Tuesday 26 July 2011

The Southport Airshow featuring the mighty Vulcan

No real relevance to Tameside but some people may find this short video I made at the Southport air show interesting.

The large delta winged aircraft at the beginning is a Vulcan bomber. The Vulcan was locally built (Woodford) and it was designed to deliver nuclear bombs to Russia during the Cold War if the Cold War ever escalated into a real conflict. The pilot flying the Vulcan was also the pilot who flew to the Falklands during the 1982 conflict and delivered the payload onto the occupying Argentinean forces.

The clip of the Spitfire and Lancaster is quite interesting as it shows just how big the Lancaster really is.

The Swordfish looks as if it was from a different era but unbelievably these aircraft were still used in WWII. I believe it was a Swordfish which delivered the torpedo which disabled the rudder on the Bismarck which eventually led to its sinking.


Roy K West said...
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Alf Garnett said...

Stop wingging the party has spoked nicks the boss end off .

Roy K West said...
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Roy K West said...
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SerpentSlayer said...

Mr. Brons is hoping to salvage something, just be patient. He knows Griffin will be gone soon anyway, the party is collapsing all around him.

If less people had of left the one eyed ogre would be crying as he's taken to do a long stretch for fraud.

Blog Trawler said...

Well done for taking some sensible political decisions, Mr. West.

Extremism almost always leads up a blind alley containing nothing but bitterness and deceit.

After all, history shows it's the sensible mainstream of Labour, Tory and Liberal that gets the things that people want done.

Enjoy your gardening and good luck with the job-search, Mr. West.

Roy K West said...
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Roy K West said...
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Alf Garnett said...

three cheers for NICK hip hip ? and hes a golly good fellow and all that

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could be the new man for Nick in Tameside aluman?
He needs all the help he can get now in this region.

rwrk said...

Dear Blog Trawler I stay well clear of the mainstream political party's.
You see my concerns can't you? If you click on my name and see why.
Mainstream always leads up a blind alley containing nothing but bitterness and deceit.

bed-bug said...

whats the new party westy? nf or english dems?

Roy K West said...
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Nationalist said...

Blog Cockroach, what's 'extremist' about not wanting your country overwhelmed by immigrants? The main Parties are responsible for that; letting the banks get out of control; and failing to pay off debt in boom times, instead they kept spending. The opposition did and said next to nothing.
There is no Party system now just spineless consensus and the most cowardly, ignorant electorate this country has ever seen.

Nationalist said...

Aluman, you've watched the Party disintegrate under Griffin. What makes you think he can turn it round?
That victory was close wasn't it and I know for a fact their membership list is inaccurate.

Strength through Diversity said...

Everyone on this blog who has ever talked of "muslim colonisation"or "replacement" or whatever bears some of the blame for the shootings in Norway. It is those attitudes that allow the hatred that Anders Behring Breivik felt for people unlike him.

Hatred breeds hatred.

The best words for now are those of Eskil Pedersen , the youth camp leader - "We meet terror and violence with more democracy and will continue to fight against intolerance"

NCB said...

The margin of victory was very narrow for Nick Griffin in the BNP's leadership contest on Monday - just 9 votes seperated the two contenders. Here's the final result:

Nick Griffin 1157 votes
Andrew Brons 1148 votes

However, many people who were eligible to vote didn't receive their ballot paper, and some people who were NOT eligible to vote still received a ballot paper. (The rules state that only paid up members with 24+ months of continued membership are eligible to vote in a leadership contest.)

The result is likely to be challenged in court.

Shahid Malik said...

So what if we are planning to take over Britain.

As long as you keep voting for us the take over is a certainty.

2011 = 1984 said...

Anyone who has ever tried to stop people expressing views on legitimate subjects like the massively expanding Muslim population of Britain (ten times faster than any other group according to the last governtment's official figures), their almost total failure to integrate and their takeover and colnisation of parts of inner London, Birmingham, West Yorkshire, Lancashire, the West Midlands, Greater Manchester etc bears some of the blame for the shootings in Norway. Causing a vast groundswell of frustration, resentment and anger at the destruction of national identity.
The same mentality, but even worse infests the establishment in Norway which welded the immigration floodgates open fifteen years ago, to where it has now reached the point that in 2010 90% of their population growth came from immigration. It is these attitudes that fester the explosive psychosis of unbalanced individualsm like Anders Breivik.

