date overruns. The hapless British taxpayer was forced, as with most things European, to stump up vast subsidies to stave off collapse.
In 1988, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Armed Forces told the UK House of Commons that the European Fighter Aircraft would “be a major project, costing the United Kingdom about £7 billion”. It was soon apparent that a more realistic estimate was £13 billion. By 1997, when Labour took over and decided to keep the expensive circus going, the estimated cost was £17 billion. By 2003 costs to the British taxpayer of £20 billion had been run up, and the in-service date (2003; defined as the date of delivery of the first aircraft to the RAF) was four and a half years late. After 2003 the British Government simply refused to release any more updated cost estimates on the grounds of “commercial sensitivity”. However in 2011 the National Audit Office estimated the UK’s “total programme cost [would] eventually hit £37 billion”. Over five times the original budget!
Not only was the Eurofighter/Typhoon vastly over budget and late. It was also obsolete before it ever flew. It was designed to battle Soviet fighters for command of the skies over West Germany in a Third World War. Infuriatingly for the Euro-planners, the USSR collapsed in 1991, making the plane somewhat pointless. Numerous rejigs and redesigns to fit it to fight in a different world followed, running up more costs and longer delays. Also various incompatible requirements for the national defence needs of Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain, as well as possible export customers like Saudi Arabia, needed to be squeezed into the design.
In an attempt to associate it with the proud British industry it had destroyed it was renamed the Typhoon in 1998 (“Spitfire II” having been blocked by the Germans as the British Government clearly had no shame in proposing it). By the time the Euro-contraption finally flew it might better have stolen the name of an earlier monument to the great British fighter plane tradition – the Sopwith Camel, named after a beast famously a horse designed by a committee!.
By this time nobody really wanted it. The Germans had tried to pull out in 1991, and indeed Chancellor Helmut Kohl had stood for re-election on a pledge to scrap the project, already visibly a White Elephant. Penal contract clauses in the end forced the Germans to grit their teeth and press on.
In the end the air forces for whom it had supposedly been built tried hard not to get stuck with any of the things. After much wrangling between air force commanders and politicians the sundry Euro Air Forces ended up taking as few as they could: The UK cut its orders from 250 to 232, Germany from 250 to 140, Italy from 165 to 121 and Spain from 100 to 87 Britain cut its order by the smallest percentage, playing its usual role as Euro-mug picking up the tab for everyone.
Since taking delivery of the belated Eurofighter, the RAF has complained of persistent parts and service issues, caused by the bureaucratic confusion and language incomprehension issues inherent in Euro-projects.
With the air forces for whom it had been designed not wanting to take their original orders, a desperate scramble to flog the surplus Eurofighters off ensued. Germany was able to pressure its “mini-Me”, Austria, to buy some to ward off anyone planning an aerial attack on the Alps. Even they cut their order from 18 to 15 when their air force actually saw one. The Greeks were going to order some but, unsurprisingly, now say they can’t afford any.
BAe was able to persuade the Saudis to order some in return for the UK’s Serious Fraud Office ordering investigations dropped into the Al Yamamah scandal whereby BAe had systematically bribed Saudi officials and ministers to order their products for the previous 25 years. So desperate were they to palm some Eurofighters off on the sheikhs that planes being built for our own Royal Air Force were redirected to Saudi.
As Saudi Arabia is a politically unstable autocracy liable to fall to Islamist revolutionaries at any moment it is perhaps fortunate that the Eurofighter is an obsolescent bureaucratic mess. That hopefully will limit the damage al-Qaeda will be able to do when they get their hands on 72 of them…
In other markets the Eurofighter is now pitted against the French Rafale and the Swedish Gripen, both horses designed by jockeys rather than Euro-committees and the national products of countries both of whom have decided not to scrap their independent defence industries (even though Sweden is a far smaller country and economy than we are).
The US F-35 is also in the frame, a fifth-generation plane designed in the late 1990s rather than the early 1980s and which first flew in 2006 rather than (belatedly) in 1994.
Russia’s MiG-35, also a generation later and designed for the modern world, is another strong contender. In such a race the Eurofighter is hobbled before the start by its Eurocratic heritage, rendering it obsolescent and plagued by cost and servicing issues.
The result is that BAe, Britain’s last major planemaker, is in trouble, crippled by the Eurofailure imposed on it by politicians in Westminster anxious to be “good Europeans” regardless of the cost to British industry, British jobs and ultimately British national independence. So some of Britain’s best and most skilled engineering workers are being dumped on the dole.
