Saturday 30 July 2011

Japanese Knotweed, Ashton under Lyne

This is one invader we really do not want taking over Tameside. Well done to the lady who filmed and narrated the clip above. She is obviously aware of the devastation wrought upon the local flora and fauna by this invasive plant.

For anyone who is unsure of exactly what Japanese Knotweed is, if you click here you will find out everything you need to know courtesy of Devon County Council.

I myself was intending to take some pictures of this nightmare pest which is just beginning to encroach upon parts of Haughton Green Woods.

A couple of years ago I made a video of my dog attacking and destroying this cursed weed on the banks of the River Tame along with another alien invader called Himalayan Balsam. The clip can be watched below.


Alf Garnett said...

it would be if it was knotweed ?

Tameside Citizen said...

What do you mean Aluman? You can clearly see that it is Knotweed.

Alf Garnett said...

that new vid could well be but not the stuff your dog is munthing on

Tameside Citizen said...

If you read what I said you would have known the dog was destroying Japanese Knotweed and Himalayan Balsam. They both grow together on the riverbank. If you take close look at the still image before clicking the arrow to start the video there is absolutely no mistaking the fact that it is Japanese Knotweed.

Alf Garnett said...

I dont see it

Tameside Citizen said...

Without wishing to sound impolite, may I suggest you are not fully aware of what Japanese Knotweed actually is. To see some pictures of this invasive weed click here.

Alf Garnett said...

i still dont see it ? it mite be you

CrowhillCrazy said...

I can see it, but look at 5 minutes 54sec onwards, that is clearly Knotweed. That dog deserves a medal.

Anonymous said...

Mr Tameside Citizen, don't argue with Aluman, he is the brains on this blog and you know it.

Agent Orange said...

Nice looking dog.
I agree about the Knotweed, all aggressive foreign invaders should be dealt with.

F**k off said...

How to deal with agressive, expansionist foreign invaders:

Mr Neutral: 'No comment.'

Mr S***thouse: 'If we're nice to them and let them do what they want they might not hurt us.'

Mr PC: We need to live together as one on this planet and bringing large numbers of people in, blending all races, cultures and creeds together will achieve that. I don't wish to discuss the fact that they're outbreeding us ten to one and we're obviously going to be eradicated, or that all my ideas are based on 'morality'- something that doesn't exist- and that they deny the most basic truths of human nature. Or that tens of millions of Britons want to cherish, keep and preserve their national identity, history and heritage of thousands of years. We should behave as if this island emerged from the sea sixty years ago and treat all cultures and peoples exactly the same. We must have a mongrelised, directionless mass that believes in nothing then...err.'

Mr Tory voter: 'Mr Cameron is dealing with it.'

Mr LibDem voter: 'Immigration, tut, that will take care of itself. Now to business, we want a tax on breathing, ten million wind turbines and the age of consent lowered to twelve...months.'

Mr Labour voter: 'Oh I'm the king of the swingers, the jungle VIP....'.
Or alternatively: Allahu Akbar!

Reimer said...

I think I prefer the modern-day Japs to the latest warmongers

wv "enserf"!

Edward Astel said...

In an opinion poll conducted this week Labour scored 40%. Thirteen disastrous years clearly wasn't enough for some.
It does demonstrate the increasing number of subnormal and fundamentally inferior people, and if that increase continues Britain may be finished by democracy itself.

Jeff said...

Thanks for posting these videos. I will have a look out for these weeds when I am down by the canal tomorrow.

Jeff said...

What happened to Reyner Lane and Ashton Moss? Reyner Lane looks more like a cycle path than a lane.

Al Sation said...

Does that dog of yours still have a poofter pink collar?

Roy west said...

Me and Pauline are thinking of planting ornamental japanese knotweed in our garden. I think it will compliment our beautiful garden.

Anonymous said...

Don't do it Leroy.

Roy West said...

Disclaimer: That post was not from me; I have no intention of planting Japanese Knotweed in my garden, but I would like to create a beautiful Japanese garden one day (minus any knotweed). Those who imitate me and talk about me, thanks very much. Remember what Oscar Wilde said about that.