Suppression of expression breeds resentment and resistance.

As for fighting anything, Norway is now a soft, brainwashed, weak and feminised country ripe for destruction by rapidly multiplying alien cultures.
Dissenters are 'evil', 'fascists' 'intolerant' and WILL NOT BE TOLERATED in our new wonderful tolerant society where everyone agrees about everything.

Norge mektige! said...

Kommer tilbake Eric Bloodaxe!

Aluman - Tameside BNP is all yours said...

The purpose of this years leadership election was to secure a mandate for one or other of the 2 candidates, Nick Griffin or Andrew Brons, to lead the British National Party for the next 4 years. This clearly has not been achieved to anybody's satisfaction, with the `winner` of the contest, Nick Griffin, on 50% and a 9 vote majority equivalent to little or no more than the number of his immediate family entitled to cast a vote!

Andrew Brons on the other hand, can quite justifiably claim a huge `moral victory` on the grounds that Nick's 9 vote margin would have been wiped out many times over, had votes been cast by all those recently driven from the party after falling out with Mr Griffin, or foolishly chucking their membership cards (and voting rights) in the bin, citing dissatisfaction with his leadership as primary reason for leaving.

All these people, had they been able to vote would obviously have backed Mr Brons, giving him a comfortable numerical victory instead of just a `moral` one. It's also clear that a large proportion of Andrew's vote came from the active, politically astute `Officer Class` section of the membership, with Mr Griffin relying heavily on non-active `armchair` members and star-struck newcomers for this most hollow of `victories`.

And on the subject of newcomers, can we really be certain that all the electorate were genuine 2-year plus members? Having lots of brand new members voting would clearly have favoured Mr Griffin over Mr Brons, as unlike older members these people have had little time to develop an appetite for `change`.

It also seems to me the spirit, if not the actuallity of the election rules were broken, with regard to both candidates having equal opportunity to present their case. We've all had a bucketfull of propaganda implicitly supporting Nick Griffin's leadership campaign on the main website, in our Email boxes, on our mobile phones and in the post, including the disgracefully biased and strategically timed members `BN` bulliten last week featuring Nick's name 7 times, his photo 3 times but no mention or image whatsoever of Andrew Brons, as if he didn't exist!

Theres other stuff I could talk about regarding the fairness or otherwise of what's gone on, but the 2 main questions spinning around in my head, which I'd like to put to the readers of this blog are:

Did this years BNP leadership election process in any way, stink like the guts of a dead dog roasting in the mid-day sun?


Should we demand a re-run?

Get back in the gutter said...

Linking justified expression of views about immigration to the actions of a foreign madman is a typical, utterly vile and corrupt deceit of liberals who will stoop to anything to advance their cause. Even going so far as to exploit the deaths of innocent children.

James Dark said...

There's nothing wrong with hatred if you hate the right people.

Strength through diversity said...

Hatred makes the hater ill and haters always die relatively young. It is natures way of eliminating intolerance.

Homophobe said...

You hate so-called fascists or right wingers and are totally intolerant of their views.
You might live long enough to see liberalism's effect on Britain on its CURRENT course, particularly re immigration, the destruction of the family, and law and order.

Double Ought Buckshot said...

STD, Rudolf Hess, 93. And that was suicide.
And what about all these old Nazis, Japs and Soviet war criminals still knocking around. Maybe hate is what keeps them going.

Double Ought Buckshot said...

Answer "Get back in the gutter's" point. You should be ashamed, using the deaths of those children to make a cheap political point.


Expressing views isn't a crime.
If I expressed the view that it would be a good idea to go down the local mosque with a heavy machine-gun on a Friday, that would be just a view. If I tried to incite others to do it, that would be a crime.

MLK was a plagiarist too. said...

Mr Hall, I have worked out why your posts are so disjointed. Here's what you do:

1. Copy text from a website.

2. Paste text in Microsoft Word or similar.

3. Make a few changes to said text in Word to make it appear as if it's your own work.

4. Copy revised text in Word.

5. Paste text in Tameside Citizen blog.

Anonymous said...

