Another day - another corrupt Labour politician convicted. Today corrupt former Labour MP Jim Devine was convicted of serious criminal offences which in my opinion should have been also included a charge of attempting to pervert the course of justice. If you read this Daily Telegraph article you will see the incredible lengths this crook went to in an attempt to cover his tracks and avoid conviction.
Tomorrow sees another convicted Labour MP appear in court on similar charges, this time the MP for Barnsley Central Eric Illsley.
It would be fair to assume that corruption and criminality within the Labour Party runs deep and is very widespread. Not six months ago a Tameside Labour councillor, Cllr Jim Fitzpatrick was caught red handed delivering third party smear leaflets against a political rival. While this was small fry compared to Illsley & Co and not a probably not a criminal action, nevertheless it still was a fascinating insight as to the way the Labour Party are prepared to operate.
Every citizen of Tameside has duty to be vigilante and scrutinise every move made by the local Labour Mafia. Just remember, the next time a Labour canvasser comes knocking on your door look them in the eye and ask yourself, given the opportunity, would this individual behave in the greedy criminal manner as the two Labour crooks Devine and Illsley who are in the news today?
It's just the tip of the iceberg man!
The likes of Taylor and co, always like to point the finger at others.
Yet all the time ignore the endless filth in their own ranks!
Hypocrite bastards they are!
Well this dispenses with our bloody MP`s and Councillors. But will the idiots put them back in ??
or is it Birds of a Feather Syndrome in Tameside.
The Code of Conduct
Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the
Public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or
other material benefits for themselves, their family ,or their friends.
Holders of public office should not place themselves under any
financial or other obligation to outside individuals ororganisations
that might influence them in the performance of their official
In carrying out public business, including making public
appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals
for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make
choices on merit.
Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and
actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever
scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the
decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for
their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest. .
Holders of public office should promote and support these
principles by leadership and example."
Does TMBC and its Senior Staff come checking on these site disclosures ???? or do they think they are now immune.(no chance)
Nice to have our own TMBC WikiLeaks
gathering pace,with more too come before the May Elections for some folk.
Hope the TMBC staff are realising what kind of outfit they work for.
Will remain anonymous here.
Steve, I've heard that the bastards running this blog are bugging the homes of senior executives at TMBC. 73 Mottram Road, Broadbottom for example, but there are other homes being bugged too. Please check your property.
Yes I've heard there're buggers at work in one of our local MP's homes too. If you call to tell him he prefers you to use the back entrance.
Retired Police Officer said...
Steve, I've heard that the bastards running this blog are bugging the homes of senior executives at TMBC. 73 Mottram Road, Broadbottom
Threatening and unsubstantied rhetoric inc gutter language being directed at decent,educated,knowledgeable,
democratic members of the Tameside
Region who are entitled to Freedom of Speech under Human Rights Legistlation (see EEC Directives) especially if they certainly can provide the truth denotes we are living in a Stalinist Area.
What about Fitzpatrick? He was constantly promoting the notion that colosal supermarkets were needed for Hattersly rather than homes for low income families.
From: Dr Frank Ellis
To: An Open Letter to the Prime Minister, Mr David Cameron MP
Date: 9th February 2011 A.D.
Re: The Prime Minister’s Speech at the Munich Security Conference February 2011 Concerning the Threat to Western Liberal Democracies by Islam and Islamic-Sponsored Terrorism
Dear Mr Cameron
I am writing to you in connection with the speech you delivered at the Munich Security Conference last week since its subject matter pertains not just to the security of the United Kingdom and other Western European states but also to the long-term survival of the indigenous population of this country itself: the ultimate security question.
You begin your speech by seeking to reassure fellow member NATO states that despite the dire condition of the UK economy Britain will continue to meet the NATO 2% defence-spending target. In general terms that is good. However, the standard government line notwithstanding – Labour as well as Tory – Britain is not made safer nor is our national security enhanced by the presence of NATO troops in Afghanistan. The NATO presence in Afghanistan has, I believe, more to do with the nuclear ambitions of Iran.
Now, you begin your discussion of the terrorist threat in the UK by saying that some of these attacks are carried out ‘by our own citizens’ and that the perpetrators, Muslims, ‘are prepared to blow themselves up and kill their fellow citizens’ (my emphasis). But these Muslim terrorists do not regard me, us, as ‘their fellow citizens’. Indeed, they are correct: I am not one of ‘their fellow citizens’. Nor do I wish to be. Formally these people may have acquired a British passport but in what way can these people be regarded as ‘our own citizens’ when they live in parallel societies paid for by the white indigenous population and are at best indifferent to, and at worst murderously hostile, to the interests of the host indigenous population? If I went to live in Munich and started to make demands of indigenous Germans that they adapt to my folkways, habits and customs and threatened to kill them, would Germans regard me as one of their own? I doubt it.
True, Europe has suffered from terrorism before the arrival of Al Qaeda and its imitators. The key difference is however that groups such as The Angry Brigade (England) IRA (Northern Ireland), The Red Brigades (Italy), Direct Action (France) and Baader-Meinhof & RAF (West Germany) were all home-grown groups. People who were active in the IRA belong to the tribes of the British Isles. Muslims have no such claim. They are alien. Islamic terrorism would not be a problem in the United Kingdom had we maintained strict control over our borders and not permitted the huge influx of immigrants from Pakistan, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, Turkey and Somalia. This was and remains a direct consequence of the cult of multiculturalism, a cult that preaches the poisonous view that, for example, sub-Saharan Africans have as much right to live in Britain as the white indigenous population.
You say that: ‘Europe needs to wake up to what is happening in our own countries’. Who exactly needs to wake up? Millions of people throughout Europe who over the last 40 years have seen their cities turned into Third World slums, who have witnessed, and suffered from, the relentless influx of immigrants, Muslim or otherwise, who have seen their institutions – police, armed forces, health services – corrupted by multiculturalism, who have seen their primary and secondary schools and universities turned into centres of politically correct indoctrination, where to be white, middle class, heterosexual and Christian is to suffer a constant stream of insults and barely concealed hatred, where, on the other hand, to be black or non-white is to enjoy special, protected-species status since non-whites are supposed to be bearers of some wonderful gift (referred to as diversity) and a source of great wisdom. Those of us all over Europe need no lectures from you Mr Cameron on what has been happening. If they are not exceptionally wealthy and have no choice but to endure the daily grind of commuting into our large cities or may actually have to live there, white people are confronted every day of their lives with the consequences of ‘vibrant multicultural diversity’ and have been for a long time. Take it from me they hate it and where possible they will avoid it all costs (white flight). If they work in the public sector and have large mortgages they will endure the consequences of the cult in silence, confiding their fears only to a trusted few.
