Why does the West want to go to war because of the alleged massacre of civilians by one tyrannical regime yet it openly ignores the massacre of civilians by others?
The former MP George Galloway seems to have the answers that make most sense to me.
Is anyone really fooled by the unbelievable - truly unbelievable propaganda offensive being touted by the ‘West’ in their efforts to whip up war fervour against Libya?
Let us take a very brief look at the facts: Libya is a sovereign state with an internationally recognised government. Armed militia backed by the CIA and other Western agencies attempt to seize power and fail. In the blink of an eye Britain - the ever faithful lapdog of imperialist U.S. ambition, is first into the fight along with many other small puppets and the U.S. itself. The mandate of these modern day crusaders as Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin describes them is hypocritical and open ended in its brief.
If this coalition of puppets and stooges is serious about preventing civilians from being massacred by tyrannical regimes let us see them act in unison against Israel and other states who frequently massacre civilians without ever having to answer to ‘The International Community’.
If they want somewhere to start there was an attempted massacre of civilians in Gaza today. The perpetrators of the attempted massacre were not using outdated Soviet weaponry like Gaddafi but state of the art American technology. Will we see an outcry from the ’International Community’ and prompt action against Israel, Saudi Arabia and the worlds other tyrannical regimes who persecute elements of the civilian population? Don’t hold your breath!
Best ever post on this blog.
Obama will do nothing against Israel unless he WANTS to lose the next Presidential election.
To paraphrase Frank Sinatra:
'It's up to you Jew York, Jew York.'
My simple question to John Taylor.
What do you say to the Muslims in Tameside.
When you tell them, that you support these air strike attacks on their bothers and sisters in Gaza?
Look our members are a bunch of racists. This is from Dr. Kailash Chand's agent when he tried to stand as Stalybridge & Hyde MP. Hypocrisy from the Labour Mafia at its best.
Stop killing people you bastards.
Fuck 'em and claim the oil. We need a return to British Imperialism.
Get Chand in, and then the next one, and the next. When they're running the couccil they'll give the indigenous people a fair go and not put their own first won't they.
Muslims target war memorial
The animals who desecreated the war memorial should be deported.
We need a bloody great furnace to incinerate significant portions of (sub) humanity. And no, not on ethno/cultural grounds or whatever, individuals of all origins who DESERVE IT.
Tameside MBC 60 Seconds News Is The Labour Party A paedophile Ring?
Come out, come out, where ever you are.
labour Hypocrites and snakes in the grass.
Labour - Councillor - Joe Shaw Jailed Child Pornography.
Expose the 'Labour Mafia' Hypocries.
Labour Councillor - Drugs and Money Laundering.
Imagine if this was a BNP councillor.
You would never hear the end of it.
Labour 'paid drug addicts to rig local votes'
The Labour list of scumbags is endless.
Again, if this was BNP you would never hear the end of it.
yes more so called heros comin home in body bags
These Labour scumbags should take a good hard look at their own party.
And see what a bunch of low life hypocrites they actually are.
Because, what, ever crime you want to read about.
You'll find the criminals in the Labour Party.
I don't blame the likes of Taylor/Wild, not wanting to talk about this.
They are both just happy getting the money.
Pointing the finger at others.
Labour Councillor Ali Aqeel Salamat. convicted of Benefit Fraud but he kept his job at council.
Labour Officials guilty of vote rigging.
It's all in a days work to be a Labour Party crook.
Your not going to win the election, because the Labour Party rig the vote.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of Labour Corruption.
I'm not sure who is exposing the criminals in the Labour party on this web blog (David,Nigel,Mike or Roy?). But whoever you are, keep up the good work.
Click through and enjoy the muslamic ray-gun remix ;)
Making false statements about their political opponents, is a Labour method.
You see this method used, by 'Labour Mafia' all over the Country.
'Labour Mafia' use these methods with no concern for those the smear.
A Labour councillor has been found guilty of falsely branding a Liberal Democrat rival a paedophile and telling electors he had sex with teenage boys. Miranda Grell slurred gay Lib Dem candidate Barry Smith while campaigning for the Leyton ward in Waltham Forest Council, east London, in 2006.
If this was a BNP Councillor, John Taylor would be all over the story with his smear leaflets.
Because it's a Labour scumbag, he won't mention it.
A former deputy leader of Sefton Council has been jailed for 14 years for repeatedly stabbing a love rival. Edward McEvilly, 44, a former Labour councillor, was convicted of attempting to murder Alan Harrison in February at Liverpool Crown Court.
One of the many reasons why British MPs are so intimidated by the Israeli lobby is that Israel has a very effective and totally ruthless intelligence agency -Mossad. Fear of the Mossad amongst British MPs was revealed last year during a Channel 4 dispatches documentary, Inside Britain's Israel lobby, by Peter Osborne. During the programme, Osborne admitted that he was finding it extremely difficult to find MPs who were willing to talk to him and criticize Israel because they were worried that "the Mossad would be listening in".
Try Again to link to the above story.
Click on the blue link above to hear what President Richard Nixon had to say about spying.