Tameside Citizen said...

The collar was faded red - not pink. He no longer has it. To be honest he used to go through one of those collars which were purchased from the large pet store at Snipe about once a year.

His current collar come from Ashton market and it only cost £8 and it is far more durable than the ones from the large pet store. Other people have had similar issues with the red collars from that store too if you read the reviews, but saying that, he is a handful and often got it covered in mud and wet which probably lead to premature wear.

Anonymous said...

Manchester Public Health Organisation

A new huge quango set up with plenty of Labourites,and People who have worked their way into the NHS administration from being ie a TMBC Ex Chief Executive who oversaw the TEL scandal and a close friend of a MEN previous Editor who sought to promote Labour,and not forgetting Dr.Chand who prefers not to respond to the plebs who write or E.Mail him and it would be worth noting what TC Posters think.
On the agenda`s we appear to have race discrimination,sex diseases,
and diseases common in our coloured
communities,and if you want help with your obesity,drinking,smoking then you could seemingly get yourse4lf a personal type of Trainer.
Interesting what "you think" TC Posters should you read all the info.
Having read the full internet site
references and objectives,and the Committees set up inside the Quango,how much is this set-up going to cost us.being that we are cutting front line medics in Tameside.
I thought Surgeons,Physio`s,Nurses
Consultants and Doctors were where we expect our Health concerns to be dealt with.
In the 50`s,60`s 70`s the NHS appeared to cope quite well courtesy of GP`s and Hospitals
including Matrons,so what`s going on with the constant new NHS Administrators who are obviously have close linked with Labour Councils.
Already they have identified the health problems we encounter and causes,strange again that I couldn`t find one reference to the Toxic Air we ingest.
I also note Ms C Green of Tameside Hospital is linked and the Council.
Hey Ho here we go again.
i didn`t create the new quango so
don`t slag me off.

Anonymous said...

Taylor now claiming £42,000 with his new jobs in sport and other council jobs.

Anonymous said...

Im sure Hall doesnt mind if we take his rants with a large pinch of salt. He's now complaining that the Conservative Government see fit to appoint some of the same people that the Labour Government would. Perhaps, Hall, they have some skills for the job rather than a single issue ranter.

It's a shame that you never answer the questions that are put to you Hall, instead of the ones you wish were put to you.

You still havent answered these simple questions about your claim that the awful heart disease stats for Tameside are all down to the M67/M60 junction

1, where is the evidence that the pollution caused by road traffic is the cause of heart disease that you claimed in your last rant? - and dont cite that BBC web page that says "might", might is not does

2, If, as you claim, heart disease in Tameside is caused by the M67/M60 road junction, why is heart disease not far worse in more congested locations?

3, If, as you claim, the M67/M60 junction is so detrimental to health, why do residents of Denton West have a better life expectancy than many others in Tameside.

You keep repeating the rants and Ill keep repeating the basic questions.
J. Shepley

Anonymous said...

Shepley, those questions have been answered multiple times in previous posts. You saying they haven't means you're either blind, can't read, thick or are being wilfully ignorant.

Professor Byrnestein said...

Japanese Knotweed can be seen as the inevitable consequence of unrestrained globalism/capitalism.

The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power.

Professor Byrnestein said...

Are plants conscious of their own mortality?

Total presence breaks on the univocal predication of the exterior absolute the absolute existent (of that of which it is not possible to univocally predicate an outside, while the equivocal predication of the outside of the absolute exterior is possible of that of which the reality so predicated is not the reality, viz., of the dark/of the self, the identity of which is not outside the absolute identity of the outside, which is to say that the equivocal predication of identity is possible of the self-identity which is not identity, while identity is univocally predicated of the limit to the darkness, of the limit of the reality of the self). This is the real exteriority of the absolute outside: the reality of the absolutely unconditioned absolute outside univocally predicated of the dark: the light univocally predicated of the darkness: the shining of the light univocally predicated of the limit of the darkness: actuality univocally predicated of the other of self-identity: existence univocally predicated of the absolutely unconditioned other of the self. The precision of the shining of the light breaking the dark is the other-identity of the light. The precision of the absolutely minimum transcendence of the dark is the light itself/the absolutely unconditioned exteriority of existence for the first time/the absolutely facial identity of existence/the proportion of the new creation sans depth/the light itself ex nihilo: the dark itself univocally identified, i.e., not self-identity identity itself equivocally, not the dark itself equivocally, in “self-alienation,” not “self-identity, itself in self-alienation” “released” in and by “otherness,” and “actual other,” “itself,” not the abysmal inversion of the light, the reality of the darkness equivocally, absolute identity equivocally predicated of the self/selfhood equivocally predicated of the dark (the reality of this darkness the other-self-covering of identity which is the identification person-self).

