Sunday 7 August 2011

Chief Constable gives impressive performance at Dukinfield Town Hall.....meeting let down by Labourite apparatchiks

Thursday's "Policing Today, Policing Tomorrow" meeting in Dukinfield Town Hall was well attended and well organised with The Chief Constable, Mr. Peter Fahy giving, it must be admitted, an impressive 20 minute or so presentation at the outset on the problems facing the GMP in these financially stringent times.

It was a pity that the Labour councillors (and activists)in the audience could not be as professional. Easily 75 to 80% of the "questions" from the audience were monotonous monotones from councillors / activists listing their achievments and praising the work of "their" local police officers (no doubt driving a vehicle sponsored or paid for by a local housing association or District Assembly). Kim Il Sung would have been proud of them!

There were two or three interesting genuine questions. One ex-policeman asked why the police ignored his report of ATM fraud when he mentioned the criminals were East European while BNP activist David Jones eventualy asked a question about the speed with which GMP arrested two men who killed intruders / robbers on their property.He was apparently being ignored and it took the loud intervention of several members of the audience pointing out that he wished to ask a question to get the chairman to take notice.

Mr Fahy answered both questions well, promising to look into the ATM question and pointing out that a swift arrest and investigation of any killing is the best way to clear the innocent person of guilt.

There was, however, a recurrent theme throughout the meeting which I thought was disturbing. This was the hint that some people would be "Best got rid of". Whether it was those drinkers whose lifestyle costs the NHS money in dealing with the harm they cause themselves and others, or the (un-named) families who single-handedly cause most problems of an "anti-social" nature in their estates.

Why we should single out drinking as a lifestyle which should be deplored as opposed to other lifestyles which have a high risk of illnesses such as Hepatitis and HIV / AIDS is beyond me.

Overall a useful 2 hours


While you struggle, they don't said...

Wild, B
Chair - Dukinfield District Assembly

Basic Allowance - £11,576.34
Special Responsibility Allowance - The pub £9,528.34
Total - £21,104.68

Roy K West said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandra said...

Fantastic report and I love the picture of the Dukinfield Soviet 10/10. Thanks for sharing.

Leeches said...

'Special Responsibility Allowance - The pub', ha haaa, good one.

Krushem said...

Is anyone else watching these appeasing bastard senior police on Sky? Basically a mob of negroes have gone on the rampage attacking buildings, police officers and random white pedestrians and bus passengers in Tottenham. Now on Sky I am watching a senior police officer reassuring ’the community’ that there will be no heavy handed policing in the area. They should fuck this appeasing attitude and send in the Ghurkhas to deal with ‘the community’.

Air supply said...

Take a specific area,like Hattersley - Selectively 'getting rid of' approximately 15% of the population would immeasurably improve the lives of the rest.

People who disagree should be sent to live in said areas for a few years and then asked again.

Anonymous said...

You see: These "Labour Mafia" types don't "like it up em" they use violence, and criminal groups to keep them on the "gravy train" Jim Fitzpatrick is deep in collusion with the criminal led Searchlight, Communist, group.
The deputy leader John Taylor uses street violence, and violent groups like uaf during elections.
It leads right to the top of Tameside Council.

Action stations said...

Tottenham, Police shoot armed robber with record as long as your arm, Police Officer later finds bullet wedged in his radio. The family, because they're ethnic in an ethnic area are entitled to some sort of grovelling special treatment from the Police and authorites. When said grovelling treatment does not materialise 'tensions rise in the community' and last night ensues with looting, destruction, burning multiple Police Officers injured etc.
The Police didn't have anything like enough riot vans at the ready nearby because that would have been 'provocative'.
Even those in authority, MPs, government ministers (Lynne Featherstone for Christ's sake) have, whilst simultaneously condemning the rioters, been talking as if 'the community' has somr sort of genuine grievance, but they never say what.
If an armed criminal had been killed in a shoot out near where you live, you'd say well done the Police. This lot smash the place to pieces in protest.
With the Police leaders and authorities fawning apologetically, and walking on eggshells due to 'ethnic sensitivities' (i.e one law for them...) instead of putting the boot in to teach them a lesson and restore order, we can expect repeat performances. Their blood's up and any sign of weakness is an INCITEMENT.

Front rank ready...! said...

1982 Spurs FA Cup song (nearly):

'Tottenham, Tottenham
No-one can stop'em,
They're gonna do it
Like they did last night...'

Crime Invasion: Birmingham gangs said...

Above: it's the future of the wonderful multi-ethnic nature of the once Anglo-Saxon England.

Blood law said...

