Let us today spare a thought for the oppressed and brutalised people of occupied Palestine and at the same time remember the gross hypocrisy of the Western political elite who ignore the massacre of the innocent of Palestine by an aggressive and oppressive military regime while at the same lecturing and bombing Arab countries for committing alleged acts of violence - even if which were true are not even in the same league as the Israeli genocidal acts carried out against the people of occupied Palestine.
Switch on any non-Western TV news channel today such as Russia Today, Al Jazzera or Press TV and witness the appalling acts of Israeli violence being used against Palestinian refugees commemorating the 63rd anniversary of the ‘Nakba’ - the day of the formation of the bandit state of Israel. A state born out of terror and violence - much of it directed towards the British administration in Palestine.
Watch as you see true weapons of mass destruction used in anger against civilian protestors and ask yourself; where are the NATO air strikes to prevent this massacre. Where is the condemnation from our very vociferous Foreign Secretary who has lots to say about events in Libya which are not even proven as facts.
Take a look at the blog of a well known and supposedly ‘anti-racist’ councillor from Dukinfield and see the symbolism he uses to show support for the ultra-racist Bandit State of Israel which is guilty of creating so much misery and suffering to the oppressed and homeless of Palestine and at the same time remember the power behind the throne - the shadowy figures including the MP for Denton and Reddish who is currently listed as the Chair of the Labour Friends of Israel - the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats also have sister ‘Friends of Israel’ organisations and together these vested interested groups of paid hirelings ensure that the Bandit State has a free hand to massacre and wage war while the British people are constantly fed a diet of Holocaust guilt as a means of creating anxiety for anyone wishing to express their outrage at Israeli acts of violence and their constant breaches of international law.
I asked Councillor Taylor if he was a Jew and he said yes.
He won't engage in debate on any complex issue because he hasn't got the brains.
Mind you that applies to a large number of our elected representatives both locally and nationally. Many of the better educated ones who DO know the score simply pursue expediency, on behalf of their Party or what's good for their careers and bank accounts.
Israel the most racist country in the world and can do as it pleases due to its vast network of people at the top of TV, newsmedia, film and entertainment, the internet, big business and, above all politics. Any US President who gets on the wrong side of them is finished, any candidate for that job who did the same would NOT win and evryone in American politics knows it.
I was not aware that Cllr Taylor actually referred to himself as a Jew - he certainly is not ethnically Jewish but it is possible he has converted which means he will never be considered to be a proper Jew by Jewish standards.
There are however many documented cases of gentiles claiming Jewish ancestry as a means of aiding their careers. Think of how many high profile politicians such as John Kerry in the U.S. and Boris Johnson and David Cameron over here claim some kind of tenuous Jewish link.
Locally of course the foul mouthed comedian Bernard Manning claimed to be Jewish but I read his obituary in the Jewish Telegraph and they did not seem convinced.
With regards to your point about U.S. Presidents getting on the wrong side of ‘them’. Think of President Nixon and what is the first thing that comes into your mind? Watergate, sleaze, corruption etc. Do you know why Nixon had such a dramatic fall from grace? Read some of the comments he made by clicking here and all will become apparent in the blink of an eye.
I woold like to point out to the Moron on facebook that's been posting these comments pretending to be me.
I will be sure to point the police in your direction.
Don`t just keep your focus on Muslim Power,with only approx 280,000 jewish people in the UK,watch how their positions are ridiculously non proportionate.
Apprentice master Lord Sugar may be the only Jew in the boardroom in the new series of the show. While no fewer than a quarter of last year's 16 candidates were Jewish
Take a bow, shopping channel QVC. Whenever my wife switches it on - which is frequently - there seems to be an Israeli jewellery designer promoting their wares.
Is Labour leader Ed Miliband, product of a strictly secular upbringing, starting to get religious? A Times picture caption said that he and his partner Justine Thornton had decided that they would not get married until after the "brith" of their second son Samuel. The nuptials are set for May. Better book them a chupah.
Last week we reported that four of the nine members of the new Commission on a Bill of Rights for Britain were Jewish.