All over Europe an unaccountable class of political-functionaries has sought to impose the alien cult of multiculturalism on the white indigenous populations. Your call that we need to stand up to Muslims - and it is not just Muslims – comes far too late and is, in any case, thoroughly dishonest. The danger to the white indigenous population posed by mass non-white immigration has been evident for a long time and politicians of all parties have either encouraged this process of dispossession or have been too cowardly to speak out in public. When, in his famous speech, Enoch Powell warned of what was to come he was mocked, derided and abandoned by people like you. The damage done to the indigenous population, its history, culture and future may now be irreversible. I pray to God that I am wrong; that it is not too late to save our nation.
Your attempts to distinguish between Islam as a religion of peace and Islamic terrorism are doomed to failure. Such is the overwhelming collectivist ethos of Islam and the complete absence of any respect for the dissenting individual that Muslims resident in this country who do not take part in acts of terrorism are not going to break ranks with the extremists. For Muslims the rule of law, free speech and liberal democracy are alien Western abstractions that mean very little. Given the choice between the rule of law, free speech and the civil society and Islam - in any shape or form - Muslims resident in this country will support the cause of Islam. There is no love for the British: we are just a source of welfare payments and material provision that would be impossible in Pakistan and Somalia (the reason immigrants come here).
You state the following: ‘It is vital that we make the distinction between religion on the one hand, and political ideology on the other. Time and again people equate the two’. Again, your attempt to separate religion from ideology is doomed to failure for the obvious reason that Islam, the ideology-religion, recognises no lay principle: it is all or nothing; it is Islam for the believers; Dhimmitude for the rest. Consequently, whatever action Western governments take to neutralise what they believe to be the purely political, ideological aspect of Islam, will always be interpreted as an attack on Islam as a whole. Indeed, such measures will be an attack on Islam as a whole since Islam does not recognise the division between state and civil society; the right of the individual to resist its collectivist ethos (just like communism incidentally).
The other factor that makes Islam a threat to the Christian West is the birth rate among Islamic immigrants resident in the West. The huge increase in the Muslim population throughout the West may well turn out to be the decisive factor that overwhelms the white indigenous population in their ancient lands, reducing them to a suppressed minority. In all the discussions about rising food prices, metals, access to water and productive farm land no one wishes to identify the real problem: specifically the reckless and unsustainable breeding of Third World Populations either in the Third World itself or in the Third World estates that Third-Worlders have been allowed to create in the First World.
You cite what has happened on the streets of Tunis and Cairo as an example of the compatibility of Western values and Islam: ‘hundreds of thousands of people demanding the universal right to free elections and democracy’. Middle-class, English-speaking protesters might well press the right buttons when interviewed by some BBC reporter but the underlying problem of Arab states and Sub-Saharan Africa is massive, out-of-control and unsustainable population growth. This is the Malthusian nightmare writ large and it is being played out all over the Third World. Egypt’s unemployed will remain unemployed (many of them are unemployable in any case). Hunger and hopelessness will gnaw at them. The results are predictable. Democracy and civil society are preposterous and irrelevant abstractions outside of Western Europe and will not feed people, certainly not in Egypt and Sub-Saharan Africa. Where populations spiral out of control, as they are doing in so many parts of the world, violence, exacerbated by religious/ideological fanaticism, is inevitable.
Concerning multiculturalism in the United Kingdom you state the following:
Under the doctrine of state multiculturalism, we have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and apart from the mainstream. We’ve failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong. We’ve even tolerated these segregated communities behaving in ways that run completely counter to our values.
For the avoidance of any doubt your repeated exculpatory use of “we” does not include me and, I suspect, millions of other Britons. Your use of ‘we’ refers to the last Labour government and the xenophiles who sought to impose the anti-white racist cult of multiculturalism on the indigenous population. It is emphatically not the responsibility of the indigenous population ‘to provide a vision of a society to which they [immigrants] feel they want to belong’. If, according to you, the ‘we’ failed to provide this vision, then why did millions of Islamic immigrants join the first wave who could not find this ‘vision’? If they have no ‘vision of society to which they feel they want to belong’ why do they stay? Why not go home to Somalia, Waziristan and Sub-Saharan Africa? That these millions of immigrants have no ‘vision of society to which they feel they want to belong’ yet still stay in the Christian-infidel-infested wasteland of Britain suggests to me that their continued presence in Britain has everything to do with the fantastically generous welfare provision they receive (all the wives included) and absolutely nothing at all to do with any lack of ‘vision of society’.
You have been reported as saying that multiculturalism has failed. I see no clear statement of that in your speech at all. In fact, you claim that it is the indigenous population that has driven Muslims into their parallel societies. That you are still advocating some form of the cult is clear when you argue that ‘instead of encouraging people to live apart, we need a clear sense of shared national identity that is open to everyone’. National identity by its very nature is exclusive, partial and narrow. A national identity that is ‘open to everyone’ is not a national identity. National identity is determined by a combination of genetic, racial, cultural, psychological, geographical, linguistic and mental factors, tempered by the blows of history, by shared suffering in war and peace, by humiliation and glory, by the memory of those gone before. How can my English national identity be open to everyone? The answer is that it cannot. National identity that is open to everyone ceases to be a national identity; national identity that is open to everyone is just another way of promoting multiculturalism without using the m-word. In other words, it is a deceit, a ploy to disarm the critics of multiculturalism who have instinctively and rationally apprehended the cult’s national-identity-hating agenda all along. As an Englishman who still values his national identity I have no desire at all to share it with others. Do Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, Japanese and Zulus want to share their national identity with me? Of course not: and why should they? It is their exclusive property.
Nor do immigrants wish to share their identity with white Europeans. When, in 2008, he addressed a large Turkish audience in Cologne, the Turkish Prime Minister, Reccep Erdogan was quite clear by what he understood on the question of integration. He told his audience: ‘I understand the sensitivity you show towards the question of assimilation. Nobody can expect that you tolerate assimilation. Nobody can expect that you submit yourself to assimilation. Then assimilation is a crime against humanity.’ Erdogan’s vision of how he expects Turks to behave in Europe is just one of a number of reasons why a Muslim non-European state such as Turkey can have no place at all in the EU.
You argue that Muslims are attracted to extremism from a sense of not belonging. Again you claim that this is the failure of ‘the wider society’. You might like to ask yourself why indigenous Britons - ‘the wider society’ - do not wish to engage with Muslims. Here are some of the reasons why indigenous, white Christian (or heathen) Britons want nothing to do with Islam: Tuesday 11th September 2001; Thursday 7th July 2005; suicide-homicide bombers; sharia; jihad; the obscene practice of female circumcision; so-called honour killings; stoning women to death; polygamy, the sexual grooming of white girls; extreme censorship; hatred of free speech; welfare parasitism; mosques; continuing, active terroristic hatred of white European host societies; and the cruel murders of Christians in the Middle East (and Turkey).