Yes, what IS the problem in what used to be Tottenham?
An armed man with previous is shot in an exchange of gunfire with the Police. It's already being investigated by the IPCC and normal procedures are being followed. Let's have a spokesman from the so-called community come forward and tell us SPECIFICALLY what the Police and authorites have done wrong in terms of procedure.
Or is it just an excuse to behave animalistically and destroy.

Anonymous said...

Fitzpatrick, Jim
Members Allowances and Expenses


Basic Allowance - £11,659.16
Special Responsibility Allowance - £20,132.16
Broadband Allowance - £249.96
Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority - £2,004.34
Total - £34,045.62
Members Allowances and Expenses

Fitzpatrick, Jim
Basic Allowance - £11,640.00
Special Responsibility Allowance - £20,099.00
Broadband Allowance - £249.96
Total - £31,988.96

Anonymous said...

Brian Wild
Members Allowances and Expenses
Basic Allowance - £9,912.50
Special Responsibility Allowance -The pub £7,813.00
Total - £17,725.50
Brian Wild
Members Allowances and Expenses
Chair - Dukinfield District Assembly
Basic Allowance - £9,277.75
Special Responsibility Allowance -The pub £7,882.25
Total - £17,160.00
Members Allowances and Expenses
Basic Allowance - £10,596.00
Special Responsibility Allowance -Still the pub £9,009.00
Total - £19,605.00
Members Allowances and Expenses
Basic Allowance - £11,320.50
Special Responsibility Allowance -The pub £9,269.16
Total - £20,589.66
Members Allowances and Expenses
Basic Allowance - £11,659.16
Special Responsibility Allowance -The pub £9,596.84
Total - £21,256.00
Members Allowances and Expenses
Basic Allowance - £11,640.00
Special Responsibility Allowance -The pub £9,581.00
Total - £21,221.00

Anonymous said...

Members Allowances and Expenses
Fitzpatrick, Jim
Deputy Chair - Hyde District Assembly
Basic Allowance - £9,912.50
Special Responsibility Allowance - £2,158.00
Total - £12,070.50
Members Allowances and Expenses
Basic Allowance - £9,277.75
Special Responsibility Allowance - £15,026.25
Travel - £47.65
Subsistence - £32.42
Total - £24,384.07
Members Allowances and Expenses
Basic Allowance - £10,596.00
Special Responsibility Allowance - £17,226.00
Total - £27,822.00
Members Allowances and Expenses
Cabinet Deputy without Portfolio
Basic Allowance - £11,320.50
Special Responsibility Allowance - £19,723.84
Total - £31,044.34
Members Allowances and Expenses
Basic Allowance - £11,659.16
Special Responsibility Allowance - £20,132.16
Broadband Allowance - £249.96
Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority - £2,004.34
Total - £34,045.62
Members Allowances and Expenses
Basic Allowance - £11,640.00
Special Responsibility Allowance - £20,099.00
Broadband Allowance - £249.96
Total - £31,988.96

Members Allowances and Expenses said...

Members Allowances and Expenses



Having a look at the comments on here it appears that Tameside fascists are doing exactly what their traitorous kind have tried to do in our country since the thirties:

- trying in vain to sow the seeds of division and resentment amongst local people by attacking different ethnic and social groups.

- attempting to undermine respect for our British democracy and our democratic representatives.

- trying to spread their foreign conspiratorial nonsense about Jews and Marxists.


Anonymous said...

No just showing what greedy bastards Labour scum are.

Wildy is this correct? said...

Councillor Brian Wild’s
Allowances and Expenses
Tameside Council
2010/2011 £21,221.00
2009/2010 £21,256.00
2008/2009 £21,104.68
2007/2008 £20,589.66
2006/2007 £19,605.00
2005/2006 £19,137.50
2004/2005 £17,160.00
2003/2004 £17,725.50

Anonymous said...

Oh, leave the fascists and nut jobs alone. They are only playing in their apple barrel. No harm done

Is this correct John? said...

Allowances and Expenses
Last 8 Years Tameside Council

Nation said...

So proud the Brits crushed Hitler, the traitors and Quislings are New Labour who got in and pursued a floodgates welded open 'rub their noses in it' immigration policy, 2000-2008, that has caused massive social division and all its associated problems. Not forgetting the economic near ruination they visited upon the country.
Anyone who criticises is a 'Nazi' 'fascist' etc.
New Labour and all their leftie liberal hangers on are the traitors and one day they'll get what's coming.

No Marx said...

No, New Labour's immigration policy was a great success:
Bradford Moor Primary School: 417 pupils.
Those with English as a first language: 4.
Tottenham: Much more to come from the rioting scum sorry, 'disaffected community'. They're only rioters in non-etnic areas.

If that isn't a recipe for 'social division' what is. And it wasn't the 'fascists' who caused that.

Black book said...