Make that five. We mistakenly did not include the chairman of the panel, retired civil servant and Watford Synagogue member Sir Leigh Lewis.
The Israeli press has taken an interest in the hospitality apparently being shown to the Quartet's Middle East envoy Tony Blair by local businesswoman Ofra Strauss. The glamorous divorcee chairs the Strauss group, Israel's second largest food manufacturer whose products include Elite chocolates.
You can't fool the Iranians, who have rumbled that the 2012 Olympic Games is a cunning plan to promote the interests of Israel. Their delegation protested to the International Olympic Committee this week that the official logo for the London Olympiad spells the word "Zion".
The Board of Deputies' 250th anniversary bash with Tony Blair has sold so well, it's being moved to a larger venue.
Expect further snarls from Indie columnist Richard Ingrams, who recently had a go at Blair and the Board, calling it a "body of self-appointed worthies who make it their business to defend the interests of their country against its critics". (By "their country", he means "Israel".)
I think Gwynne is a non outed undercover Jew.
I am a Gentile (or Goy-non Jew in Jewish terms)and what bloody chance have our kids got ??
I am not anti "anyone" but I am most definitely anti monopoly whoever they be.
With the Jews what few there are ( a few thousands) controlling the Legal/Justice System,the Press,the TV & Radio Services,the UK Legal/Justice system,the large Business Corporates,the large Political Lobbying Companies,I am sick of their monopoly because whilst they pervade our society with a stranglehold what chances do our gentile kids have of success.
Whose is behind the TV Talent Shows ?
it stands out a mile when you look at the press promoting gurus and
Celebrity Agents who coin it in,from those with talent,in other words parasitic behavior. which I deplore whoever without talent who seek that financial benefit.
The private health care facilities also are dominated,so what`s left for our kids futures.
If it was Catholics,CofE,Methodists,Quakers,
or any other faith group commanding our daily lives I would apply the same anti monopoly comments,and in fact the Muslims are increasing their Political power through their aptitude for large families which cost us heavily.
So we are being controlled severely in voicing the reality now in the UK,for whose benefit is that ??????
certainly not ours.
I am not BNP or any other radical group supporter I am just a working class Joe Soap who wants better for the kids and grandchildren of those gentiles who are the vast majority in the UK,and theres NOWT WRONG IN THAT viewing the larger UK picture.
How do the LFI & CFI huge political
influential parties feel today about more Israeli despot actions ???
Ashamed NO,Sorry NO,Against NO,
Critical NO,in Favor YES underneath the pretences.
Forever a Anti Monopolist Joe Soap
Gwynne stopped being chair of Labour Friends of Israel just after several people pointed the fact out in the Press.
According to Wikipedia he still is the Chair. Follow the link in TC's article.
ITN News reporting at least eight Palestinians have been massacred today by the Israeli army.
Come on Wee Willy Hague - where’s the sanctions and NATO mission to protect the civilians of Palestine?
This guy's funny.
Lloyd, Syd (Conservative) 2238
McLay, Margaret (Liberal Democrats) 1580
Sedgwick, David Andrew (Labour) 970
This piece of filth is real bad egg Mr West. Take a look at the degenerates he has as friends.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion a blueprint for world domination or Tsarist forgery?
The following was the one of the last released information from the LFI in Sept 2010,since when the LFI official site has been announced as under re-development with no added info ?????.
Labour Friends of Israel has appointed a new director to oversee the parliamentary lobby group's work.Jennifer Gerber replaces former director Luciana Berger, who was elected as an MP for the Liverpool Wavertree constituency in May.Ms Gerber, from Finchley, north London, is a former director of Progress, a New Labour pressure group promoting radical and progressive politics. She edited its magazine, for which she has written articles on Israel and antisemitism.She was previously special adviser to Andy Burnham, the former Labour Health Secretary, working with him in three government departments. He is now running for the Labour leadership.Ms Gerber said: "As Labour develops its foreign policy in opposition, LFI has a crucial role to play in ensuring that the party's decision makers appreciate the complexity of the situation in the Middle East. This is a challenging time for both Israel advocacy and the Labour Party, and I look forward to working with our longstanding supporters, and building relationships with the new intake of MPs."She said LFI would take MPs to Is-rael "so they can see the reality on the ground for themselves".Andrew Gwynne MP, LFI chair, said: "I'm delighted that someone with Jennifer's abilities has been appointed to lead LFI. "Her extensive political experience and judgment, clear understanding of the issues, and passion for the organisation's goals make her the ideal candidate for this role."