One of the many reasons why British MPs are so intimidated by the Israeli lobby is that Israel has a very effective and totally ruthless intelligence agency -Mossad. Fear of the Mossad amongst British MPs was revealed last year during a Channel 4 dispatches documentary, Inside Britain's Israel lobby, by Peter Osborne. During the programme, Osborne admitted that he was finding it extremely difficult to find MPs who were willing to talk to him and criticize Israel because they were worried that "the Mossad would be listening in".
When people stand for smaller party's. They are rightly concerned about Labour vote rigging.
Labour are masters at flushing your votes down the toilet.
The likes of Cllr Brian Wild need that £50,000 every two years coming in.
Taylor with his £31,000 last year.
Money matters to these people.
If you are standing for a smaller party this year.
Keep an eye on them, your votes will dissapear when you can't see those ballot boxes locked away.
Have sen the video before the more that see it the better ,just like the idiot we have in Tameside think we are safe from take over
What`s all this crap from JT the midget scruffy bloke in Dukinfield in the Advertiser concerning walking in the Woods.
We know where to find you on a dark night eh.
Next time you read the crap from Israeli supporters,especially on the Jerusalem Post vitriolic site.
Ask them how they substantiate their claim that they should have a homeland,and can they prove this fallacy 100%.
Scribes can write what they wanted
a bloody well did do ,hence the shit the middle East is in now.
I myself had a vision last night and was told I should take over the UK including Tameside.
Come on Taylor and prove me wrong,because not one Israeli supporter anywhere on this earth can substantiate the mythical claims they have made for generations.
And thats a fact JT (not even you slobby)
As people lose confidence in the Portugese government to service their debt (i.e. goverment bonds and bills), so the price of such stock falls, causing the yield to rise comensurately.
The problem that Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece face is that they are members of the Euro-zone and do not have their own currency, under their own control. We in Britain are able to print more money when our government starts to run out, and so do the Americans. This is what is termed 'quantative easing'. However the Euro-zone countries cannot do that without the approval of the rest of the EU and the European central bank and must therefore apply to be 'bailed out'.
This is a humiliating process and one that will do much to stir up anti-EU sentiment amongst the peoples of Europe. If we in Britain had given in to pressure to adopt the Euro as our currency, then we too would now be appealing to the rest of the EU for them to 'bail us out'. The media for obvious reasons are keeping very quiet about this aspect of the 'bail-outs'.
Roy West Report Local Elections Dukinfield.
The Issue Of Binge Drinking On The Streets Of Dukinfield.
West you silly cunt who do you think you are the pope. Are you saying now people are not allowed to have drink. Piss off out of tameside you busybody troublecauser
labour till i die keep those quality postings coming.
We'll show these anti labour bastards.
It's terrible that anyone could support this violence against a people.
we all know that "dukinfield election report 2011" and "labour till i die" are the same person. the idiot cant even leave it a few minutes between entries.
In the next "dukinfield election report 2011" can you cover nutters who plague their neighbours until one of them lamps him and then claims to be the victim or how to piss off all your neighbours, wherever you live, without really trying?
Mike, the gravy train's gone and you'll never get back aboard after failing to hold on to a safe seat. So do the world a favour, stop grovelling and shut up.
Re the Election Report link: Don't dump your liquid breakfast in people's gardens either Mike.
No not me.
Im amazed there are enough israelis to carry out these atrocities. I was unde the impression their numbers were slashed in the nineteen forties?
Perhaps they were just misplaced, like one hell of a lot of British army rifles, machine guns and even tanks were just after the event.
It sickens me that so-called British people can forget what happened in Palestine after the great tragedy of 1945. Israel should be burnt to a cinder.
SerpentSlayer they know but don't care. The power is:
Sorry to dissapoint you Anonymous but labour till i die is not me.
But you will find him in Stalybridge library posting on their computers.
He's the big fat smelly guy, always carry's a rucksack.
He was the faild Labour Candidate for Duki/Staly.
I think the BNP had something to do with him not winning that seat.
Shut it you tightfisted sheepshagging Yorkshire tosser.
Policeman from Hyde police station, running scared of his comments on my doorstep.
Bully boy polioceman makes threats to come and arrest me, if this was placed on youtube.
Brilliant leaflet being delivered by the Tories. Simple, but oh so to the point.
How many deluded, lefty Liebour, workshy, thick shit people can you get in one place? 300,000. London, 26th March 2011.
Lib/Lab/con are all the same.
All piss in the same pot of corruption.
All in for the money.
Tories have nothing to offer the Brits but more of the same.
Sell Out Politics.
Don't ever tell me, that, John Bell is not in it for the money.
Roy Oldham made him wealthy.
can i have me ball back mister?
sausage chips and gravy I'm sure you would be the first, to say well done to her?
GMTV meets a brave woman who stood up against a plague of rowdy youths.
That woman brought most of it on herself.
She's got more balls than the entire GMP. No wonder the law abiding public think they're a load of c***s.
If the 'Hyde coppers' want to keep an eye on potential trouble check out the groups of Asian youths congregating in Hyde Park. They strut about like they own the place.
