Tuesday 7 June 2011

A day in the life of Tameside Council

Tameside council is to follow in the footsteps of Greater Manchester Police by using social networking website Twitter to list everything it does for 24 hours.

Town hall chiefs want to reveal the scale of the council's workload by revealing all on the internet.

They say staff still deal with a vast array of services despite a £24m cut to its budget – and promise to expose its 'entire range of council work', from licensing to burial services.

On Thursday, June 16 council officers will broadcast every single thing they do.

Council bosses have been inspired by GMP's 'day in the life' six months ago, when the force posted every single recorded incident to social networking site Twitter.

Over 24 hours officers tweeted more than 3,000 reported crimes in a bid to show how much 'social work' the police do, ahead of government cuts. Chief Constable Peter Fahy hailed the experiment a huge success and vowed to do it again.

Now council bosses want to make a similar impact.

Coun John Taylor, deputy leader of Tameside council and active Twitter user, said: "Last October Greater Manchester Police tweeted every incident over a 24-hour period to give an idea of the workload officers face.

"People were amazed at what they had to deal with.

"I think it's important that people understand the kind of services Tameside Council continues to provide in these austere times.

"It's very easy to focus on the services that you directly receive but there are so many more."

Follow the day's events at @TamesideCouncil via Twitter or at the council's own website, www.tameside.gov.uk which will also be running live updates.
Manchester Evening News


John's False Statements said...

Councillor John Taylor made a false statement in his 2008 leaflet, saying that I was using a false name.
And that, I was hiding lots of secrets from the people of Dukinfield.
Deputy Leader has a free hand to make these false statements.
The police and the Council leadership turn a blind eye.

force the lazt back to work said...

They work bloody hard for there money which is more than can be said for the publicity seeking dole scrounger who posted at 13.17

Working bloody at rumour and allegation said...

force the lazt back to work.
So that means, the Deputy is free to spread rumour and allegation then?

Councillor Jim Fitzpatrick said...

Working bloody hard at spreading rumour and allegation.

Labour4eva said...

TC do you ever ask yourself why you blog is dying a death? If you do look no further than the repetitive moron constantly posting blue links. This could have developed into an interesting debate but the local nutter has killed it before it began.

Do yourself a favour and ban him or do us a favour and dont ban him in which case your blog is finished.

Anonymous said...

Above stop crying in you're beer.

Cost Cutting Conservative said...

I bet you it will be moderated. No "Chief Exec, Steve Smith met with community leaders to stop sensationalist reporting".

Labour4eva said...

why dont you set up your own blog instead of polluting this one with all your boring drivel.

Anonymous said...

Why is it boring drivel?
Answer the question.
Why should I accept false statements from John Taylor?

Anonymous said...

Whilst I detest John Taylor if you want to shut his imbecile gob,get legal aid and sue him for slanderous comments.
Most of us know the devious and sleazy Councillors who surround us
however the way to get at them is get some "FACTS" on any underhand activities and make an official complaint to the Ombudsman with substantiated details and get the Tory Leader to start doing something (for a change)
which if he really intends to get at Labour after years of doing nowt he should be interested at last to get stuck in seeing he is on the Standards Committee for what its worth.
All TC readers should robustly seek substantiated examples of TMBC sleaze and go for them big time,its tough but possible even though the other Tameside Administrations and Law upholders are very closely intertwined
How many raise Freedom of Information questions to TMBC ??,as well as posting on TC,they need swamping with requests not simply postings on TC.

Anonymous said...

Labour4ever it maybe drivel to you. But if you stood in the election, and you're opponant was blatantly spreading false statements about you (John Taylor)
I wonder if you'd find it to be drivel?
You should try being on the receiving end of all that rumour and allegation mate, see how you feel then.
If John Taylor wants to get me in court, then he will need to explain all this rumour and allegation he's spread about me in Dukinfield.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Thanks for the advice.
I plan to make an official complaint, in relation to false statements made by John Taylor.
To the police and the electorial commission.

SerpentSlayer said...

Can I play the devil's ambassador?

While I understand that you have been wronged Roy I don't see why you need to post off topic. I think you could do a good job by running a blog that exposes the wrong doings of the red mob and Taylor specifically.

Anonymous said...

Went to the Dukinfield DA tonight, less than 16 people at the meeting.
Labour look very confident with their fat expenses claims there.
Labour can't be touched no doubt about that.
Wildy looking smug for his £52,000 in the last two years.
Postal votes are Labour's bread and butter no doubt about that as well.
Labour Mafia look solid no question, but one thing they collectively hate.
No one should dare rock their boat.

Altercation in Brussels (Part 1 of 2) said...

This is the film footage that Nigel Byrne took of Nick Griffin.