Friday 16 January 2009

Nigel Rolland Green Party candidate for Hyde Newton by-election

Nigel Rolland has been a member of the Green party since 1998, he has previously stood as a candidate for the Tameside Green party in both local and parliamentary elections. Nigel Has lived in Tameside since he was a child, he was brought up in Ashton-under-lyne where he attended Waterloo Primary School and West End Secondary School, he continued his education at Tameside College and then studied humanities at Woolwich Polytechnic in South East London. Nigel has been involved in community activities in Tameside for over 20 years, an active member of the public Services Union UNISON, a former School Governor and a whistle blowing director of TEL, he has consistently campaigned for quality services and accountability in local Government. Nigel is employed as a Housing Manager for a Tenant Management Organisation based in the North of Manchester. As well as being an active member of his local residents association committee Nigel is a keen gardener, walker and cyclist, who campaigned and lobbied for the transformation of the derelict, former Ashton to Oldham Railway into a walkway, cycleway and bridle path which is now Route 66, a part of the national cycle network. Nigel now works as voluntary Sustrans Ranger and is a “Biodiversity Champion” passing on his knowledge to the local community through activities such as planting seeds, and trees, putting up bird and bat boxes,managing vegetation to maintain and develop flora and fauna.through activities such as planting seeds, putting up bird and bat boxes,managing vegetation to maintain and develop flora and fauna.


Anonymous said...

Nigel was a good hard working Labour councillor, he had a short time on the council and was known for his strong views on the environment.
If elected he would be a good person to have on the council again I wish him well hes not going to win and he will know that.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Nigel go independent?

Nigel has strong views and strong morals which is more than what can be said about the sack of shit currently in the council.

Anonymous said...

To succeed in New Labour you need to leave your principles behind.
One thing I do agree with the Greens on is that they are against the totally unsustainable population increases caused by immigration this country will undergo if something isn't done NOW.

ukip said...

The Green party are pro EU, and are also in favour of state funding of parties, something UKIP would never support.
The rest of their policies are just cuckoo.

Anonymous said...

1. The creation of a White Workers' State based on National Freedom, Social Justice, Duty and Responsibility

2. The introduction of a proper Constitution and Bill Of Rights for the freedom and security of the British people

3. The ending of all non-European immigration and the introduction of a compulsory, phased, humane policy of repatriation

4. The rebuilding of British capital industries by putting British industry first and ending cheap imports that undermine our British manufacturing base

5. The nationalisation of the banking system. All banks and financial institutions to be placed in State rather than private hands

6. The dismantling of our enforced multi-racial society in a lawful and orderly fashion

7. The re-introduction of capital punishment for murder, treason and terrorism

8. A major crack down on all types of crime especially those involving drugs

9. The abolition of all types of usury and financial speculation for profit without work

10. The abolition of Public Order Acts and Race Laws. The restoration of freedom of speech, thought and action

11. The guarantee that Ulster shall remain forever a part of Great Britain

12. The outlawing of the IRA and other anti-British terror organisations

13. The protection of the unborn by stopping abortion on demand and allowing only it only in extreme and special circumstances

14. The withdrawal of Great Britain from the European Union, NATO, the United Nations and all the other arms of the New World Order

15. The rebuilding of our pride in our racial and national heritage

16. The education of our young folk into being dutiful members of society through a re-organised educational system and the building of a national youth movement

17. The restructuring of the National Health Service by training and employing British doctors and nurses as opposed to importing cheap labour from abroad. The goal of making the National Health Service the best in the world

18. The immediate stopping of all foreign aid to so-called "Third World" countries

19. The revocation of Community Tax on small businesses. The abolition of Value Added Tax. The promotion of Britain's small independent businesses and the dismantling of multi-national ones

20. The ending of all monopolies and the breaking of the stranglehold that the International Bankers have on the United Kingdom

21. The establishment of a British Labour Front guaranteeing real worker's rights and replacing the now helpless and un-representative Trades Unions

22. The encouragement of the stable family unit as the basic building block of a healthy and resurgent nation. As a Christian nation we are committed to discouraging all things which distort the family unit. The retention of Clause 28.