Professor Byrnestein
Hebrew University

Dr S.Adist said...

Professor you appear to be suffering from a chronic case of DDS, or Death Deficiency Syndrome. My prescription is one .9mm bullet, to be taken once, directly through the brain.

Anonymous said...

Mr Hall

Please take the three questions as put by Mr Shepley and answer each one. A perfectly normal task as you seem to say you have already answered them.

As for your post I'm not sure of your point as these organizations are set up across the country with similar representatives and similar agendas. Maybe your pet subject doesn't feature because you, and others, have not proven your point.

Anonymous said...

Shepley, those questions have been answered multiple times in previous posts. You saying they haven't means you're either blind, can't read, thick or are being wilfully ignorant.

Wildy said...

We don't care what you think of us, I've made £52,000 in two years.
So who gives a flying toss what any of you c***s think.

New Class war, Public v Private said...

What's the average paid out to each councillor per year? If it's £20,000, times 57 that's £1.14 million. Along with the buckets of cash being poured on management (£189,000 for the Chief Executive alone) we can't afford anything like this amount in the current dire economic circumstances.
If tens of millions are suffering so badly financially why are all these types of people exempt?

Anonymous said...

I think J Shepley just wants straight answers from J Hall and he's not getting them. if they have been answered just cut and paste so we can all see

Anonymous said...

"Manchester Public Health" organisation.
The Electorate should be interested in the background of those chosen as administrators of this new large organisation,whether their backgrounds are based on Health matters ?,what is their actual experience in that field ?,and are their actual objectives based on greatly improving the NHS ? or is the organisation simply a talking shop where you can earn money,take no responsibilities,and then drift on again to other Quango`s to embellish your status.
Its a merry go round or you could call it another nice gravy train.
And just because other such groups have been formed definitely does not indicate its creators are not politically biased with motives.
That`s why the UK is a cess pit full of mediocre parasites looking for safe hideouts until retirement.
When you get Councils spreading their tentacles into the many external groups and organisations
yet having no actual experience,why should we not challenge why Window Cleaners,Market Men,Railway Luggage movers,Press Hacks,Postmen
etc etc become established in telling us what is needed.
How many "trust any Politician" ???
ask the question and yet they survive.

Anonymous said...

Anon it's called democracy. If you're not happy with it don't just rant. Stand and challenge like Mr West in Dukinfield. Let the electorate decide. Then if you are successful make the changes you require, go on Quangos and set the agenda to make the changes you want. Alternatively carry on ranting

Anonymous said...

Sandra Stewart rakes in £140k a year for covering the backs of Labour Councillors. Disgraceful

SerpentSlayer said...

Does anybody else wish we could get out of this cesspit of a crumbling civilisation and live in a more natural way?

I've been struggling to get even the most low paying and meaningless work for three years. I am kind, intelligent, honest and I would happily give my life to help the selfish morons who I call my kinsmen.

Is this the kind of society we belong in?
Or should we strive for an existence where luxury in any quantity is seen as a curse and where service towards your people is everyday and natural?

Where everybody has jobs to do regardless of ridiculous paper qualifications and the community grows and distributes its own crops and meat to all who have contributed.

Our modern society is sick and alien, a product of Jewish usury, selfishness, greed and an asian mental illness known to us as Christianity. Free yourself click my link above, there is another way.