British nationalists opposed the Eurofighter “Common Agricultural Policy in the Sky” from its inception. Our activists should be outside the redundancy hit BAe plants at Warton, Brough and elsewhere today, giving out leaflets pointing this out, and pointing out also that if we had been heeded then Britain would have her own fighter, no doubt as good as France and Sweden’s own, and 3000 BAe workers would still have jobs.
As they would have again if our policy were followed that Britain should keep her own independent defence industry and that the traditions of the Camel, the SE5, the Spitfire, the Hurricane, the Hunter and the Lightning must not die.
Good luck to you Roy. Make sure you get Taylor, but don't let Taylor get you.
That borstal boy makes me sick. He creates the trouble with west then goes running to the police.
Mr West did you not know that Councillors expenses and allowances are printed in the press each year and are available on the there anywhere we can see how much tax payers money you receive each year, or how much you have received over the last twenty years.
When they send you to prison today for your second offence you will still be costing the tax payers thousands, you are a burden on the tax payers you produce nothing only trouble,my pity is for the person you will share a cell with, or it could be good news he may be a big black gay Muslim.
Between 1997 and 2010 New Labour introduced over 4,300 new criminal offences; that's an average of one new criminal offence created every day for 13 years. There was also a massive rise in the number of new traffic laws during the same period.
"Coruptisma republica, plurimae leges."
"The more corrupt the state , the more the laws."
Tacitus , ancient Rome .
Hi there Wag,
Now then, where do I start?
I have in my possession hundreds of emails that were sent by you to a person calling themselves Nick Lowles.
Many of the emails that you sent to Nick Lowles (or the person you thought was Nick Lowles) included other emails that were originally sent to you by New Charter and Tameside Council's Borough solicitor. These emails from New Charter and the Borough solicitor were forwarded on by you to Mr "Lowles" despite the emails stating that under no circumstances are you to pass on the information to any third parties, but that is precisely what you did. I have the emails to prove it. The emails in question clearly state 'private and confidential'.
Ms Stewart is extremely unhappy that you appear to have breached the data protection act.
Mr West and his defence team have been given all the relevant documents.
Ben Dover, no doubt you have no concern with the massive immmigrant communities let in by Labour, despite Britain having no obligation under international law to do so. The Somalians for example have a 90% unemployment rate and cost the British taxpayer £2billion a year on their own. Immigrant benefit scams, from polygamy to claiming for non-existent children and the rest are at epidemic levels but, like the government, it's easier to kick your own kind in the teeth isn't it.
I understand Mr West looks after his partner thereby SAVING the State a lot more than the few quid a week he gets.
It's no more your business what I earn than what Mr West's benefits are. Councillor's expenses are published because the public have a right to know. Mr West's leaflets are spreading that information to thousands of apolitical and uninformed Tamesiders who have no idea of the exorbitant £1.25 million being wasted on so many councillors in the middle of a recession. That, in my view, is WORTH the small benefits allowance he receives.
Ben Dover, you may be partially right about the, 'big, black, gay, Muslim' comment, as there are a grossly disproportionate number of Afro-Caribbeans in prison. As there are Muslims for terrorist related offences.
But its good to know you side with scum and traitors like that over a harmless local weirdo.
The latest car insurance postcodes have been issued for the highest proportion of uninsured drivers:
Birmingham B9
Birmingham B10
Birmingham B8
Bradford BD9
Bradford BD3
Bradford BD8
Birmingham B6
Manchester M12
Birmingham B11
Birmingham B21
Halifax HX1
A lot of 'high enrichment' areas from our Third World bretheren aren't there.
The police estimate of uninsured drivers in Bradford a few years ago was 61%. After realising politically correct policing had gone a bit far they had a pesudo-crackdown and got it down to an appalling 50%. With the cuts in policing it doesn't bear thinking about what the percentage might be now.
Banged to right ? Sorry pal but a secrecty claws can only be acheived vid a contract signed by both partys ? you can,nt just write secrecty on somthing coz it count for nowt
Any news on Westy did he get sent down today ?
Came across a 92-year-old man today lying on the floor near the court; he'd fallen over whilst coming back from getting his money. It turns out he was in the 8th Army fighting in the desert during the war. We picked him up and took him to his home in the car. He said "I'm in your debt".
I said "No, we're in YOUR debt".
I was speaking to him while my friend went round to get his car. I said "Did you fight the Italians as well in the desert?"
He said "No, they surrendered!"
It certainly put today's events into perspective for me.
Banged To Rights said...
Ms Stewart is extremely unhappy that you appear to have breached the data protection act.
Snap we are also unhappy Ms Stewart
because TMBC spent "our money" on you who started with TMBC as an office penpusher, a trainee solicitor and your training to become a solicitor cost US
Of course the result was someone who daily defends,finds legal holes
and sucks up to TMBC big time because you owe them (the sleaze ridden Councillors) with your over the top loyalty and total obnoxious sycophantic behaviour.