I am not convinced that you are serious about combatting the damage done by multiculturalism. If you are then the following measures should be taken:
(i). in the interests of clarity and in order to remove any remaining ambiguities you shall publicly state that multiculturalism has failed in the United Kingdom and that it shall no longer be promoted as policy, above all in education, so that white indigenous children are not denied their history, culture and national pride to which they are entitled and that where such subjects are taught they are not taught in away that denigrates the great achievements of Britain across the entire spectrum of human endeavour;
(ii). the government shall acknowledge that the Macpherson Report (1999) has had a disastrous effect on policing especially in large cities with large black populations and shall publicly disown the report’s central conclusions and recommendations;
(iii). the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 shall be repealed along with all other legislation which aims to stifle free speech under the banner of preventing ‘hate speech’ and which leads to the persecution of white critics of multiculturalism;
(iv). the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), the successor body to the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE), shall be disbanded immediately;
(v). the government shall set a limit on the number of immigrants skilled or otherwise, who are permitted to work in this country. The option of working in this country implies no right to citizenship;
(vi). the government shall make it clear in a statement that there shall be no amnesty for illegal immigrants currently resident in the United Kingdom;
(vii). the government shall issue a personal apology to Mr Ray Honeyford, the former Bradford headmaster who warned of the dangers of multiculturalism in1982 and who for his honesty and professional decency was vilified by xenophile extremists and abandoned;
(viii). with immediate effect the government shall ensure that efficient and relentless border control and surveillance (entry and departure) shall be implemented. Such measures will include the explicit use of racial profiling;
(ix). the government shall take all necessary measures to ensure that illegal immigrants are hunted down, rounded up and immediately deported. Where possible the government shall aggressively seek to recover the costs associated with the deportation from the illegal immigrants themselves: property, bank accounts, valuable metals (gold, platinum), cars and so on;
(x). those employers who employ illegal immigrants shall be subject to severe financial penalties and where judged appropriate terms of imprisonment;
(xi). the government shall remove all welfare payments from the huge underclass so that the recipients of state benefits are obliged to work (this removes or weakens the incentive from employers to hire illegal immigrants);
(xii). the government of the United Kingdom shall declare that under no circumstances will the creation of an independent Islamic/Muslim state ever be permitted within the territory of the United Kingdom;
(xiii). the government of the United Kingdom shall declare that the provisions of Sharia are incompatible with the legal, political and cultural traditions of the United Kingdom and that the exercise of Sharia shall not be permitted within the United Kingdom and that any of judgements as may be made by Sharia courts shall enjoy no legal or special cultural status;
(xiv) the government shall initiate an International Church and Mosque Comparison Study (ICMCS). The aim of ICMCS shall be to ascertain the status of Christian churches, artifacts and believers in all Muslim states and the degree to which Christians endure persecution and terror. ICMCS will pay very close attention to the status of Christianity in those states that provide the main Muslim immigrants currently resident in the United Kingdom. A key part of ICMCS will be to ascertain whether the number of mosques existing or planned in the United Kingdom is too high relative to the number of immigrants themselves and whether the number of Christian churches in the immigrant homelands is too low.
Finally, I challenge the Prime Minister David Cameron MP or a senior member of the government to debate multiculturalism and the challenge posed by Islam, immigration and related problems with me on prime time live television. The terms and conditions of any debate (time, format, audience selection; lighting, citing of cameras, among other things) shall be a matter of discussion and formal written agreement between Ellis, Cameron and the television broadcaster.
Yours sincerely
Frank Ellis
I hope you don't mind me hijacking the post, but I thought some of you maybe interested in reading about Sean Parker-Perry's latest charity venture.
On another matter, I read in a previous post about people talking about the local freemasons. I have had a look at the local freemason's website where a certain Peter Bibby is mentioned. Is this the same former councillor for Longdendale and known to be Roy Oldham's number 2?
For those who don't know, Peter Bibby's wife, Claire is a Director for Tameside Council under "Area Support and Youth" which covers education. She is known to have been canvassing for Labour at elections in the past, which I'm sure is illegal for her pay grade and position.
Now I'm going on a wild conspiracy theory here. But what if Peter Bibby and his masonic connections brought in the cosy BSF deals with Carillion via his wife's position?
Thanks for sharing Tameside Eye. These revelations get more interesting by the day. please keep up the good work.
Thanks for the excellent letter from Dr Frank Ellis (I recommend his book 'Marxism, Multiculturalism & Free Speech' as a fine history of some of the present pathologies afflicting us and their origins in the Communist Bloc). I would dearly love to see him debate these matters publicly and prominently with one of the functionaries he rightly castigates, but have little doubt they'd run a mile
Part 1
More still past events before indicating more up to date examples collated,which indicates the very long period of systematic duplicity by TMBC. Labour Government Ministers at the highest possible levels were always kept aware of such circumstances without any responses whatsover.
Neither did any other Political Party respond to the "facts"
J.Hall Denton
Addleshaw Booth & Company (Same quoted address as INHOCO Company
100 Barbirolli Square. Manchester M2 3AB. Tel: 0161 934 6000
Lawyers acting on behalf of Arrowcroft Plc against the Secretary of State` s decision
Mr.lan Mclntosh. Partner. Directorships INHOCO Formations Limited
100 Barbirolli Square. Manchester M2 3AB
A major UK.Company involved in the developmen jnvestment,rental,trading and
general dealing in land and property including "holding Companies".
Which include associations with United Utilities Finance Holdings
and Celestica
INHOCO 508 Ltd
Previous Name of : United Utilities Finance Holdings (Company No. 03203278)
Dawson House
Great Sankey
Warrington CHESHIRE WA5 3LW. (Date of Change 6-6-1996)
(Date of Incorporation 24-5-1996)
INHOCO Councillor R.Oldham(under list of Directorships)No address given) Submitted within Ref:/0652.
Part 2
Tameside Council Declaration of Interests Files June 2000 updated rapidly by all Councillors because of my findings notified to the TMBC Chief Executive and "Our" Local Media ??
Executive Council Leader R.(Oldham`s Declaration of Interests
held at Tameside MBC main offices Ashton-under-Lyne.
Dated 9-6-2000 under heading, List of various Directorships.
Councillor Oldham declares Ringway Developments Plc as a previous interest.(conflict of interest see below ?)
