Did anyone watch the fantastic BBC documentary aired the other night called The Golden Age of Canals? If you missed it you can watch it on the BBC iPlayer by clicking here.
The restoration of the Huddersfield Narrow Canal, a waterway which starts in Tameside and goes all the way to Huddersfield features prominently in the programme. Looking at it now you would never believe that not so long ago this canal was derelict and completely un-navigable due to locks being filled in and unsafe tunnels etc.
After watching the programme I decided to take the hound for a walk up to Greenfield along the canal tow path. My journey started on a depressing note when I noticed the theft of brickwork from a bridge over the canal in Stalybridge.
Sadly this is not a rare occurrence and selfish people think nothing of prising away ornamental brickwork from an isolated location and taking it home for their gardens etc. I would love to catch them in act but the chances of that would be slim as they probably commit their crimes in the dead of night under cover of darkness.
The police could not even be bothered to investigate this violent attack.
On the canal.
But they can afford to send three CID officers to investigate comments on here.
The latest figures show that two thirds of serial criminals dodge jail. Thousands and thousands with more than FIFTEEN convictions are let off with small fines or cautions. This chronic and endemic leniency plus the miniscule chance of them getting caught in the first place these days, plus the five star luxury prisons, mean the overall crime deterrent factor is next to none.
It's time all sentencing was mandatory, served in spartan conditions and much much more severe.
For example, three years in a 10ft by 8ft concrete room for theft, like the scum who pinched these stones, would see a massive reduction in such habitual criminality.
The police are far to busy looking at this blog.
Than "fighting crime protecting people"
If you have been a victim of violent crime, you may not get a visit for months on end.
You may not even get a visit from the police if you are a victim of violent crime.
But God help you, if you make any comment about our Glorious Deputy Leader.
Massive Police resources are available to investigate comments on here about John Taylor.
Actually it's been four seperate individual CID officers, now visited my house in relation to comments on here.
The comments calling John Taylor nasty, violent, corrupt.
John Taylor regularly sends the inspector from Stalybridge to my house.
To tell me, that, John Taylor denies having any involvement with third party organizations posting smear leaflets.
The inspector told me. "I don't wan't to be dragged into this, I'd rather be on the streets fighting real crime"
Muhamed Ali tells it like it is. Well said Muhamed Ali. He destroys the liberal idiot in a way a white man never could.
Imagine if that was a white saying that.
Politically correct police chiefs in Britain’s biggest force have been blasted for spending £25million promoting pet projects while thousands of rank and file officers face losing their jobs to swingeing budget cuts.
Over the past five years the Metropolitan Police’s Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate splashed out huge sums on minority awareness training, “surgeries” and printing promotional leaflets. The cash, which was also used for “training and research” within London’s gay and ethnic communities, could have put more than a thousand officers on the beat for a year.
Yesterday critics slammed the spending as a massive waste at a time when the force is faced with making budget cuts of up to 20 per cent. Emma Boon, of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “Racism and discrimination in any form should not be tolerated but this costly diversity drive is not the way to tackle it.”
One serving inspector, who writes an internet blog under the name Inspector Gadget, said the directorate was a glorified public relations gimmick. He said: “Racist or discriminatory police officers should be dealt with under Police Regulations and citizens who are fearful of crime in their area should support police budgets which tackle crime, not the spin attached to it. These two basic messages do not require £25million to be spent on them, especially when the outcomes are so abstract.”
According to the unit’s website its goal is to “transform the Metropolitan Police Service into a citizen-focused service”.
The Met is a police force (nothing else) £25M wasted on silly pet PC rubbish all designed to see people climb promotion ladders and not to Protect and serve.
When we get directly elected police chiefs then we will hold them accountable.
Don't blame Parkinson for disagreeing with Ali, he'd have been sacked instantly if he'd agreed.
A few more years on our current demographic course and a directly elected Police Chief in an area like inner London would have their own agenda. Demographically a British person would have zero chance of winning there, or in Birmingham, in the near future.
The running of Britain’s nuclear bomb base at Coulport on the Clyde is to be handed over to a consortium of multinational private firms led by the controversial US arms dealer, Lockheed Martin... Defence ministers in Westminster have decided that the highly sensitive job of managing more than 200 Trident nuclear warheads, and arming the Royal Navy’s submarines with them, should be taken over by the group of companies within the next year...
According to the MoD’s detailed internal plan leaked to the Sunday Herald, ABL will be granted a contract to run Coulport for 15 years... Defence ministers rejected an alternative plan to keep Coulport in the public sector but improve its management. Outsourcing to ABL, they decided, 'offered the best value for money'...
Coulport's Royal Naval Armaments Depot is meant to be one of the most secure places in Britain... Surrounded by cold war-era watchtowers and fences, are buildings and bunkers in which Britain’s nuclear bombs and missiles are kept.
The fact that private companies were bidding to take over running the site caused a furore when it was first disclosed by the Sunday Herald last October. At the time, the MoD said that Coulport’s management was under review, but insisted that no decisions had been taken...
According to the leaked MoD plan, ABL will be responsible for 'processing, handling, and storage' of Trident warheads and missiles, along with dockside handling, explosive handling, radiological safety and nuclear emergency response'...
John Ainslie, co-ordinator of the Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, pointed out that Lockheed Martin would now dominate Britain’s so-called independent nuclear deterrent. He added:
'NUCLEAR SAFETY WILL BE COMPROMISED as the MoD try to cut corners at Coulport'...
Lockheed Martin has been criticised in the United States for its 'mixed record' on managing large-scale public projects... William Hartung, from the Center for International Policy in New York and the author of a book on the Lockheed Martin, said a nuclear weapons depot was much too sensitive to be handed over to a private firm. 'This is particularly true in the case of Lockheed Martin,' he told the Sunday Herald...
UK Defence Minister Peter Luff MP said:
'The decision to outsource this work has been taken to ensure that these high standards and critical skills are maintained and sustained into the future'.
Angus Robertson, the SNP’s defence spokesman, said:
Weapons of mass destruction are the most sensitive areas of military technology and should not be put in private hands.
We need to start enforcing the law ourselves. The Marxists will limit what we can do but we can still perform citizens arrests and keep a watch on the streets.
I for one thing it might be a good hobby.
The canal is not a safe place for walkers these days.
You don't get many walkers on the canal, on their own.
It's got nothing to do with the SNP.
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