I reckon those with a conscience and balanced approach to situations
would never do your job which involves the daily soul selling to a bunch of devious and lying bastards.
I would sooner claim unemployment benefit than crawl around to TMBC Councillors with a completely devoted intention to defend those who secured you position.
Resign soon and do the decent folk of Tameside a favour because principles come first in life for most which you don`t reflect
"Internal Pawn Observer"
The man we found lying in the road near the court was called Sydney Rhodes, born 1919.
He told us he fought in North Africa in an anti-aircraft battery in the Royal Artillery (the same regiment as my grandfather by coincidence) with the 8th army.
He was a great old bloke and bemoaned the state of modern society to Roy, saying television had played a large part in its demise and that there was no pride anymore.
When we dropped him off in Guide Bridge his front garden was immaculate and his neighbour told us he'd been perfectly OK until a month ago when the strain of looking after his wife, who had dementia, had affected his health.
It's incredible that a country can change so much within one man's lifetime.
Sydey Rhodes is a good man, fought for his country when he was younger and still does today.
It would be great if we could honour men like him, still with us (like Norman Scarth) and those who have sadly passed on (like Albert Mariner)
Im no grea with non-fiction but a book that looks into servicemen who feel betrayed would be a fascinating read and if picked up by a big publisher would shift a good few copies.
The BBC asks an important question, a question that has always puzzled me. The BBC asks What are BNP supporters really like
Yep, silly skinheads. No surprize there.
If Sydney finds out a bunch of right wing fascist the same people he fought against picked him up his illness will get worse,work shy fascist on their way to court for another case against them.
Get a job you lazy sods and stop sponging off the state.
FASCIST ? you dont know what the word meens you fool ? did your lot ask us before flooding us with this lot ? NO so your the fucking fascist
This BNP supporting blog brings out the best in our local fascist, and allows a certain Labour councillor to wind up the lot of them up,and now one of them is in court again because of him.
In court again, I very much doubt if Mr Rhodes (or anyone born in 1919) likes what Labour did to Britain in their disastrous thirteen year rule as he was lucid and intelligent.
I've worked for almost the entire last 29 years but was made redundant at the end of June. Jobs are extremely scarce and thanks to labour's importation of masses of cheap foreign labour, abysmal wages and working conditions are now widespread. A shocking indictment of a party founded to defend the rights of the British working man.
You worked for the last 29 years thanks to Labour , tell your mate what is like to work and you can both share stories about how you lose elections each year.
Typical Labour slovenly dogs answer. They create the problem and then persecute their victims.
Beware of the Fasvcists
We'd all be much worse off in a country where every man and woman matters, where there is no elite to manipulate us and send the economy into the dust to fatten their bellies.
Remember sheeple, Labour sometimes seem bad but Fascists bayonet babies and call black people bad names.
Vote Labour!
...Or failing that for our friends in the Conservative and Liberal parties
To Councillor Mr.J.Taylor and MP Mr.A Gwynne
Should America have blocked the request by the Palestinian Leader when he attended the UN Conference seeking a Palestinian State.
Extremely easy Yes/No question,so don`t faf around with an evasive response that is if you have the bottle to come out of your hidey holes.
Watch this question get ignored folks,which tells you everything you need to know about these outright imposters.
Couple of losers, it's because of Labour's ten year pro mass immigration policy that the country's full of imported cheap labour that has made wages plummet, even Ed Miliband admitted that the other day.
That's what millions of decent people who are trying to find a job that pays a living wage, have got to 'thank' them for.
What about the new Motorway maximum speed of 80 mph ??
I for one do not agree when getting to the end of your motorway you will still encounter traffic build up congestion,and your speed will have no advantage.
But more important is allowing an eighteen year old to send his/her metal missile down the road at 80 mph with the resultant increased safety breaking distances needed.
Offers more jobs and business profits "bullshit". other than more paramedics and firemen needed to untangle the existing nutters.
Greg, tell us which job you wanted and which immigrant was doing it, and then really enlighten us tell us which job your mate Roy wanted to do but was stopped by an immigrant worker.
Yosser, tell us your real name instead of hiding.
From May 2010 - May 2011 334,000 jobs went to immigrants and 77,000 to UK born workers, a ratio of 4.4 to 1, despite record number of Brits looking for work.
Some immigrants have got a good work ethic, just like some Brits, some of them are lazy, just like some Brits.
The real reason immigrants get the job so often is because employers know they are far more likely to work cheap and not ask questions. Even Ed Miliband has admitted the truth.