Check Ringway Developments Plc for past associations with Arrowcroft Plc the Company fighting for United Utilities re the Kingswater/Waterside huge development site for years,With TMBC rejecting the 35,000 residents who opposed the greenfeld development.Ref//0652 Councillor R.Oldham`s Further declaration of Interests 9th June 2000
List of Various Directorships
I. Manchester Airport Plc. Manchester Town Hall ,Manchester
2. Modesole Ltd. PO Box 440, 358 The Royal Exchange Cross Street.Manchester M60 IRB
(as from 3 1-8-89)
3. Ringway Handling. Manchester Airport, Manchester M22 SPG
4.Central Station Properties Ltd Regency Court (62-66 )Deansgate,Manchester M32 EN
(Paid) Alternate Director from 3l-8-89
5. INHOC0 formerley Ringway Hotels Ltd. Olympic House, Manchester Airport M90 IRD
(as from 2-5-95)
6. Warleting Manchester. Churchgate House, 36 Oxford Street,Manchester.???
from 9-7-96)
7.Midas(Manchester Investment & Development Agency Service)
(as from 20-9-96)
(ceased on l8th January 2000) Manchester City Council, 9th Floor,Albert Square, Manchester.
8.Hudderstield Canal Company. TMBC Council Oliices Wellington Road,/Ashton-under—Lyne
(as from 2-5-97)
(Chairman for l year from May 25th 2000)
9.European Programme Secretariat. Government Office North West Piccadilly Plain
Member of the Greater Manchester Working Group(Obiectivc 2 )Alternate Member of The
Programme Monitoring Committee.
I0. City Pride Manchester Town Hall, Manchester M6O BLA
lI.Manchester Enterprises. Lee House, 90 Great Bridewater Street, Manchester,
(from January 2000)
Part 3
Greater Manchester Economic Development Ltd. Bernard House Piccadilly Gardens.
(Resigned February 1992) Manchester Ml 4DD
Tameside Enterprises Ltd Market Square Ashton~under-Lyne
(Resigned February l990
Local Government Information Unit
(erroneously listed as Director this is therefore deleted)
Tameside Enterprises(Developmcnt)Ltd Enterprise House, Grange Rd South, Hyde. SK l4 4NY
North West Life FM Ltd Oysten Mill. Strand Rd. Preston. PRI SUR.
(resigned 25·8—93)
Ringway Developments Plc. Building 205 Manchester Airpon
Airport Commercial Ventures Ltd (ACVL) Hale Top East Thorley Lane Manchester Airport
(Observer to the Board)
District Assembly Meeting Question 3.
The Assistant Chief Executive of Tameside Council responded through the local press
in regard to my concerns regarding the opemress and accountability of
Tameside MBC,stating that he considered my idea of having all Councillors
"Declaration of Interests" files on the Tameside Internet Web Site to be worthwhile
and he hoped to have them on line by December 2000.
l have now been informed that this will not now happemand the reply does not
specifically state that “Declaration of lnterests"information will in fact be shown on the
Tameside Web—Site,even under a review instigated by the Govermnent by
2005.Because the "Declaration of lnterests files,by Law are a Public Document,
held in the Tameside Chief Executives office at Ashton,why should the electorate
of Tameside not be able to easily observe all the business associations,and other
associations which Council Members have in accordance with openness and
accountability which National Government is requiring from Councils. lt is a "Criminal
Act" for any Councillor not to be open and explicit in regard to his "Declaration of
lnterests" so why therefore is the newspaper published statement from the Assistant
Chief Executive not being upheld. ls it because Tameside Council now consider the
information held is not in the publics interest ??
Between 1986 and 2000 No Annual Declaration of Interests were filed by Mr.Oldham,which implies the Chief Executive was grossly negligent or what ???. How dare anyone critise anyones right to know the Public Information which we are entitled too know.Remember all Council Members must have been aware because such lists were presented at District Assembly Meetings.
More recent disclosures of facts whether it be Mr.Gwynne,Councillor Warrington or anyone else should not be vilified whatsoever, because its we who pay their salaries and expenses and perks,and under The Codes of Conduct we are perfectly and legally entitled to know all such details of those in Public Life who are elected by "The People"If it gets too hot to handle then remove yourselves, as Mr.Gwynne suggested I should move.
J.Hall Denton
Take a look at this rogues gallery and see if you can recognize any of the crooks pictured.
A lot of significant and interesting revelations but the 15000 'regulars' (out of approx 171000 electors) in the solid wards keep doing the job for the Tameside Labour group:
1)'I vote Labour me' chimpanzees.
2)The cultivated vote in the 'community' with their 90% plus turnout.
3)Pensioners, many in care homes.
4)Extensive 'use' of the totally insecure postal vote system.
5)Ten times as many activists as anyone else, who have the added incentive of protecting their own interests, financial and otherwise.
6)A compliant and useless opposition.
8)70% of the electorate not bothering to vote.
All conspire to keep the Labour mafia comfortably in power.
Click on the BLUE LINK above and then click on LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE for the Rogues Gallery.
Virtually no Labour voter could tell you the reason they voted for the party that nearly finished Britain economically.
They haven't been a socialist party since they sold out to Blair in the mid Nineties. They had no choice in this as a fifth consecutive defeat would have finished them. Blair's gone and with him went the raison d'etre of New Labour. His pathetic successor had no policies, no leadership abilities, no organisational ability, and no electoral appeal after his economic genius: 'Spend, spend, spend and spend some more' was exposed as the infantile fantasy it was.
Without their Scottish, Welsh and in England 'community' power bases they'd be finished. They imported much of their support from Commonwealth countries in large numbers of English constiuencies and this along with a strain of anti-Toryism amongst the usual ragbag of lefties and spongers and a few old diehards and thickos shored things up a bit.
Nine months in opposition has produced nothing apart from one pathetic and predictable whinge about 'Tory cuts' after another. They are simply the husk of something that never had any value or worth in the first place, Blairism.
The last Labour PM's mentor, Jack Jones, 70s hero of the unions was in the pay of the Soviet Union. That tells you everything you need to know about the old real Labour Party.
In reply to Rotten Borough,how do you know the opposition is compliant and useless?
They have no more information on this Council or how it works since Blair brought in the Cabinet system than any member of the public.Even their own apart from the infamous twelve who run the Council don't get information
If they want information they have to ask through freedom of information like the rest of the public.
The local rags don't print a word of what the opposition say at Council,they are stitched up as well because if they step out of line the advertizing revenue goes.
Councillors allowances are a disgrace Cllr Quinn and his wife take home £84.972 of your money. Not bad with no university debt.
Yes we will look after you poor sods just keep giving us the money.
I am starting to get seriously fed up with Mr J Hall posting on this blog.
Unless he can start to blow the whistle on TMBC effectively, he should clear off, because so far his "revelations" have been laughable; everything he has posted on this blog is in the public domain. He has offered nothing new or enlightening here.
Mr Hall, you are not original!
Tameside Eye, your life is full of wild conspiracies, you useless prick.
Anonymous Back late from TMBC bash said...
I am starting to get seriously fed up with Mr J Hall posting on this blog.
Unless he can start to blow the whistle on TMBC effectively, he should clear off.
So whoever is hiding in this particular bunker above hates free speech and facts.
Well no chance of me going away mate because I`m only just about getting warmed up,so if you would say who "you are", it would be a great help as I trawl through my files.