What`s all this continual crap about
Dukinfield,BNP and others.
Get back to reality,either your full of vile hatred,or your full of waste of time fringe politics.
Do you really assume the 200,000 in Tameside are remotely interested in your juvenile squabbles.
It seems you cannot move on because you don`t have anything else in your craniums.

NCB said...

I used to watch an annual display by the Red Arrows in Colwyn Bay.

During an aerobatics display, Red Arrows pilots experienced forces up to five times that of gravity, and when performing the aerobatic manoeuvre known as 'Vixen Break', forces up to 7g could be reached, close to the structural limit of the aircraft.

One time we went to an airshow and the announcer read out the names of the pilots through the Tannoy. One of the pilots was called Mohammed. I had to rush home, the hmm......hmm....the wife wanted me to.. hmmm, well I had to go home.

Anonymous said...

MLK was a plagiarist too. said...
Mr Hall, I have worked out why your posts are so disjointed. Here's what you do:

MLK you are spot on but you also missed

Take a very old piece of work like from 2005. something that is outdated but may serve your purpose

Anonymous said...

"What`s all this continual crap about
Dukinfield,BNP and others.
Get back to reality,either your full of vile hatred,or your full of waste of time fringe politics.
Do you really assume the 200,000 in Tameside are remotely interested in your juvenile squabbles.
It seems you cannot move on because you don`t have anything else in your craniums."

So pray tell why have you bothered to post a comment on the subject?
God give me strength!

Roy K West said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

How much was the mind of Anders Behring Breivik conditioned and warped by Zionist propaganda as peddled with the assistance of Christian fundamentalism by much of the Western mainstream media and many web sites? In his summary of what the monster had stated behind closed doors in court, Judge Heger said he had arguedthat he wanted to create “the greatest loss possible to Norway's governing Labour Party”, which he accused of failing the country on immigration and opening the door to the “Muslim colonization” of Norway and all of Europe.

There could not have been a more effective way of inflicting at a single stroke a great loss than gunning down many members ofthe Norwegian Labour Party’s youth wing, the Workers Youth League (AUF), which was assembled on Utoya Island. Two days before the massacre there, and as Gilad Atzmon has researched and noted, the AUF’s leader,Eskil Pedersen, gave an interview to Dagbladet, Norway's second largest tabloid newspaper. In it he said:“The AUF has long been a supporter of an international boycott of Israel but the decision of the last Congress demands that Norway impose a unilateral economic embargo on the country... I acknowledge this is a drastic measure but I think it gives a clear indication that, quite simply, we are tired of Israel’s behaviour.” (My own view is that behind closed doors all Western governments, including the one in Washington D.C. in the person of President Obama, are tired of Israel’s behaviour).

There are two things we know for sure. One is that Breivik is fanatically anti Islam and pro Zionism. The other is that Zionism’s propaganda machine has been set to work at full speed, day and night, eight days and nights a week, to demonize, discredit and destroy all who are calling and campaigning for Israel to be boycotted. From the obscenity of the Nazi holocaust to the present, Zionism’s success in selling its propaganda lies as truth is the reason why the search for peace based on an acceptable amount of justice for the Palestinians has been, and remains, a mission impossible.

I describe the Israel-Palestine conflict as the cancer at the heart of international affairs which threatens to consume us all. It’s bad enough that Zionist propaganda has prevented a cure for it, but if now that same propaganda is inspiring Europeans in Europe to slaughter their own, the future is very, very frightening.

Long war said...

Anonymous, labour were a fringe party a hundred years ago, but THEN, despite strife, poverty and disagreement in Britain, there was generally stability and national unity.
Now there's the tinderbox of mass immigration. Things can change very rapidly.
'The 200,000 in Tameside', approximately 2% of Britons take more than a cursory interest in politics, in Tameside it will be less. So that's about 3500 people and probably 10% or so have an occasional look at his blog. If it makes one ignoramus or apathetic individual think, it's well worth it.
The difference of course is that, however small and 'fringe' we may be, we actually BELIEVE in what we're doing, totally unlike the vast majority of main party representatives who simply wallow and pig out in an amorphous and profitable consensus.
70 - 75% don't bother to vote locally, so ignorant and disillusioned are they. In other parts of the country council election turnouts are often below 20%. The whole rotten system is propped up by the sleepwalking, cowardly, brainless majority.
There are signs, particularly in other European countries, that they're starting to wake up and smell the badly burnt coffee.
It isn't about individual leaders or groups, just belief and conviction.