My own impression is that A.Gwynne may well be of Jewish descent,not forgetting that J.Purnell the disgraced MP was the previous LFI Chair.If Jewish people are proud of their heritage why since the end of WW11 have they not come out of their bunkers and been proud of their real historical family names.
Coming from 200 years of coal mining stock when the grasping Landowners who never earned their land got cash for every shovel of coal dug out miles underground and I`m proud of them for maintaining the family names even though thousands lost their lives,were abused,and paid pittances for 12 hours of absolute hell underground,our great stock of english forefathers who spent two thirds of their lives in the blackness of 3 foot high pit dug outs.So the abuse of the "real" English,Welsh,Scots folk is still continuing courtesy of the Labour/Tory upper crust conniving sh--- surrounding us in Tameside.
Jews be ashamed of today,be very ashamed.
Labour activist David Andrew Sedgwick, has been making allegations on facebook that I've been grooming a 10 year old.
The type of scum, thats been setting up fake facebook accounts.
Also Adam White of hope not hate spreading vile lies on facebook about me.
B’nai B’rith talks of Schalit, Iran's nukes in Pope meeting
Pontiff expresses gratitude to delegation that ‘the aspirations of the Jewish people for a home in the land of their fathers have been fulfilled.’
Thats the last sodding Christmas Card you get from me Mr.Pope.
So the Jews are now lobbying the
Children abusers,what next.
Roy, I reckon that photo of you and the Fuhrer's genuine. Facial expressions, heights, everything. Was it taken when the Germans invaded your Greek homeand.
I was interested to read your comment that some individuals claim Jewish ancestry solely to advance their careers.
I am reminded in this regard of Christopher Hitchens.
As a political hack in Washington DC, he has found it very useful to assert his "Jewishness". I must admit when I read an article of his in Vanity Fair in which he claimed to be of Jewish descent I was a bit suspicious to say the least, so I did a background check into his family.
This is his family's connection to the Jewish community as outlined by Wikipedia.
'Late in life, Hitchens discovered that he was of partially Jewish ancestry. According to Hitchens, when his brother Peter took his fiancée to meet their grandmother, Dodo, who was then in her 90s, Dodo said, "She's Jewish, isn't she?" and then announced: "Well, I've got something to tell you. So are you."'
Taylor won't be giving any support for these people/Children will he?
I'm not making excuses for any kind of violence, but these people feel that no one gives a dam about them.
How can you treat a people like dogs? Children being killed in their beds, homes raised to the ground then forced off their land.
It's not right treating a great people like the Palestinians in such a vile way.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn is the head of the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND. He is a member of the French Socialist Party and a former member of the Union of Communist Students.
His father was a rich tax expert and member of the Grand Orient of France MASONIC order.
The tail has almost closed with the head. No serpent can keep hold of its victim forever, we just have to ride out the poison and the oppression.
I give the best of wishes to the people of Palestine as well as all those murdered by Jewish bullets or kept on the breadline by Jewish financial interests. I for one will not rest until England is free or I am relieved of my burden, I encourage others to follow and pick up the banner if it falls.
DSK is a member of the elite three times over: Big Jew, married into Jewish family money, globalist. Different level. He is a link in the golden chain. He has, of course, committed no offence by the law of Sanhedrin. Friends with perfect souls will ask, privately, what is the dumb shiksa's price. If being buggered by a portly old sh[t who considers her worthless is just too offensive, moves will be made to appoint a Jewish judge to the arraignment hearing. Expensive Jewish lawyers will pore all over every element of the charge looking for an out. They will try to save him. But his presidential future is gone. They have to back Sarkozy now.