J.Hall Denton
I wonder if it is council official or Labour Mafia member who is attempting to stop JH and TE revealing all this amazing information?
JH and TE are doing brilliant work in exposing the deep rooted corruption which is apparent for all to see.
None of the Mafia like Free Speech Man!
The Borough Solicitor (Sandra Stewart) also drew attention to research which had identified nine examples of notable practice in different authorities and Standards Committee Members could now access online the case studies, examine details of notable practice and benefit from key learning points.
In conclusion, she made reference to the appointment of impartial and objective investigators and outlined the arrangements in place between the AGMA authorities should there be a necessity to undertake an investigation.
"Impartial and Objective Investigators" (my arse) are certainly not characteristic features of those who are High Ranking Freemasons as in TMBC.
Have we got a Masonic nest (I think you call it) in area`s where TMBC administrators have influence, and how about it if all Borough Solicitors across the country were Freemasons seeing the majority of the legal fraternity are on the square.
Sandra Stewart legal aid for Labour Cllr's
Apparently the folk who run this blog have bugged her home and discovered she is a Freemason. But being a freemason is NOT illegal so leave her alone. Bugging someone's home, on the other hand, most definitely IS illegal.
I know they're useless because of their useless results, 9 out of 57 seats in an area like Tameside is pathetic. They have been regularly dominated, outmanouevred and thrashed by Labour in the last few years. The results speak for themselves.
Thirty-six per cent of the vote in 2008. Not so useless. Bring on AV.
The Tories took control of TMBC on one issue Grammer Schools and since then going back to 1983 the most Councillors they have had is 10. Nothing to do with being useless or not campaigning. Just look round Ashton Market and you can see the reason BENEFITS.
People still believe that Tories are for the rich just read this weeks Reporter, letter from Cllr Helen Bowden Tories in their Ivory Towers WHAT BULLSHIT but it keeps people believing that Labour works for them.Cllr's Quinn take home £84,952 a year money the poor can only dream of. The stupid sods don't realise it is their money they are taking along with the LABOUR CABINET they can all afford to live in IVORY TOWERS. LABOUR EQUALITY what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine.Like to read OLDHAMS will not much change out of a million if any.
Lets be frank. There is a difference between publishing public documents on a blog and claiming them as research and proof of some master conspiracy, and the real research that TE does. After all, it did take Mr Hall 4 years to find this blog! - hardly cutting edge
You'll never beat us: We are the Labour Mafia!
Corruption and Violence is or code!
Your having a laugh Farmer (whoever) you know nowt what I have been deeply involved with for years,so your assumptions,guesses,insults,
presumptions are a load of absolute crap paper,and indicate because of your secrey a closeness too TMBC direct or the types who surround them.
Come out of your closet and let the people know who is attacking their right to know such as their Declaration of Interests which remain NOT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN as declared by the Chief Executive and Borough Solicitor if the 220,000 decide to apply for a visit
gain a time allocation,and sit with a silent plant whilst you denote what the hell the Councillors are into.
They must be absolutely terrified of such information being OUTED
backed by the Executives we also pay for.
MP`s,House of Lords and Hundreds of other UK Councils put the facts before the Public onj the Internet,now that WHAT I Call the Public Domain instead of the devious terminiology used at TMBC
Those who snipe must be terrified of substantiated details being exposed so keep sniping until its you in the headlights.
J.Hall Denton
Another sniper in hiding behind barricades studying their navel and spouting assumptions,,guesses,
untruths,misleading rhetoric and unsubstantiated dross.
What have YOU done to expose the sleaze ridden Mafia Labour Cartel.
You obviously are pro sleaze if you
are for the Labourite Councillors,Chief Executive and Borough Solicitor holding back for 12 years and denying the facts regarding the Declaration of Interests so we can know the Directorships,Management positions,extra income from belonging to Greater Manchester quangoes,and in other words deliberately hiding their loot and external links away from the Public.
The MP`s,House of Lords,and hundreds of other Councils disclose the Interests on the Internet,so why the mystery with TMBC it stinks rotten to the core.
Its in the Public Domain you get from the Chief Executive and Borough Solicitor if you phone up make an appointment to a set time and then read the documents with a silent plant sat there as I found out.
Thats not in the Public Domain thats deliberately attempting to conceal the facts which Councillors and others do NOT WANT YOU TOO SEE.
We pay them,they are supposed to represent us,they prosper BIG TIME from being a Councillors and if thats your idea of Democracy then you count for nowt
J.Hall Denton
I feel sure the other Tameside Blog sites will acknowledge that I have been presenting facts to them and the Media for years which never saw the light of day,probably because they penetrate too deep into the TMBC cess pit.
"Farmer "check some of the largest UK blog sites which recognised real sleaze and printed.
J.Hall Denton
Prove me wrong blog sites.but
one which did print Facts was the Stop the Mottram ByPass site which certainly did its share to open many cans of worms.
Snipe with facts those who remain in hiding and are linked to witholding the facts.
J.Hall Denton
So who is removing comments within minutes of them being posted.(5 Today)
Are some now being targeted,or hacked
J.Hall Denton
Shame of Britain's Muslim schools: Secret filming shows pupils being beaten and 'taught Hindus drink cow p***'
Anonymous, Neville Neville, you can yack from now 'til the crack of doom. Labour have still got 46 out of 57 seats. They gained seats in Tameside while the national party got slaughtered. AV doesn't apply in council elections so how is that going to help?
What`s the problem with your site.
Is it you or someone else blocking info,if its external then its time to
drop some big one`s on the despots.
Saved powder until such as this occured.
I have only been reading TCs blogs for a couple of weeks now and its been an eye opener, I know little about politics but from what iv'e read on here it seem that the whole top part of TMBC are only in it for what they can get, A good few year ago there was a free paper by the name of Tameside Eye that exposed and named and shamed council bosses or anyone else who was shady, Is that still published ! My point being that while all the information needed to expose these people is discussed on here, only a small amount of people look at this site, the information you have needs to be given to everyone so if Tameside Eye is no longer published it need reserecting and putting through letterboxes for everyone to see,
Dear Mr H and all other contributors. For some bizarre reason lots of posts are ending up in the spam folder when they are obviously not spam. Word verification should eliminate the need for spam detection but as is evident lots of legitimate posts are being marked as spam and not appearing until I go into the settings and manually mark them as not being spam.
I am away at present but will check the spam folder as often as possible and when I get back I will report the issue to Blogger.
Spies like us said:
Bugging someone's home, on the other hand, most definitely IS illegal.
Perhaps that needs clarifying seeing that Councils under Blairs Government were given permission to bug your phone.
So are they acting illegally,YES in a Democratic Society,No in a Stalinist Dictatorship regime.
And thats what we still have even after the demise of the last one.