I also recommend the teaching of the Aryan (you heard me) Buddha also, that man was a product of our ancient culture through and through.

Metatron said...

"I've been struggling to get even the most low paying and meaningless work for three years. I am kind, intelligent, honest and I would happily give my life to help the selfish morons who I call my kinsmen ...

Where everybody has jobs to do regardless of ridiculous paper qualifications and the community grows and distributes its own crops and meat to all who have contributed".

Have you considered joining a Kibbutz? Seems like it would tick a few of your boxes...

SerpentSlayer said...

It would tick some boxes but not the most important one. I can tolerate alien peoples, talk to them and in some cases even be remotely friendly but your soul requires you to be around your own.

One can never live fully surrounded by foreign peoples to whom you owe no loyalty or love. We possess a soul in order to fulfill its needs we need live as was intended rather than under foreign imposed systems.

Lowlives may be able to emulate and actively embrace alien cultures but nobody belonging to the higher races possessed of any decency can deny the needs of their soul.

System said...

'Anon it's called democracy', yes but the electorate are the least intelligent they've ever been. Democracy could finish this country if chavs etc, who are little more than gorillas continue to multiply at their present rate, and are allowed to vote despite being extremely ignorant and/or borderline moronic.

Anonymous said...

No, don't cut and paste, look back through the previous posts yourself and see all those questions have been answered multiple times.

SerpentSlayer said...

The smart earn money (worthless paper) and the dumb breed. What better way to destroy a race than capitalism!

Anonymous said...

Experience has taught me that it’s not what you know but who you know. Serpent Slayer, I sympathise with your plight. I was once in your situation and I know exactly where you are coming from. You need to think outside the box and think about setting up your own business. It does not have to big or expensive to set up but it must be a workable idea.

Yosser Hughes said...

Aluman runs an an aluminium smelting factory and he would give you a job.

Anonymous said...

Judging from that list SWYR you would have to cull yourself because you are everything listed and far worse.

Sew what you reap said...

When such an individual no longer exists all the harm they can do to others, directly and indirectly, and all the trouble and damage they can inflict on society can never happen.
The benefits are vast and manifold when such actions are muliplied by millions.

Sew what you reap said...

I forgot those who make meaningless abusive statements.

Strength through Diversity said...

Don't worry. I have taken a screen grab and am in the process of sending it to the anti-terrorist squad. You are promoting genocide and are another Brevik waiting to unleash mass murder. Expect a knock at the door from Special Branch before the night is out.

Anonymous said...

Mr Hall. The reason why I asked for a cut and paste is that you haven't answered the questions. You have now by refusing. You have confirmed you have not directly answered the questions of J Shepley. You answer the question you want or you believe you are answering.

Roy K West said...
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Roy K West said...
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Vortex said...

Be honest Roy - did all the attention make you feel 'important'?

Roy K West said...
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Roy K West said...
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Vortex said...

Thanks for the civilised response - was asked out of genuine interest.

Will risk one more - if you stopped mentioning Taylor, do you think he would ever bother with you again?

This is asked with no love of Taylor by the way - just concern for a fellow citizen. Like you have with the BNP stuff, would you feel better if you moved on? You obviously have a great interest in the place you call home, seems such a shame to waste all this energy on Taylor.

Roy K West said...
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Roy K West said...
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Roy K West said...
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Roy K West said...

Also remember:

"Only people who look dull ever get into the House of Commons, and only people who are dull ever succeed there".

Nationalist said...

" If the home be weakened or corrupt, the life of the nation is poisoned at its very springs, for it is the greatest factor in the formation of the character of its people."

Frank Chavasse, Bishop of Liverpool 1900-1923.

Look at Britain 2011 to see how true that is.

The spirit of Bishop Chavarse said...

"Hey soft lad, calm down with all dis woolyback nationalism stuff - I was on about the home side against Burnley in the 1914 FA Cup. Get it right, la!"

Self pity city said...

Liverpool was a great city then. Now it's infested with hordes of junkies and masses of other human detritus, fully demonstrating the accuracy of Bishop Chavasse's statement.

Anonymous said...