Israel made the Palestinian enclaves, it did not make the inhabitants reproduce at such a massive rate, in a confined space. Mind you Muslim reproductive rates in general are vastly higher than any other culture.
The Jews have been in conflict with their neighbours in this region for centuries, both sides should be fully held to account for their transgressions. the reason Israel is given practically free reign is because of their immense influence in all the corridors of power and influence.
Firstly the Progress Group is a Labour/Jewish group active in many active and self promoting ways.
Secondly Re Andrew Gwynne by his declared position
as Locus Standi plus Court of Referees in the House of Commons
is he making himself fireproof above all others.
Pity the Tameside underdogs who
feed their Bank Accounts have no rights in the legal pecking order.
Andrew Gwynne
Locus Standi
Yes. It simply means that a person has a legitimate claim that they are being harmed by a law or some sort of action. It means that the party bringing the case to the court has a real reason to be doing so because of actual or potential harm done to them due to the matter being brought before the court.
This refers to the litigant or the plaintiff.
For example, the court could find that a person does not have locus standi in a case if they are the plaintiff but have suffered no harm or are unlikely to suffer harm from an action or law - thus the case would be dismissed.
Brett Kingston, you miss the point completely. On the day of The Catastrophe in 1948 - the day the Israeli terrorist state was formed. The Jews systematically started to ethnic cleanse Palestine of its original inhabitants, 1.1 million in total.
Innocent people who had lived there since biblical times were literally rounded up and expelled at gun-point to neighbouring countries or camps - those who refused were summarily executed.
The people expelled lost everything, their homes, their land, their animals - the lot. They were left with literally nothing and to this day most live in refugee camps in Gaza and the West Bank.
The crime committed by the Zionist state by their seizure of Palestine was unparalleled in history - hence the Holocaust™ propaganda offensive to quell dissenting voices. The Zionist line of defence is “we were persecuted by the Nazis for our religion because we were a people without a state”. Combine that with all the fake stories about soap made from Jewish dead bodies and lamp shade covers made from tattooed skin of murdered Jews and you have blackmailed dissenters into silence.
Here’s one for you Brett; substitute Palestine for what is now known as Greater Manchester. Picture this scene, you and your family are a middle class family with two houses, a small dairy farm and a couple of grocery shops. You live a comfortable existence in a land which your ancestors have occupied since the Stone Age. Suddenly a war erupts in a far off land, a war which does not involve you and is of no consequence to you.
As the war rages refugees from Pakistan start to arrive in Greater Manchester in large numbers. Soon after reports of atrocities start to filter through and it is clear these people cannot return to Pakistan and they need a new homeland. So many now live in Greater Manchester they decide that Manchester is the place where they will settle and create a new country . Unbeknown to you, your family, friends, neighbours and other indigenous inhabitants of Greater Manchester these newcomers are arming themselves and planning a land grab.
On 15th May you wake up to gunfire and a scene of total chaos minutes later a group of heavily armed militia turn up on your doorstep and order you and your family out at gunpoint - your father refuses and is shot through the head - the rest of you quickly comply. You are then all taken to the town centre where thousands of other people who have just experienced the same treatment are assembled. You are all then force-marched out of Greater Manchester with only the clothes you wear and where you begin your new lives as homeless, penniless and stateless refugees. And as you and your kinfolk suffer the occupiers have everything which was once yours - your homes, your herd of cattle, your shops - everything.
This is what happened to the people of occupied Palestine. How would you react if the same thing happened to you?
The Pakistan analogy is interesting because it's close to what's actually happening in many parts of Britain.
I've no love for Israel or Islam (Arabs, Palestinians whatever) but Britain has significant problems with BOTH and you should remember that before sermonising on the foundation of Israel in isolation.
Ask any Jew "why being a Jew you should have a homeland ?"
The only reply possible being !.
So prove it like anyone else in the world who has a land claim.
Perhaps the Advertiser would like advance knowledge of my claim over the Tameside area because last night a voice spoke to me telling me I was the chosen one.and the land was mine.
