Dog owners who walk their pets on leads longer than 6ft 8in face £1,000 finesThey give dogs the freedom to run about without their owner having to worry about them dashing off to chase a passing cat. But now long leads have become the latest casualty of what critics say is a campaign by councils to curb the rights of dog owners. Wardens in Greater Manchester have been ordered to target anyone using a lead longer than 6ft 8in with the threat of a £1,000 fine. Officials claim the tough rule - brought in by the last Government - is necessary to prevent dogs roaming out of control and to curb fouling. But they admit there have been no complaints
The measure has been imposed by Tameside Council in Ashtonunder-Lyne and neighbouring towns under a dog control order covering dozens of parks and playing fields. It is thought to be among the first of its kind outside London. Owners of some of Tameside's 30,000 dogs have attacked the rules. Bernard Lake, 67, suffers from breathing difficulties and uses a 15ft extendable lead so his Yorkshire
terrier Micke can still run about. 'Most owners use common sense and the few who don't aren't going to change their behaviour because of a change in the law,' he said. 'It's the irresponsible people that make life more difficult for the rest of us public- spirited ones.' The Kennel Club called the rules ' completely arbitrary and unnecessary' and said it would penalise responsible owners. Rules imposed under Labour's Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act have proved equally unpopular across the country. Kensington and Chelsea Council stipulates that on public footpaths and grassed squares, dogs must be kept on leads that are not more than 4ft long. Earlier this year Newark and Sherwood Council in Nottinghamshire banned dogs altogether in 72 parks with the threat of £75 on-the-spot fines. A Tameside Council spokesman said: 'The areas where we are asking people to keep their dogs on a lead include formal gardens and sports pitches in parks. 'However, there are open spaces very close by where people can exercise their dogs off the lead.' Daily Mail
Now that Tameside Councils top positions are occupied by old school Stalinists we see the first sign of their ’reign of terror'. Today the victims are dog owners - who will it be next?
One has to look no further than the nightmare years 1997-2010 where Labour Communists, like the ones now occupying the top positions in Tameside Council, destroyed Britain and turned the country into the worlds number one surveillance state.
Not only did this cabal of warmongering criminals destroy the country via means of uncontrolled mass immigration and the stripping of national assets, they destroyed the quality of life of millions of Britons by introducing draconian and unnecessary laws.
Here in Tameside we find this totalitarian mindset deeply entrenched in the psyche of the new Supreme Leadership as they impose their will upon dog owners. Reading the comments in the Daily Mail article I think G Cruz from Colorado in the USA sums up what many people must think when he says “What a fricking nanny state. How do you folks live under the boot of liberalism?” He can be forgiven for describing Communism as Liberalism because since the fall of the Berlin Wall, Communists have re-branded themselves as liberals. Tameside Citizen
Is that the dog that tried to bite my hand off?
No Rex, that was her son! But you did enter our property without permission to deliver unsolicited material so it would have been an interesting test case.
Now first of all we must get our facts right, these new rules were agreed last year under the old regime like all legislation it takes time for them to be implemented.
Dogs are not banned from all areas and dogs on leads are not imposed in all areas.
I hope my lads can now play football on Saturday morning now without being covered in dog mess,and its not all over my shoes.
If dog fouling is an issue, the owners should be taken to task. To impose an outright ban on all dog owners is a collective punishment, punishing the many for the misdemeanours of the few.
Its not just the fouling its about them being set lose in the parks under no control,shitting all over the place while the owners have a fag and a natter.
Anyone know if they have this problem in China
No, they eat dogs who are caught off the leads in China, funnily enough they are governed by Communists too.
Don't expect any sympathy off the press. As I pointed out at the last Ashton D. A. the Pravdertiser has a new office IN THE COUNCIL BUILDING. I asked how much rent, if any, they are paying and what were the implications for local press freedom of this "incestuous relationship"?
I am still awaiting a reply.
I noticed at the same D.A. that the warning signs are in English , and only English.
This man needs to be put on a lead when out and about in public.
Do not look into that dogs eyes as they are hypnotic.
Tonyj this is a shocking revelation an English sign in England there must be some law against it.
I bet your presence at these meetings are missed when you don't attend with your keen eye for an exclusive scoop like these English signs.
Tony DJ uncovers sign written in English in English town hall.
The point I was making 'Panorama' and 'Breaking News' is that when it is a matter of threatening legal action the signs are only in English, but when it is a matter of getting something off the council, they are in every language under the sun...for example:-
Of course there are more...
Peresecuting responsible dog owners is totally wrong.
Will mere possesion of a lead over 6'8" be an offence (like drugs or knives on the street) or will you have to actualy use it, like speeding or drinking in public?
That is a great point Tony. Will the wardens be issued with lead measuring devices?
Got my thank you leaflet this morning from my Labour councillor,I did vote for her and would vote for her again.
It feels strange being thanked for voting but its a nice gesture and a welcome one.
She has every reason to thank you. After all it is the gullible voters who are keeping these gravy train riders in the trough.
dogs should shit at there own homes and not in parks and on local land
The length of a lead is not an offence in any way and as such, prosecution is impossible. It requires PROOF that the lead was extended beyond this nonsensical and unnecessary arbitrary length. Ignore these officious cretins who are incapable of enforcing the sensible existing laws.
@Action at last...
I don't much like the nuisances caused by football. Like the fact that a group of men get together and claim a public field as their own and churn all the grass up to create one big bowl of mud for the rest of us. That is to say nothing of the noise pollution, balls going in people's gardens, and the yobbish culture that is innate to the sport. But unlike a fascist and Tameside MBC mouthpiece like you, I don't propose to start banning things left right and centre.
This is all to be expected from a council run by a political party that is obsessed with telling us all what we can and cannot do. If you don't like it - vote for someone else.
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