Mr H
I understand that you have a high opinion of yourself but to be honest those who know don't share it. The sycophants on here will, know doubt, disagree.
Stop Mottram By Pass David Jones and Tameside Eye are very good at it. You should learn from them and not just type out lists of public information that is readily available on the net and, what appear to be, the rantings of an old man.
Mr H
I understand that you have a high opinion of yourself but to be honest those who know don't share it. The sycophants on here will, know doubt, disagree.
Stop Mottram By Pass David Jones and Tameside Eye are very good at it. You should learn from them and not just type out lists of public information that is readily available on the net and, what appear to be, the rantings of an old man.
Seeing that Lord Pendry according to Companies House Records Company number 04236511 Oyston Steel Estates
had 50,000 shares held as at 18th June 2007,and knowing that the "introduction of "Steel" in the name is somewhat confusing,seeing that the Company was very much involved in Spanish Property developments,does the TMBC links with Moclin the small Spanish village now Twinned with TMBC and showing Longendale Politicians enjoying visits to the area and also its understood that one now has a property or certainly had one
and he was the Ex-Son-in Law of Lord Pendry the Councillor Perry of Longendale and J.Reynolds the MP has also shown an interest,can it be said that Spanish Holidays and Spanish properties are becoming very popular with TMBC Councillors and Politicians now we are establishing even closer links.
Is there room for all of us Tamesiders in a nice property around the Moclin Area in Spain ??
You have to laugh. TC has a day off and Mr Hall is claiming a conspiracy - lol
I happen to be good at what I do,like when I stopped the large Kingswater/Waterside Public Inquiry completely on Day 1 because I investigated and found TMBC had deviously not informed the Public of the Public Inquiry details in a correct and appropriate manner,so
TMBC members,Barristers,Solicitors and Witnesses had to trot back home for 3 months whilst TMBC had to follow correct proceedures which it deliberately flaunted.
Then when it re-commenced my searches "alone" as usual uncovered £27 million had been paid into the United Utilities Venture Fund by the TMBC administrated Greater Manchester Pension Fund,led by R.Oldham and guess what,United Utilities only happened to be the Landowners of the site concerned where TMBC and United Utils were fighting for the scheme on a green belt site.
With 3 months of cross examining
almost daily I more than proved the points that TMBC were into a sleazy deal with United Utils.
Arrowcroft the proposed Developers are also closely linked to Tom Pendry who advises them on his interests sheet.
Mottram ByPass on Part 2
J.Hall Denton
Part 2 Mottram ByPass
Re Mottram ByPass was a proven gigantic farce if you read all the daily minutes,where after I cross examined the Highways Agency senior individual I stated he was not fit for purpose,he was removed from the PI and another HA person took charge.
Why was the Public Inquiry aborted well partly because with 400 pages of inclusive evidence it was continually show that TMBC and the HA had provided seriously flawed evidence in order to dupe and mislead the Inspector and the Inquiry and even having been given 6 chances over 18 months to rectify their evidence and provide accurate data,THEY COULD NOT,and the Inquiry was shut down.
Without any work being done only the thousands of Public Inquiry preperation documents and advisors costs which eventually totalled over £22 million which TaxPayers paid for the deceptive information provided by TMBC and the HA,and on top was the added cost of over £1 Million used by TMBC (paid for by Tamesiders)that went down the pan along with the mass of documents it was found were seriously flawed and deceptive.
So do me a favour FARMER I could buy and sell you at whatever,so just come out of hiding leave me your name and I will enjoy lifting your veil mate.
And discriminating against older people shows not only your crap intelligence,but also your abuse of
the elderley.
As a disabled ex-Army older person
who could and still hold my own with any of your types, just vanish back into your bunker and learn some real facts and as for everything being already in the public domain that definately indicates your incredible and alarming ignorance concerning TMBC and its hidden sleaze.(for now)
If anyone wants to know the Carillion large sums paid in the Public Inquiry Expenses shout out.
J.Hall Denton
The TMBC Chief Executive is slipping and needs to claim more dosh.
Maybe he makes it up in other ways
though ???
Top 10 council fat cats
£299,925: Gerald Jones (Wandsworth)
£241,483: Joe Duckworth (Newham)
£237,000: Joanna Killiam (Essex)
£225,038: Peter Gilroy (Kent)
£222,868: John Foster (Islington)
£219,486: Mark Hammond (West Sussex)
£218,592: Andrea Hill (Suffolk)
£218,176: Andrew Kilburn (W'tham Forest)
£217,492: D Anderson (Lambeth)
£213,040: David McNulty (Surrey)
Keep at it John. They are attacking you because you are doing them harm.
This is a real power house figure and a big friend of the Labour Cartel
Your Dukinfield Rev E Thomas portrayed as a Religious Leader (full stop)
This is the highly influencial figure who has been on the TMBC Standards Committee for years.His description is simple,The Rev E Thomas Religious Leader.
The Top Labour Cartel chose its Standards Committee members,what is your thinking.
Could it be a TMBC rear gunner appointment to safeguard any Councillor or Executive who had problems.You decide,but he was/is a "very close friend" of TMBC
Pennine Lodge No 8798 held a special meeting at Mossley on the 22nd of February. It was held to celebrate 50 years in Craft and Royal Arch Freemasonry for WBro E W Dennis Thomas. Celebrating both orders together was unique but then so is the man himself.
He is Past APGM for Central Area No1, and a PDepGChap, a post in which he was previously active. He is a big man with a big heart and has done much for our area and the Province which is well known to us all, therefore this article will show the other sides of Dennis.
His youth began in the same manner he was to continue. He was educated at Bible College of Wales where he became Head Boy. On leaving school he joined the RAF winning the middleweight boxing championship for North England and played rugby for the Command and for Swansea. He left the RAF and joined industry after gaining a Higher National Certificate in Chemical Engineering which led to him taking charge of a large chemical plant manufacturing Nickel Sulphate, Copper Sulphate and basic precious metals.
The call of the Church was too strong so in 1961 he entered St Michaels College, Cardiff, and was ordained in Brecon Cathedral in 1963 aged 31. In 1969 he became vicar of Ystradfellte, Breconshire and in 1970 he became a County Councillor for Breconshire and held the post of Vice Chairman of libraries and Museums .. Thus, to contribute to his religious duties, he was to begin activities in civic, educational, and charitable areas. This list can be seen at the foot of this article in full.
The “After Dinner Speaking” part of Dennis’s career does need mentioning as it chimes with his Masonic ideals- in particular Charity. He was on the circuit for 20 years raising approximately £8,000 - £10,000 per year, the highest in one night being £6000 at the Anglo American Club. All monies were given to various Charities. After being diagnosed and successfully treated for stomach cancer he then gave all monies to supporting Research into Cancer of the Stomach at Manchester Royal Infirmary. The highlight of this part of his career was being the personal guest of Sir Bobby Charlton when he received the Variety Club Heart and meeting the top football player in the world. He also received, in 2005, the “Public Service Award” for outstanding services to the residents of Dukinfield.