Re Councillor Taylor
I was told by a senior member of staff at the Tameside Advertiser a few years ago that he was never out of their offices,but what really pi---- them off was that they had to renew his comments for the Advertiser and make many corrections.
He is quite illiterate, was the phrase used.
Is this still the case ??

Regionnaire said...

So Liverpool has never been one of the nation's largest immigration gateways then? Better tell the Irish for a start.

Also, the Bishop quoted above seems to be on about the importance of the family as a foundation of society - nowt to do with 'forrins' (who seem quite keen on the concept...)

Was it the mass immigration, grinding poverty or cholera you look back on so fondly?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said;

'they had to renew his comments for the Advertiser and make many corrections.'

Mmmm. Renew his comments??? Illiterate??

Alf Garnett said...

He was an arsehole more like

Anonymous said...

It does make you laugh when someone is critical of someone else's use of English and cant even construct a sentence themselves.

I noticed above that someone is also critical because of a councillors colourful personality and then bleats that politicians are bland.

Couldn't make it up.

Anonymous said...

I think John Taylor is great. Stop knocking him. As for Mr West I reckon I'd react the same if someone was following me down the street with a video camera. Well done JT

David Andrew Sedgwick said...

Anonymous I agree totally with you, he's a great advert for local government.
Just surprised he was not given the job as Deputy along time ago.
John would make a great leader of the council.

Honour killings said...

Past immigration into Liverpool or the UK at large was minicsule compared to what's happening now. 334,000 let in in 2010 alone, in the middle of a recession, to either ponce off the benefits system or as imported cheap labour. Plus, virtually all of those i9n the past were similar to us culturally, in general outlook and racially - like the irish, and could and did assimilate, integrate and intermarry. Totally different to now, with hordes of people with an utterly alien outlook, with no loyalty to or concern for Britain, its history, heritage, culture and identity.
Bishop Chavasse was talking about the strength of the NATION being built upon the strength of the family structure, which has been significantly weakened in the last few decades. If you're referring to the strength of foreign culture's family structures I assume you mean for example Islam, that fine upholder of domestic decency and its long tradition of equal rights for women. Not many divorces as being beaten is generally considered better than being incinerated. Or perhaps you mean the abandonment rate of Afro-Caribbean fathers which puts even the high rates of our home grown chavs to shame. But of course it's easier to kick your own kind in the teeth isn't it.
We've got our own problems in this area that need dealing with, without importing, en masse, a whole new set from abroad.

Vix satis said...

'It does make you laugh when someone is critical of someone else's English and CANT even construct a sentence themselves.'

'I noticed above that someone is also critical of a COUNCILLORS colourful personality and then bleats that politicians are bland.'

Anonymous, whilst criticising the literacy of others you forgot to put an apostrophe in 'councillor's' and also in 'can't.'

Jim Fitzpatrick "Gravy Train Rider" said...

The police had to intervene tonight at Dukinfield Town hall. This Labour Councillor started to kick off with me, after seeing his name on my gravy train T shirt.
This Councillor also stated that he regreted getting caught, posting these third party leaflets in Dukinfield.

Anonymous said...

West is the nuisance. Can't he give that camera to charity or something

Roy K West said...
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Anonymous said...

Mr West. What back handers and what building projects

Roy K West said...
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Roy K West said...
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Anonymous said...

rwrk. You are going too far in your accusations.

Anonymous said...

Who said, you? who are you?

Roy K West said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SerpentSlayer said...

The BNP have a good set of environmental policies, makes sense that we and the greens might find shared ground.

As fars as I'm aware the local greens dont want to build massive tescos and bypasses in rural areas either, unlike a certain self described 'working class' party.

John said...

Councillor Jim Fitzpartick showed himself up tonight, by raising his vioce in that manner.
And in front of all those people.
I think it runs in his family. Because his brother was drunk at the last election count at Duki Town hall.
Violently pushing his way past that Tory guy.

Councillor Paul Murphy said...

Was this Councillor Paul Murphy
once investigated for corruption?
He was on the police panal tonight.

Hate said...