1690 said...

I saw Mr West conversing with a well known local Vicar at the end of the meeting.

Taxi driver said...

2010 pay outs
Ann Holland £20,025
Barrie Holland £21,256
Barrie Holland never had a job.

Anonymous said...

So what if some of them are cut and pasted etc, they're either accurate or they're not.
As for them being a a few years old, can you prove air pollution has improved since then.

Anonymous said...

Old data doesn't help any debate. And no-one's disputing the data from 2005. J Hall just uses it to demonstrate some kind of deception. So where's the deception other than J Hall's posts

Blog Trawler said...

Take a look at some of Mr West's new campaign T-shirts.

SerpentSlayer said...

Anonymous 27/07/2011 12:38, good post.

Anonymous said...

Data that's accurate from a few years ago can help the debate. I didn't say anyone HAD disputed it but they cast aspersions by stating, 'Take a very old piece of work from 2005, something that is outdated.' 2005 isn't 'very old' and who says it's outdated.
J.Hall told us it was from 2005 so where's the deception.

Anonymous said...


You can see where deception appears by noting the spur to the left of the M67/M60/A57 interchange is, because that spur should be expanded to cover almost the full area of Denton West.

You should be asking J Hall were the deception is

mines an extra large one said...

Did you not try several times to be one of these councillors Mr West ? do you have a T shirt with your state benefits printed on ?
Do you think the so called Dukinfield mafia are worried about you with your small support what was it 300 votes?
would you be happy if someone went around with your state benefits printed on their T shirts, are you not regular passenger on the gravy train you talk about so much.
Should we not be given a full list of benefits that are paid to people , freedom of information for all.
Its no different tax payers money and you are not a tax payer are you,just a receiver I can see the T shirt design now.

Blimey, Jimmy Kranky's put on weight! said...


Remember TEL Tales? Now we have our very own WATERgate

Labour councillor, Janet 'Jimmy Kranky' Cooper wants Tameside's Labour Council to build her a hydro dam, and then offer her shares in it!

Even worse, she sits on the committee that is proposing the idea.

As per this week's Advertiser:


A councillor has found a novel way to cut electricity bills for up to 300 homes – using the river running through her back garden.

Coun Janet Cooper’s home in Broadbottom is one of several sites being considered for the borough’s first hydro power plant.

The environmentally-friendly project is based on a similar scheme at Torrs Hydro in New Mills.

It will use a modern version of the Archimedes screw which harnesses water power using a water wheel. The weight of the water then turns the screw which in turn generates electricity.

It is hoped the project would be funded by energy-saving grants and then run by the community, with villagers being offered the chance to buy shares.

Coun Cooper, who lives at Weir Cottage off Hodge Lane, recently joined the council’s carbon reduction panel which came up with the idea.

She said: “The land stretches to the river and that’s where the weir is. We are looking at three sites and there’s a feasibility study being done but that’s looking the most likely because of the power it will generate. There’s more water over my weir than over the others...

Roy K West said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Holy sheppherd calling his lost flock said...

It is very significant that Roy has reaffirmed his links with the almighty. We have already saved the souls of two Yorkshire BNP councillors and we will save the sould of Roy West too by helping to reject his evil ways and embrace the love of his creator.

Evil personified said...

It's 'good' of course to flood the country with unwanted aliens who set up ghettoes and undermine our identity and heritage.

tonydj said...

Today there will be a minute silence to commemorate the people kiled in Norway.

Ther has never been a silence in Tameside for the victims of bombings in the UK, for example 7/7 or by the IRA?

Wonder why?

Anonymous said...

Because of the pro - Zionist Muslim multicultural lefty liberal race traitor democracy hating gravy train riding immigrant loving mosque building conspiracy?

Get a grip...

See link to the rancid said...

Holy sheppherd calling his lost flock.
Thanks for the thought.
I've been guided by the creater to expose these corrupt people.
The hypocrites, the snakes.

Anonymous said...