In 2004 he retired from the post of vicar of St Marks and St Lukes, Dukinfield, having held that post for 30 years.
Our present APGM, WBro Stephen M Blank wished to add a personal note to Dennis:
“I am privileged to have known ‘EWDT’ Masonically for many years. When I was appointed APGM for Ashton, Mossley and Audenshaw I was only too well aware that this was still Dennis Thomas territory even though he was last but one APGM in the Area. After all, his larger than life photograph was staring down at me from all three Halls – and in Mossley I could swear the photo moved and spoke like the ones in Harry Potter!
Next page
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I was delighted it fell to me to kick off the process of arranging his Personal 50th Craft (and Royal Arch) celebration. Of course our RW ProvGM, Jack Price, needed no persuasion to attend and despite a ‘hiccup’ due to Jack’s indisposition last year everything went beautifully on 22 February 2010. I greatly enjoyed a very jolly evening and was surprised to find out that apparently W Bro Thomas is Welsh (!). I was sorry to have to announce at the end of the evening the passing of the WM of Pennine Lodge, WBro David Clawley PProvAGDC who had of course been very ill, but I felt the Brethren should know. That’s life – a mixture of good and bad.”
Finally Brethren, a big thank you must go to WBro Simon Thomas, Dennis’s son, who, with the assistance of Pennine members, organised a splendid evening in support of a special Freemason. I am sure we all wish him well.
Life achievements of Revd Edward Walter Dennis Thomas
Educated at Bible College of Wales becoming Head Boy.
On leaving school I joined the RAF. I won the middleweight boxing championship for North England and played rugby for the Command and Swansea.
Left the RAF and joined industry after gaining a Higher National Certificate in Chemical Engineering. I then took charge of a large chemical plant manufacturing Nickel sulphate and Copper sulphate and basic precious metals.
Call of the Church was too strong – In 1961 entered St Michaels College, Cardiff.
Ordained in Brecon Cathedral in 1963 (aged 31yrs)
In 1969 became vicar of Ystradfellte; Breconshire in 1970 became a County Councillor for Breconshire County Council – Vice Chairman Libraries and Museums. Helped plan the Museum at the Shire Hall Brecon and Presided over its opening. Founder of the South East Wales Arts Council, and Colege Howell Harris, and a member of the Brecon National Park.
Served on many other committees and represented the County on many occasions including being a member on the Council of the University of Wales. On 13th July 1972 By command of Her Majesty I was invited to attend the Garden Party at Buckingham Palace.
Moved to England in 1974 and became the first vicar of the United Benefice of St Marks and St Luke’s in Dukinfield. Held many positions such as
Cont Page3
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Divisional Chaplain for Greater Manchester Police. Appointed in 1977 to Tameside division who was commanded at the time by Chief Supt Bill McLoughlin (present at dinner) and am still serving the Division. My appointment was the first Divisional Chaplain in the Country, which was created by Sir James Anderton, Chief Constable.
Chaplain to three different Mayors of Tameside.
Lord Lieutenants’ Chaplain
Chaplain to Greater Manchester Police, Special Constabulary – My appointment was the first Chaplain to the Special Constabulary in the Country, which was again created by Sir James Anderton, Chief Constable. I still serve as such.
Chaplain to the Sea Cadets.
Officiating Chaplain to Her Majesty Forces – Manchester Garrison at Ladysmith, Ashton-under-Lyne.
Chaplain to the Tameside Parachute Association
Chaplain to the Dukinfield and Stalybridge British Legion
Work in community: -
Chairman and Governor of several schools in Tameside.
Founder of the Latch Key Scheme for children
1st Chairman of Tameside Voluntary Bodies
Reader for Talking Newspaper for the Blind
Founder and Chairman of Community Project Unit employing 750 and the Youth Opportunity Scheme employing 250 with a Manpower Services Grant
2003, appointed to sit on the first Standards Committee for Tameside I still sit on this committee.
2007 appointed to sit on the Independent Police Committee.
I was a member of the “After Dinner Speakers” circuit for 20years raising approximately £8,000 - £10,000 per year. The highest in one night was £6000 at the Anglo American Club. All money was given to various Charities. But after being diagnosed and successfully treated for stomach cancer I then gave all monies to supporting Research into Cancer of the Stomach at Manchester Royal Infirmary. Highlight being the personal guest of Sir Bobby Charlton when he received the Variety Club Heart and meeting the top football player in the world.
In 2005 received “Public Service Award” for outstanding services to the residents of Dukinfield.
In 2004 I retired from the post of vicar of St Marks and St Lukes, Dukinfield. Having held that post for 30 years.
Masonic Craft and Royal Arch History
WBro Rev E W Dennis Thomas PDepGChap, PAProvGM
1954 R P St John Charles Lodge 6466, Swansea
1965 West Glamorgan Lodge 5291, Swansea
1975 Integrity Lodge 6328 Dukinfield
1981 Minerva Lodge 300, Ashton-u-Lyne
1986 Rose of Lancashire Lodge 9174, Audenshaw
1990 Lodge 9328, Manchester
1992 Waverley Lodge 1322, Ashton-u-Lyne
1993 East Lancs Provincial Lodge 3747 Manchester
1993 Fortitude Lodge 0064, Manchester
1998 East Lancs Centurion Lodge 2322, Manchester
Trinity Lodge 5651, Audenshaw
2002 Pennine Lodge 8798, Audenshaw (now Mossley)
Craft Honours
1989-1990 AGChap
1990-1991 PAGChap
1992-1994 DGChap
1994- PDGChap
1992–2001 AProvGM of East Lancashire
Royal Arch
1959 Virtue and Hope Chapter 0237, Swansea
1972 West Glamorgan Chapter 5291, Swansea
1992 Pennine Chapter 8798, Audenshaw
1996 East Lancs Provincial Grand Officers Chapter 747, Manchester
Royal Arch Honours
1996 PProvGSN
2001 PGStBr
Now that`s what you call a very influencial person.
These revelations get better but more worrying by the day. So we now have proof of Masonic involvement. I read a book called Inside the Brotherhood about Freemasons and they have lots of hidden power with contacts in the police, judiciary and local/national government.
Pity this web-site below has seemingly closed down,because it mentions John Charles Taylor Deputy Leader of TMBC
Barack Obama (Labour Friends Of Israel) Deputy Leader Of Tameside ...
Barack Obama (Labour Friends Of Israel) Deputy Leader Of Tameside Council John Charles TaylorFrom:2008SameoldfitupViews:44 0ratingsTime:00:05More inPeople ... - Cached
Also the race is on to in TMBC to delete and block previous web information.