I know a few coppers and most of them are alright.
I went to school with one of the Tameside coppers - Steve Oswald. We used to call him Prince Charles because his mum was German and his dad was Greek. Don't mention this to him though, it's a sore point.
Roy's Lovely Early Summer Garden.
Re Hyde Park, I saw one driving in in a souped up car today with some sort of Bangla Rap s**t blasting out, the ground was rocking it was so loud. Right past the bowling green where the old people were, and he parked and left it in a disabled bay. He joined a group of about thirty.
Sexual Grooming of British Kids by Asian Gang.Rotheram .UK....2010
Brilliant article in the Economist gets to the heart of Labour's ideology:
“WE ARE all entitled.” That was the message delivered, with quivering passion, by a woman attending a “People’s Policy Forum” hosted by the Labour Party in Nottingham today. In all, some 2,000 members of the public had responded to emailed invitations sent to more than 100,000 voters by party bosses.
The day-long forum was centred on a question and answer session with the leader, Ed Miliband. His mission was threefold: to show that Labour is listening mode after electoral defeat. To advance a case that the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition is playing “the politics of division” in a return to the 1980s. Finally, Mr Miliband had to prepare the ground for his appearance a day later on March 26th at a huge trade union rally against public spending cuts in central London: an event that carries risks for the Labour leader, either by painting him as a creature of the public sector trade unions, or—should violent protests spin off from the main march—by associating him with militancy that is not to the tastes of middle England.
Alas, the forum left Labour looking marginal and unmoored from the realities of austerity Britain. The problem was not Mr Miliband. He was not great, but not terrible. He waffled, he pandered a bit, he failed miserably to present a vision for Britain in 2015 when directly challenged to do so. The marchers in London, Mr Miliband carefully argued, would be people like nurses, small businessmen from Liverpool or people from Hampshire worried about the closure of Sure Start centres for young children. There would be policemen patrolling the march, but also off-duty policemen on the march. This, he said, would be the “mainstream majority”.
But the real problem lay elsewhere. For hour after hour, in policy session after policy session, Mr Miliband and his shadow ministerial team were bombarded with angry, self-righteous demands for Labour to wave a magic wand and make the cuts go away...
Key paragraphs from the Economists' article:
"I carefully wrote down every job description I heard in Nottingham. I have in my notebook councillors, teachers, a university vice-chancellor, a former teacher now working for the National Health Service, a “discharge coordinator” from the NHS, old age pensioners, a post office worker/trade union activist opposed to privatisation, a charity worker from a housing association, a “user empowerment worker” for a disabled charity, the head of a Nottingham youth charity working with gang members, a defence civil servant, a former magistrate, the head of a mental health co-operative, lots and lots of students, a pensioner with Parkinsons, and three parents of disabled children.
"Now, I am sure that many of them do valuable work. I am sure that disabled speakers at the forum had a point when they said that if cuts undermined the support services that allow them to work and live independent lives, they would end up costing the state more. I am not about to sneer at the disabled woman who said that if her allowances were cut, and she could not work, she was about to book a “one-way ticket to that clinic in Switzerland”, a clear reference to the euthanasia clinic, Dignitas.
"But there was no balance, really none. The speakers reeled off, with expert ease, the names of the programmes and allowances and schemes that they currently use, or work with. This was Gordon Brown’s social democratic client state on parade. Inside the walls of the policy forum, all public spending was good, and private companies exist to pay more taxes.
"The very idea that cuts are needed at all was angrily rejected. To return to the middle aged woman quoted at the top, she told a panel featuring Liam Byrne (the former treasury minister who notoriously left a note for his Lib Dem successor, joking that there was “no money left”) that citizens needed to study the law, and know which benefits were theirs by right. According to my notes, scribbled from my place sitting on the floor at the side of the room, she declared:
"All these stories in the press about people wanking it off on benefits, sorry for my language, but we are entitled. We are all entitled, we live in a modern country.
"She was applauded. Here are some other things that earned loud applause. The loudest applause I heard all day came for a student anti-cut activist who told Ed Miliband that tax evasion, tax avoidance and non-payment of taxes left Britain with a “ridiculously unfair tax system”. The reality, he said: “is that the cuts don’t need to be done at all.” The crowd cheered.
"They applauded the woman who called for a “Robin Hood tax” on all financial transactions, which she said could raise £10 billion a year. “We are in Nottingham, after all,” she added.
"They applauded speakers who said tuition fees were shameful, and that Labour had been shameful for bringing them in. They applauded calls for the preservation of the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA), a weekly incentive of up to £30 for teenagers from poor backgrounds to attend sixth form colleges. They clapped calls for more money to be spent on child poverty, disability living allowances, disability mobility allowances, pensioners’ day care centres, the NHS, people with Parkinsons, the Access to Work scheme, Social Care Budgets, Sure Start, science teaching, humanities teaching, the Future Jobs Fund and the Building Schools for the Future programme.
"They applauded calls from audience members for taxes on banks, punitive taxes on second homes to stop people owning too much property, and moves to stop big companies moving offshore to avoid tax."
All the same Lib/Lab/Con
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