Roy can speak for himself.
Yosser Hughes didn't have an extra three and a half million immigrants to compete against in the early 80s.
Remember '79? When Labour left Britain in the shit, again!
Lol, what a loony. What a pity Roma gypsies or Somalian yoofs don't move in as his neighbour.
Two families of Third Worlders on Pickford Lane (about 30 people) might change his tune.
Never on any blog site I have trawled
and that's many,have I found such repetitive comments and althogh I hoped TC would eventually introduce issues which affect the majority,ie
Health Care in Tameside
Dwindling and depleted open views and greenery.
Escalation of drinking.
Sporting opportunities for kids
etc etc
Whilst trying to retain a degree of sympathy with anyone wronged,
I am now totally pissed off with
non stop references to BNP,National Front,and who is threatening who.
Anyone else had their fill of the persistent domination of TC by fringe politics which will never take hold because of the mannerisms
,rhetoric and language thrown around.
If YOUR sick of it don`t just give up on a site which all of us should enjoy and offer challenges,
so just agree or not with my opinion ?????????????????????
We all recognise the cess pit full of Councillors but the tactics and
words and exposures we read here have never and will never break the TMBC barriers down.
Far more educated,and subtle methods could and should be used,in other words forget the verbal s and undermine all the existing dross who are constantly left laughing in Ashton Offices at the feeble attempts to bring the system down.
For example why not a campaign with
signatures and which Constituency it refers to reaching E.Pickles MP
Local Government Minister.
Imagine 2000 E.Mails flowing through to his office lambasting the despots.
New ideas and tactics need formulating not the non effective
verbal s we are now reading every day.
Am I the only one pissed off and wanting intelligent informative and objective banter ??????????????
Chill out, a lot of people on here have stood for election and suffered for it, hence some of the hostility, anger and bitterness, and have done a lot more than 'verbals', have you?
Yes there's a lot of repetitive crap, like all blogs, but there's often a lot of intelligent and intense debate.
The blog's got a semi-nationalist flavour but so what.
If you think petitions with less than a few million signatures are going to have ANY effect on anything in liberal fascist Britain you're living in dreamland.
It's Tameside's (and in many cases Britain's) electorate that's to blame. A combination of apathy, ignorance, cowardice, low intelligence and also an appalling Tory opposition makes the borough a walk over for Labour.
Even 'acceptable' alternatives like UKIP, the English Democrats or the Greens are floundering despite, for example,the strongly felt general hostility to the EU and immigration.
Mr Hall,
If you don't like the repetitive posts on this blog, which are exclusively the fault of Roy West, then don't come on here. Go to some other blog. We can't stop West from posting on here.
Anon 23:09.
You complain about lack of intelligent debate yet an analysis of your contribution includes the following references / words; 'pissed off' 'cess pit' 'existing dross' 'despots'..........mmmmmm very intelligent. No different to the people you criticize.
To the councillor in Dukinfield.
Have you decided what you are going to say when everybody in Tameside realizes that you passed on confidential information from New Charter and the Borough solicitor to a person you thought was Nick Lowles of the anti-BNP group Searchlight?
This could spell the end of your 27-year career as a coucillor in Tameside, according to our legal team.
If I put this on a leaflet for Duki.
Hate preacher wins human rights payout... even though he shouldn't be here at all.
The guy on Pickford Lane would still come oiut and call me national front.
What is the obsession with putting foreigners into positions of power. Why would any white man join the Lib Dems?
At least they have the decency not to call themselves the Liberal party (who I would likely have supported a hundred years before now)
Anon who posted at 23.09 on 30th Oct I understand exactly where you are coming from and I share your concerns. However I am often very busy and at such times I have no time to pay attention to this blog.
If you would like an item relevant to Tameside posting for purposes of discussion, please email it to me and I will see that it is posted as a main item.
Cast iron proof that Roy West admitted to a crime that it was impossible he was guilty of.
Re the LibDems anti-white traitors link, would someone from the 'anti-fascist' or 'anti-racist' groups like to come on and defend this piece of institutionalised anti-white male bigotry. Only in 'New Britain' could such traitorous filth be brought in, and by a party in government.
Nick Griffin's British National Party, already under investigation for breaches of electoral law, is facing fresh allegations of corruption. Panorama uncovers new evidence of financial documents being falsified and fabricated in order to deceive the Electoral Commission. The programme also has evidence of the BNP's failure to declare major donations to the party.
As Darragh MacIntyre reports, the BNP, which is better known for its controversial views on race, is in debt and according to its own published accounts appears to be technically insolvent.
Yep! NG certainly destroyed a growing party.
You need to wonder why he did?
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