Why so scared in an open democratic
region,answers on toilet paper please.
Seeing our Deputy Council Leader JCT was directly officially involved with the Tameside Hospital Administration I wonder if he had to complete a form like this
If not why not ?
Seems straight forward enough
I was a life long member of the Labour party. But I just can't take anymore of seeing these hypocrites.
It's not the Labour Movement that I joined all those years ago.
Shocking list of vile perverts there.
And people still vote fior this filth.
Taylor really is a pathetic little man.
He's ranting on about BNP porn stars, yet these vile child molesters infest his own party ranks.
Public Archives By Country
UK Public Archives
Click Below to View John Taylor Criminal RecordsAustralia Public Archives
USA Public Archives
Canada Public Archives
Now thats not difficult Tamesiders
I feel sure that before any further Elections are arranged,its time that the TMBC devious setup was thoroughly investigated because of the numerous facts immerging which discredit Local Government in our region.
This cannot continue with obviously more facts being exposed and if E.Mails to Secretary of State Eric Pickles MP requesting an immediate full investigation with Tamesiders included are ignored, then it indicates such regime`s are being wrongly protected at the highest levels in our Country and the media should definately become involved.
A short E.Mail to Eric Pickles MP
asking for a thorough investigation
into TMBC should be part of OUR Democratic Rights,and should be instigated at our request.
Instead of these characters being
retained again its time the Electorate was heard and consulted.
My own request will certainly be posted tomorrow.
We are the BIG Society not the despots in TMBC.
Stop The Mottram ByPass also has a site full of disclosures about TMBC,Carillion,Local Politicians,and tentacles surrounding Roy Oldham and his puppets should you need large extra dollops of sleaze to read.
The blog site is resting at this time awaiting any further attempt to dupe the public on this subject.
Carillion, one of the largest Building Contractors in the UK has now pleaded to the Office of Fair Trading for mercy because its been found to be ripping you off big time for deviously obtained contracts. So who is behind Carillion the rip off merchants? Well, for a start, we have Baroness Vanda Murray: not only an important person at Carillion, but also a Director of the North West Development Agency, who are big supporters of the Bypass scheme which is being built by - Carillion.
Appointed by Lord Sainsbury, the Baroness also declares her interests in the Cheshire Building Society, a Phone Company and, sod me, the UK Audit Commission. And, if you want to see how she manipulates money have a shufty here.
Now try and keep up, because who else is very important friend to the North West Development Agency? Well it's Councillor Roy Oldham of Tameside (who also wants the Bypass) which is being built for you by Carillion.
Perhaps a best seller book should be considered to clean and clear the Tameside air once and forever.
Come In John Charles Taylor your time is definately up,and not before time because your boat has sunk.
Seeing that JT splashes the Israeli Flag on his Web-Site he can`t help how he was born.
Jerusalem Post Item
The highlight of parshat Yitro is Revelation at Sinai. The great receiving of the Torah. In a parallel image of revelation, the Talmud (Niddah 30b) teaches that each of us learns the entirety of Torah while in the womb. There is a candle lit above our embrionic selves and in the drench of that lamp-light an angel teaches us Torah. At our destined hour of birth that self-same angel touches us above our lips, creating the gentle slope...
(So thats how nuts are created.)
Could this be the new TMBC type of Advertising in the Guardian Media
Tameside Councillor Jobs Available at TMBC.
If you want to really get too the top then we can help YOU
Fancy large salaries expenses and fantastic pensions then look no further.
Perhaps trips to Spain (to investigate might suit you,job sorted
Don`t forget you get free legal protection with our Borough Solicitor.
If you want to join dozens of do nothing committee`s and quangoes we are the people.
You can join the local Masonic Lodge where you get the ultimate life long protection.
Don`t worry if you drop a blinder which costs us millions we sort it.
If you fancy the odd few jobs at home done we have friends at Charter Housing
Need freeBroadband,Postage,Parking forget it its yours straight away.
We have links with the powerful Friends of Israel group, so fancy a trip to Israel
Get better service in Hospital job done, we have the connections.
Don`t worry if you have limited writing and reading abilities thats our speciality backup.
So if its power you want running the lives of the TAMESIDE IDIOTS CHECK US OUT.
You Know It Makes Sense.
PS We do not want whistle blowers because we are a select community with special powers.
Illsley resembles Herman Goerring in that photo. Let's not forget, the Nazis were socialists.
Just another snippet relating to how TMBC as administrators of the Greater Manchester Pension Fund channel the money around in a deceptive manner to disguise reality.
TMBC/Greater Manchester Pension Fund wanted to stick £27.5 million into the pockets of United Utilities (site Landowners) when they decided to fight the public with the Kingswater/Waterside saga,so United Utils formed a back street Company in Salford with a couple of people callimg it Innvotec Ltd
registered 1 Castle Street London
SW1 6DN and this is where the money was transferred.
No direct links with United Utils
therefore indicating no conflict of interests when it commes to Planning decisions and approvals.
So no problems in backing the development because when they approved United Utils scheme they could deny any interest in United Utils having dealt through Innvotec Ltd which then seemingly vanished.
Now FARMER that wasn`t in the Public Domain until "I traced" the
£27.5 million investment.
Another instance is in TMBC 2003/2004 Statement of Accounts (which involves your money paid in) the following item page 52 immerged
"As a result of the Council receiving a distribution from the proceeds of Modesoles sale of its shares in the Midland Hotel& Conference Centre.a liability may arise the extent of which can not yet be determined,to repay its shares of a grant given in 1986 towards the refurbishment of the Hotel"
So this means Council Tax Payers were directly involved in the grant towards the Midland Hotel
luxery internal alterations.
Next time you pass the Midland Hotel notice where your taxes went.
So you trust TMBC,well you need
treatment for disfunctional thinking.
J.Hall Denton
15/02/2011 19:31
Seeing that TMBC Councillors have remained deadly quiet in recent years concerning the scandals which were occuring at Tameside Hospital, who led the field in Hospital deaths,and poor quality facilities.Its time the Councillors and Executives who have direct responsibilities for Tamesiders Health were named and shamed for pretending they had your health concerns at heart.
No wonder the Tameside Hospital Chief Executive Christine Green has kept dodging the bullets and shouts for her resignation over a period of years and also severely critised by the local Coroner when
you have a sizable defence blockade of TMBC Councillors behind you.
A list of those Councillors who declare their roles associated with Tamesiders Health will soon appear,with a claim that they are definately "Not Fit For Purpose" so go right now,because we deserve better regardless of your titles.
The close links between
Tameside Hospital,the PCT and Tameside Councillors is a diabolical farce and its us who end up loosing life and health because of these silent pretenders.
and that includes the MP`s who dupe us with their suggested concerns,they all are p------ in the same cess pit and using your money in their bank accounts.
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