They're used to having everything their own way with a thick, compliant 14% of the electorate. That plus the apathy and ignorance of the vast majority of the electorate gets them in. A useless, complacent Tory group, happy to have their snouts in the trough keeps everything cosy.
Thay can't stand any form of REAL opposition or protest, it ruins the pleasant consensus ambience they've spent years creating.

Sedition said...

Dave Jones has got an advanced and debilitating medical condition, so shithouse rubbish like Fitzpatrick knows there'll be no comeback.

£34,000 Labour Communist said...

Members of the public need to get up close to these Labour Cllrs, and some Conservative ones.
And see what they are really like.
Last night at Dukinfield Town Hall, Cllr Jim Fitzpatrick worse for drink started raising his voice about what benefits I recieved from the Council.
He saw his name on my T-shirt along with the £34,000 he clawed out of the Council. (and the rest somewhere)
This is the high ranking Labour Councillor, working with the criminal group Searchlight spreading hate leaflets in my area.
Trying to incite hate feeling.
£34,000 in his bank account and still finds time to post Communist hate leaflets in the community.

The Humane Slaughter Association said...

Jewish ritual forbids Jews to consume the hindquarters of animals killed for food. Actually Gentiles eat this meat, because for practically every animal slaughtered by the Jewish Kosher method of Shechita, there is a whole hindquarters available for Gentile consumption, in Jewish founded or run Supermarkets such as Sainsbury's, Tesco and Marks and Spencer. This is why the numbers of animals slaughtered by this method so greatly exceeds the needs of the Jewish population in Britain, which is estimated at 300,000-500,000.

The fact is some Muslims now agree to the humane pre-stunning of animals prior to slaughter so they do not feel pain, but the Jews do not.

I hear little from Griffin's pro-Israel BNP and 'Tommy Robinson's' pro-Israel EDL about the Jewish ritual slaughter of animals, only about Halal.

The Humane Slaughter Association is opposed to ritual slaughter without pre-stunning.

Anonymous said...

Tameside MBC`s cloak of secrecy.
is totally disgusting in that "Councillors Declaration of Interests"are held in an office filing cabinet in Ashton.
Yes you can book an appointment to visit and view but TMBC prefer not to follow all other Councils whose Councillor Interests are shown on the Internet.
You can read MP`s Declaration of Interests on the Internet including the Prime Ministers,and your MP`s in Tameside,and you can read the House of Lords Interests Files on the Net.
Why is a Council like TMBC allowed to decide not to show in an open and transparent manner the Outside Interests of those paid for by us.

Besides letters to the Borough Solicitor and the Chief Executive
demanding this facility a campaign should be commenced via TC to find out via a questionnaire
how many in Tameside want to see Councillors Interests shown on the Internet ??
The following indicates just one of the Stalinist protection methods used to protect our "unfit for purpose" Councillors.
I quote
"10. Sensitive information

Where you consider that the information relating to any of your personal interests is sensitive information, and your authority's monitoring officer agrees, you need not include that information when registering that interest, or, as the case may be, a change to that interest under paragraph 13.

You must, within 28 days of becoming aware of any change of circumstances which means that information excluded under paragraph (1) is no longer sensitive information, notify your authority's monitoring officer asking that the information be included in your authority's register of members' interests.

In this Code, "sensitive information" means information whose availability for inspection by the public creates, or is likely to create, a serious risk that you or a person who lives with you may be subjected to violence or intimidation.

Don`t give up on writing to Sandra Stewart E.Mail
with a copy to

Its no use wanting more democracy in Tameside,it needs fighting for.

SerpentSlayer said...

The Jews expect to be able to treat us as cattle and for there to be no consequences for them. Griffin has it wrong and so do all the Nationalists who ignore the Jewsih question.

They may hold positions of power and have our people brainwashed to the point of hysteria but ignoring the problem will not make it go away, the ED's and other civic nationalists do this with the racial issue.

The answer to both is to have the evidence and to strike often and without fear. Why cower and hope to be spared slander when that is all they can do, very few people are incarcerated for speaking the truth and even less are assasinated.