The latest news is that the bullet in the Police Officer's radio came from another police weapon. Oh no he's, a non-police firearm was found at the scene.
The 'cause' of the riot was apparently a girl threw a rock at the Police at the 'peaceful' protest and they had the temerity to arrest her. Cue looting, burning, violence, savagery, then all the excusemongers telling us about the disaffected yoof...yack yack yack.

Sandra said...

It must have been divine intervention for that Police Officer to avoid the gangster's bullet in that way. More atrocious behaviour from those who do not appreciate that this is not their land. There are too many cultures in this country, and the peaceful co-existence among them is an imposture, whatever we are made to believe. Hopefully, clear CCTV images will be used to identify the rioters and thieves. It will get them into jail sooner than they would have expected.

Black book said...

Members of the community say he was a known member of the Star gang and a crack cocaine dealer.

A community spokesman on the news talked about 'so-called gangs.' Yeah right, 'so-called'.

Not bad for a bloke with a dodgy past! said...

Allowances and Expenses
Last 8 Years Tameside Council

Barnsley Bill said...

It shows his allowances are going up year on year but Tameside council is nationally acknowledged as an excellent council so they are not paying him these vast sums just for the sake of it. He is obviously worth it and would probably be able to earn much more in the private sector.

Anonymous said...

I can't see the point of keep quoting all these allowances. In this country elected Councillors get paid allowances. It's a fact of life and keep carping on about them is not going to achieve anything. If you have unpaid Councillors you will limit the interest from people who will want to get involved in local politics. If the argument is about the level of expenses paid then that needs to be set against a benchmark. If the argument is because you don't like someone then the argument is futile

Anonymous said...

What a pathetic post above:

Ben said...


Alan Harrison, Denton said...

Anonymous, the argument is that in a Borough of just over 200,000 people (a population size that would qualify for approximately 2.1 MPs) there are a massive 57 councillors, one per 3700 people, costing about £1.25 million per annum. This would be ridiculously excessive in an economic boom, in the current dire economic circumstances it has been exposed for the grossly wasteful obscenity it is.
I've no truck for the Dukinfield BNP rep or his manias but on this issue, he's right.

Hypocrites and greedy bastards! said...

Thanks Mr Harrison.
I'm no longer campaigning for the BNP at the moment.
I have my own leaflets coming out, about the greedy bastards that point the finger at others.

I've a great new T shirt coming out Tuesday (check out the blue link)

Anonymous said...

Mr Harrison.

At least you put forward a view. I understand your viewpoint whether I agree or not. I just don't understand the mere posting of individual allowances

Alan Harrison, Denton said...

I think drawing attention to the large totals constituted by far too many large individual allowances in a time of recession when tens of millions are suffering, but those in the upper echelons of the council are totally unjustifiably exempt, is the point.

Anonymous said...

Barnsley Bill must have his head up his arse. Councillor Taylor hasn`t done a stroke of work since becoming a councillor in 1984. What employer would employ a man whose been a toy town councillor, for the last 31 years. The man`s unemployable!

Anonymous said...

While people struggle you see the
Labour Scammers of money......
Piddington, CM

Executive Member - Environmental Services & Member of Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority

Basic Allowance - £11,640.00
Special Responsibility Allowance - £20,099.00
Broadband Allowance - £249.96
Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority - £2,001.00
Total - £33,989.96

Labour Cllrs Justify what you get said...

I think it's very important to highlight these individual allowances.

Travis, L
Executive Member - Personal and Community Services

Basic Allowance - £11,640.00
Special Responsibility Allowance - £20,099.00
Broadband Allowance - £249.96
Total - £31,988.96

Anonymous said...

Quinn, K
Executive Leader and Chair of Capital Project Monitoring Group
Basic Allowance - £11,640.00
Special Responsibility Allowance - £36,036.00
Total - £47,676.00

Quinn, S
Assistant Executive Member - Deputy Leader/Services for Children & Young People
Basic Allowance - £11,640.00
Special Responsibility Allowance - £8,352.00
Broadband Allowance - £249.96
Total - £20,241.96

Shut them all down said...

Mr Harrison you like this for going to the Council Offices?

Mungo Binkie said...

Being a Tameside Councillor beats working for a living and there`s always plenty of beer money. If only me and my old lady could get on this racket like some of these married councillors.

One married couple the Holland`s got £39,984.00 in councillors expenses in 2010/11. Jackie and Dawson Lane did even better. They received £43,824.00 over the same period. But without a doubt, the outright winners, are the Quinn`s, who pulled in a staggering £67,917.96.

When they say there`s no money in the pot to run council services, there always seems to be plenty of money in the pot for councillor expenses and managers six figure salaries.

Alan Harrison, Denton said...

Yes, but they certainly won't.