(but a TMBC Politican/Spokesperson)

You should be asking J Hall were the deception is
May I offer an inadequate description of this persistant (hiding in a hole) Anonymous poster.
"A serious lost the plot individual)

Its time again to expose his total stupidity.
The AQMA Map has at the top
Tameside M.B.C Predicted Areas of Exceedence for Nitrogen Dioxide
and Particulates.2005.
Now has traffic increased within the last 6 years Anonymous the TMBC Phanton ????
If traffic increases does that lessen pollution????????
What area from source does such pollution have an effect on human health.
Let me tell you (because you never refer to facts just snide ridiculous comments,"Grow Up"

" 500 Metres from source" is the established known distance which causes health problems and that covers far more area than TMBC`s
idea of lets eliminate 11,000 in Denton West farce
Seeing you will again dispute facts,isn`t it time you did your own research or are you so unintelligent you have no such capabilities other than offer spurious crap on behalf of your TMBC paymasters.
With more than 4,500 documents,data,reports,medical conclusions,and research results,
and with 13 years of objective and specific scrutiny, your not in the same league pal.(you had better believe it)
Are you not embarrassed at having to spout rubbish.
Tell TMBC to find someone else to take over your role.
With your incredible stupidity no wonder you always remain Anonymous.

I.O.O.B. said...

Anonymous after tonydj, you can only use irony if your argument has some validity. Putting an argument forward would be a good start.

Anonymous said...

I am sure Mr Jones is more than capable of answering his own rhetorical questions about what he has chanced upon in the Advertiser without assistance from a sycophant such as yourself.

Was an 'argument' made? Sentence #1 thinks so, yet sentence #2 disagrees - your only argument appears to be with yourself...

Hope the above comment is 'allowed'.

I.O.O.B. said...

If you knew it was a rhetorical question why did you answer it?
What's the Advertiser got to do with anything?
How is making a comment on two opposing comments 'sycophantic', no doubt those who side with you wouldn't be.
Your attempted use of irony by isolated sarcasm failed BECAUSE it had no argument or counterpoint, and therefore your comment had no validity.

Scar Lee said...

Yeah, you answered 'the rhetorical question' first, so don't slag other people off.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that you never answer the questions that are put to you Hall, instead of the ones you wish were put to you.

1, where is the evidence that the pollution caused by road traffic is the cause of heart disease that you claimed in your last rant? - and dont cite that BBC web page that says "might", might is not does

2, If, as you claim, heart disease in Tameside is caused by the M67/M60 road junction, why is heart disease not far worse in more congested locations?

3, If, as you claim, the M67/M60 junction is so detrimental to health, why do residents of Denton West have a better life expectancy than many others in Tameside.

You keep repeating the rants and Ill keep repeating the basic questions.

Anonymous said...


'It's a shame that you never answer the questions that are put to you Hall, instead of the ones you wish were put to you.'

Hall is not capable of answering the questions and when questioned makes allegations of people being a politician or TMBC employee. He doesn't see that many people remain Anonymous on this blog site and may question his distorted facts. He cannot accept that there are two sides to every story.

Anonymous said...

All three questions have been answered on mutiple occasions with zero counter argument from you. Repetition is revealing you for the shit stirring, infantile moron you are.

Anonymous said...

Now now Mr Hall. This is a blog site for sensible debating adults. You seem to resort to abuse everytime your so called theories are questioned.

Anonymous said...

Anon said.
You seem to resort to abuse everytime your so called theories are questioned.

You are directly abusing the thousands of men women and children
in Tameside by your irrational and denials of the facts which causes people to suffer.
Don`t talk to me about abuse,Anon,anyone with a conscience would robustly battle and rigorously condemn TMBC and "All Local Politicians" for showing a total contempt for diseases and deaths caused by Air Pollution.
The debate you refer to is simply another myth because you cannot claim to debate because you have had nothing whatsoever to contribute or debate.
"Delusions" of having knowledge is not a contribution to debate,and
I still feel you are an MP or a close associate,trying to ridicule reality,for which you should be condemned.
In TMBC birds of a feather stick together regardless of their lack of intelligence,which daily affects peoples daily lives.
Come on Anon what a way to live hiding in a bunker,devoid of logic,scared of anyone knowing who you are,and spewing out absolute cr-- .
Your certainly good for a laugh,and you haven`t cottoned on yet that I enjoy your feeble rants especially from someone in hiding.
Keep it up, we all need a daily laugh from the TMBC establishment.
Now go away and dream your dreams.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, that wasn't Mr Hall it was me you dreary cretin.