No straw death for me and I encourage others to foster the same attitude, expose the Jews and their banking dynasties, their sick lies, degenerate art and ritual murders. Do so until you can no longer type or speak just make sure you never fear such murderous abominations.

Britain 2011, yellow nation said...

ALL slaughter without pre-stunning should be banned.
If a British slaughterman, in his own country, had a machinery breakdown and killed the last few animals without pre-stunning, he would be prosecuted, and you can guarantee unprincipled, shithouse organisations like the RSPCA would be all over it.
Whilst foreigners using barbaric alien methods are allowed to commit these atrocities on an industrial scale.
The animal welfare organisation's silence on the latter is deafening and nauseating.

Under the bridge said...

Globalised capitalism, dominated by you know who, is wobbling, badly. Propped up by exploitation in undeveloped countries and imported cheap labour into the First World.

If it no longer benefits the vast majority, but simply a tiny clique at the top, as is increasingly the case, it's time to GET RID.

I've got the perfect man for the job said...

High ranking, well paid Labour Councillor, needed for posting third party smear leaflets.
Made £34,000 in 2010 always ready to post Communist smear leaflets.

Alex Chapman said...

Good work exposing that. Why is a senior LABOUR councillor putting out leaflets for non-political groups like that.

Doubleday 2008/2009 said...

Chair - Personal & Health Scrutiny Panel

Basic Allowance - £11,576.34
Special Responsibility Allowance - £9,528.34
Broadband Allowance - £249.96
Travel - £19.20
Total - £21,373.84

Anonymous said...

Sorry Ambler, GR

2008/2009 said...

Bell, JS
Leader of the Opposition

Basic Allowance - £11,576.34
Special Responsibility Allowance - £11,207.34
Broadband Allowance - £249.96
Total - £23,033.64

Greedy Bastards! said...

Cooney, G
Cabinet Deputy - Lifelong Learning Services

Basic Allowance - £11,576.34
Special Responsibility Allowance - £19,988.84
Total - £31,565.18

Greed is good. said...

Taylor, J
Cabinet Deputy - Personal and Community Services changed to Cabinet Deputy - Co-ordination Services WEF 21/01/2009

Basic Allowance - £11,576.34
Special Responsibility Allowance - £19,988.84
Total - £31,565.18

Anonymous said...

Wild, B
Chair - Dukinfield District Assembly

Basic Allowance - £11,576.34
Special Responsibility Allowance - the pub £9,528.34
Total - £21,104.68

GREED IS GOOD! said...

Piddington, CM
Cabinet Deputy - Environmental Services & Member of Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority

Basic Allowance - £11,576.34
Special Responsibility Allowance - £19,988.84
Broadband Allowance - £208.30
Greater Manchester Waste - £1,989.84
Total - £33,763.32
Quinn, K
Cabinet Deputy - Economic Services

Basic Allowance - £11,576.34
Special Responsibility Allowance - £19,988.84
Total - £31,565.18
Quinn, S
Cabinet Secretary - Services for Children and Young People & Deputy Chair - Speakers Panel (Planning)

Basic Allowance - £11,576.34
Special Responsibility Allowance - £8,305.84
Broadband Allowance - £249.96
Total - £20,132.14

Give us your trust for our greed. said...

Fitzpatrick, J
Cabinet Deputy without Portfolio

Basic Allowance - £11,576.34
Special Responsibility Allowance - £19,988.84
Broadband Allowance - £312.45
Total - £31,877.63

Gwynne, A
Cabinet Deputy - Services for Children and Young People

Basic Allowance - £11,576.34
Special Responsibility Allowance - £19,988.84
Total - £31,565.18

Calvin MacNeil said...

Good work.
We don't NEED 57 councillors (1 per 3700 people), and we can't AFFORD IT.

TMBC = Recession Free Zone said...

As Deputy Executive Leader Taylor's 'basic' allowance automatically goes up from £11500 to £23500. It'll be interesting to see what his total allowances are since being promoted.

Cunts said...

Can't see that this recession has touched ANY of the upper echelons of Tameside Council, elected or employed. But then they're fucking exempt aren't they.