23. Complete opposition to Zionism and the State of Israel as weapons of the New World Order

24. The replacement of all multi-cultural and alien art with natural, traditional British art forms

25. The building of a powerful Army, Navy and Air Force so that our country does not rely on NATO and can truly defend the national interests of Great Britain

26. The banning of gross pornography and the creation of a morally correct society where our children and safe from vileness and perversion.

27. The encouragement of British agriculture and an emphasis on our rural heritage as opposed to International Cosmopolitanism

28. The reduction of unemployment by boosting Britain's industry to create real jobs and not fake "job creation schemes"

29. The creation of a national media which puts the interests of Great Britain first

30. The ending of allowing fake "asylum seekers" into Britain and the immediate expulsion of those already here, together with all other illegal immigrants

31. A moral, spiritual and physical revolution in the hearts and minds of the masses so that all become part of a healthy, clean and energetic folk state

32. We will secure the existence of our people and a future for White children

Anonymous said...

ukip members "fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists, mostly".

ukip said...

Talking of nutters, and lo one appears. As most people can deduce the comments made by 'ukip for newton' are actually BNP policy. These are the views of a party that is truly a Nazi party, they are National socialists. Please try to spot the difference between these views, and those of Hitlers party in the 30s
I am particularly interested in 3,6,and 23. Were these not the views that led to 7 million jews being exterminated?
Please keep posting nuggets such as these, they will ensure the BNP never gets near to the handles of power.
Amen to that

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

These are NOT all BNP policies although some of them are similar. The truth is vast numbers of people agree with many of these policies as they do not want Britain turned into a multicultural third world dumping ground- in other words no longer Britain. We've got enough problems of our own to solve- especially at ths moment - without trying to 'save the world'.
The current population of England is about 395 people per square kilometre, compare that to Germany, 230 and France, 240. This is in fact the most populous country in the world apart from South Korea and a few island states. An interssting comparison might be to somewhere like the midwest state of Nebraska USA; have a guess- EIGHT people per sq km, brings it home doesn't it. Large numbers of these incomers go to the South East which is why the infrastructure of that area is creaking so badly; like theM25.
Under the last Conservative government there was balanced migration between immigrants and those leaving, it is the Labour government which has created the uncontrolled flood over the past twelve years.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Nigel did go independent and then went missing for a long time, poor lad lost his way now he thinks we can all heat our homes from cows farting into a huge gasometer.

Anonymous said...
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Samuel Roy Oldham said...

Nigel is a fool and subsequently an enemy of the state.

Anonymous said...

UKIP, a serious question from someone interested in your party. Assuming your own party cannot win the Newton election, would you prefer any of the other parties including Labour or the Greens to win if that meant keeping the BNP out?

ukip said...

A very tricky question, Speaking for myself, I cannot imagine wanting any of the other parties to win.
The problem I have is which party would do the least damage to this ward/area/country. The answer is of course all of them would damage this country. I would assume Nigel Rolland(although I detest his parties policies) would be a hard worker, but I doubt his effectiveness in a Labour run council.
This of course is the whole point of local politics, divide and conquer.
I doubt Angela will win this time, but I could not conceive of voting any other way,I believe in ALL of UKIPs policies and all of the other parties are Communist/socialists of one flavor or another. I am afraid whoever wins, you will still end up with another red, who wants yet more power and yet more council employees. They will all tax you and me into oblivion.
Look at your council tax bill next year and tell me i am wrong.

Anonymous said...

Would you like me to interpretate the above for you all, we don't have a cat in hells chance of winning nobody will take us seriously it will take us many years to get over Kilroy Silk if we ever can do.
That's a good excuse to sit on our fat backsides during this election like we normally do, we may pick up the odd vote sat posting on here who knows.
We will run the campaign from the computer chair its to dam cold to get out there anyway and please stop asking us tricky questions like that, oh and we might come to the count if we can get a few volunteers

Anonymous said...

Thank you for reponding UKIP.

Anonymous said...

So why is your party on the continuous down slid?

Anonymous said...

