Is what bomber crews in WWII were told. Leader of the opposition in Tameside,
Cllr Bell is certainly getting a lot of ‘political flak’ in the
Tameside Advertiser this week, not only from council leader Roy Oldham, but also from Cllr Kitchen. He must be doing something right to provoke such a response. I eagerly await his reply to Cllr’s Oldham and Kitchen in next weeks paper. On a separate note it was again noticeable that the Advertiser gave great prominence to the local Labour hierarchy - all in a positive light and on many pages throughout the paper. They should at least try and use a veil of impartiality and at least run a token feature on some of the other parties involved in Tameside’s political scene.
The Equalisation of Pay legislation means that in the La La Land of the State sector women are entitled to the same pay as men even if they are doing DIFFERENT jobs, i.e. Binmen and
Dinnerladies, simply because they are women. Harriet Harman and the manhaters who infest Parliament have saddled the taxpayer, local and national with the bill. The Tameside Labour Gestapo are 'Simply obeying orders'.
Good point, that is my take o it too!
Well said Roy and please don't go.
You have to admit that Labour have a point. You can't go around creating an image for youself as if you are "championing" public sector workers when you say that you want to cut the workforce. It just sounds utterly barmy.
Another school boy error and poor advice yet again from the political assistant.
Half a million people have lost their jobs in the last six months. Why should State employees, local or national be immune from redundancy?
He come out screaming at a team of BNP leafleters on Mottram Moor a few weeks ago. But he is an old man and the elder statesman of the Tameside political scene so I will keep my mouth shout out of respect - but it was funny!
Yeah and I have my CCTV on you.
Sorry Roy who's CCTV is that again!!?? You pay for it did you, or was it Mr & Mrs taxpayer? Just another champagne socialist with his snout in the public trough.
Lay the superfluous ones off (like the real world) and cut my Council Tax.
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