And this folks is the 100% total reality of why Israel kills anyone who challenges that non proven rhetoric.
Who else could get away with this ???
If it's true they stole the Arabs land they should be ashamed of themselves.
Quite right NCB, there is nothing more pathetic than Gentiles falsely claiming some Jewish ancestry in the hope that the Jewish power-brokers behind-the-scenes will promote them.
There god told them not to apparently. The Jews must be higher than god, at least in the minds of the twisted Zionists.
On a different topic, I've been reading the, "United Nation's Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples":
"Recognizing the urgent need to respect and promote the inherent rights of indigenous peoples which derive from their political, economic and social structures and from their cultures, spiritual traditions, histories and philosophies, especially their rights to their lands, territories and resources."
"Indigenous peoples have the right to self-determination."
"Every indigenous individual has the right to a nationality."
How does this square with the exponentially growing multiculturalism that is being forced on the BRITISH indigenous peoples? Perhaps it only applies to'oppressed' non-whites.
It clearly doesnt apply to Palestinians either. Perhaps there is a clause voiding the rule if the Jews decide they don't like you?
Who runs the US foreign policy?
Who controls the banks?
Who are the money lenders.
A touch of multicultural enrichment destroys another young life down the road in Gorton.
Get a load of this from a collaborator working against us in the war against ethnic British children “we are treating this as an isolated incident”. It is always always always always the same old bullshit about so called ‘isolated incidents’. It is a fucking epidemic of organised child rape and there is absolutely nothing isolated about it. The victim was only thirteen years old - her life is destroyed and the willing collaborators who are totally complicit in downplaying these acts only care for the wellbeing of ‘the community’ and we all know who they mean by ‘community’.
This is another paedophilic act against a British child carried out by an invading savage. When the revolution comes we will hardly have enough rope to deal with these bastards and their traitor accomplices.
Such an incident would have been unthinkable even in a run down area like Gorton a few years ago. It happened in broad daylight.
Those who think race has no significance should be aware of a recent major US study into racially aggravated sex crimes, that was abandoned when the massively disproportionate number of black on white rapes was confirmed. The reverse (as is alleged in the Strauss-Kahn case) is virtually unheard of.
Fight back like a lion.
Join us! As we fight for the cause of Freedom and natural justice.
Be apart of the resistance in the face of pure evil.
No man should EVER live on his knees.
Be individual and be on the side of all Freedom Fighters in their lands.
Two British girls on holiday gang raped by six masked men on St Lucia in the Caribbean today.
I see the persecuted white men falsely accused of the 'racist' murder of St Stephen Lawrence of Eltham are to be put on trial for a third time after previously being acquitted twice.
The PC Crowd, the £ multi-billion race industry and the media will be in sheer ecstasy over this news. If the witch finder general Mathew Hopkins were alive today he would envy the tools at the disposal of the modern day witch hunters. In his day an acquittal by jury was the end of the story and you were presumed innocent.
In the modern day with hunts whose focus has switched to ’racists’ rather than witches there is no such thing as being presumed innocent after being acquitted, the new formula is this: whip up a media frenzy, subject the accused to trial by media and then trial by court. If the court acquits them once, twice, three, four or five times - no problem, just keep on bringing them back to court on the same charges until you get the guilty verdict you require and then that is the job done and the verdict stands.
Those who rejoice at this news will not even spare a passing moment to reflect that the whole idea of Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat was scrapped by the Judeo Bolshevik regime running Britain between 1997-2010. The precedent of the scrapping of that ancient rule of law was their way of imposing totalitarianism on the populace. Those who rejoice at the third trial of the Lawrence suspects may one day too find themselves tried on false charges. I wonder would they still be rejoicing then?
The first Jews who came to the Middle East was illegal Jews. They create gangs, terrorist groups, to kill innocent people to get as they wanted. Some of these groups was "Stern gang", "Irgun" and "Haganah." They blew up a hotel and killed innocent people. This video tells you about Israels heros.
Really wonder if it's fashionable to support the oppressed.
Illegal Israeli settlers release sewage on Palestinian farms.
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