These photos of the resident
Tawny Owl of Denton woods may look pretty unremarkable but let me tell you they were difficult to capture. I have heard it many times in the past but it is difficult to spot in the treetops, but tonight I struck lucky and spotted it perched on a relatively low branch and managed to snap these shots. If you are into wildlife you really should visit Denton woods, especially early in the morning at this time of year. The noise of the morning chorus is something to behold.
If you think capturing the owl on camera was difficult try catching Roy West going to work, now that would be a rare photo for us.
TC..you mean to say that there is an area of Tameside NOT covoered by CCTV...Denton Wood!
CCTV coverage in New York city is minimal to say the least yet crime has fallen dramatically in the last ten years. They have a very unusual system where the Police concentrate on catching and convicting criminals and Judges hand down long prison sentences. It is a direct copy of the system that existed in Britain until the early Sixties and look what's happened to the crime rate since then.
Really nice photo TC
I have been watching a video on women’s rights as a means of understanding you sad and misguided Islamaphobes. Who ever said Islam is biased against women is seriously deluded. But I did find the execution of the young girl in Iran yesterday a touch distasteful. She should have been allowed to have her baby before the punishment was carried out.
Liberals and multiculturalists can lie to themselves and hide from the truth as long as they like but EVERYONE knows what the spread of Islam means for the rights of women.
Why did the owl howl? Because the woodpecker would peck 'er.
Thanks anon. I didn’t realise until I read the Wiki page later that these owls have been known to swoop and gouge out eyes when they feel threatened. This owl was one cool customer though. He seemed quite happy to sit on the branch and pose - or was he just weighing up a juicy eyeball?
I challange the use of the word "ISLAMOPHOBE"
A phobia is an irrational fear or dislike of something.
There is nothing irrational about fearing Islam
I loved your comment about Islam having a decent view of women but that executing a pregnant woman was distasteful. It's rather like saying Stalin was a decent chap but he was slightly skewed in his interpretation of Marxism - Leninism when he ordered the slaughter of 7m+ Ukrainians
The comment above is nowhere near bonkers enough for the real STD.
Great shots TC.
Great shots TC.
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