More reasons to vote BNP

Samuel Roy Oldham said...

Yeah wait a minute, wasn't Kilroy a Labour MP? Yet he went on to lead your party. You seem very confused Mr. Cooke.

ukip said...

BNP graffter(it should only have one T BTW), I have spent all week working, I am entitled to a little bit of leisure time.
This week, and every week I pay £5000 in taxes, employ 14 people and yet live in a small terraced house(with a mortgage)and drive a 4yo small car. I would love to be able to invest the time and (taxpayers) money you do into my beliefs. However we are a small party in terms of activists, who have little spare time due to spending a third of our wages(taxes) on subsidising some BNP members to deliver leaflets.
We could easily halve peoples taxes by having less laws, less state/council workers and doing it ourselves.
Tameside council employ 7000 people, how many do you see in Newton? What do they all do?
Ps thanks for the courteous reply, 'undecided'

ukip said...

Sorry SRO,
I did not notice RKS was ever the leader of our party, perhaps you have evidence to support that statement?
Most Labour politician's realise sooner or later that their policies are wrong, but by then they are too far into the system,and would lose too much money to ever tell the truth

Anonymous said...

Well invest your own money Mr Cooke, and get off your fat arse and do some work for your local party

ukip said...

What money, many weeks I go without wages, just to pay people who have worked for me. do you not understand, I live in a two up, two down(with a mortgage).
I have no savings, no pension, and a crappy Nissan.
What are you suggesting? sack all of our employees? give them a paycut? so I can compete with a taxpayer funded political activist like you?
Some of us have a conscience, and would prefer to employ as many as we are able. The people who work for me pay taxes that allow YOU to spout your claptrap on a forum such as this. Please tell me what you have ever contributed to the country whose flag you drape yourself in

Anonymous said...

Well get a decent job then

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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ukip said...

Thanks, good plan.
I will sack 14 workers, who pay tax into the system, make them all unemployed, so that they can draw dole/sickness/benefits from the same tax system.
You should work for the lib/lab/con .
Do you not understand that only private companies pay for your idleness. You steal the sweat from their brow.
I am perfectly entitled to draw down disability benefit and live my life in luxury. I do not need to employ anybody. I can live my life on benefits like you.
Meanwhile the country,you profess to love, goes down the pan. whilst you continue to sponge.
Good try, how many of your supporters refuse to claim child benefit due to principle? I am prepared to hear just how much 10 of your supporters paid in tax last week, I bet I paid more tax than all ten of them last week!
How is it your money or your families? what I earn is mine, it is only your socialist friends in the big three parties that steal it from me.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

ukip, why are you getting involved in a spat with Mr West? I am a BNP supporter and activist who (like virtually all of us) works for a living. I don't pay as much tax as you because I earn crap money like millions of other British workers, due to Labour's importation of massive numbers of foreign mugs who will work themselves into the ground for a pittance because they don't understand the concept of exploitation. The unions have stood and watched, as their priorities are supporting the Labour Party-politically and financially. Looking after their members is bottom of the list.
I would never vote UKIP because your policies on many msjor issues are either wrong-you're far too soft on law and order, vague, non-existent or muddled.
The BNP don't just want to 'keep the pound' and pull out of the EU we want to take WHATEVER steps are necessary to preserve our national identity. This may involve having to do unpleasant but essential things which the current gutless occupants of the House of Commons would run and hide from.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think we get the drift of your message UKIP you live in a terraced property and you work.
Many of the people working in Newton on this election also have full time jobs and live in terraced properties so what, they still find some time to campaign because they are serious about the election unlike your lot.
Get off your backsides and stop feeling sorry for yourselves your just a bunch of lazy chancers


UKIP, you obviously seem very bitter towards the Green Party. Is it because you are frightened they will get more protest votes than you?

ukip said...

I am bitter towards the Greens, it is because of them and others like them, that we now have fortnightly bin collections,massive tax on fuel, hills full of useless windmills.
I feel quite bitter each morning scraping the global warming off my windscreen.
2000 DVDs and 2000 leaflets out today, quite a lot of BNP about, more than they have members in Tameside, guess you must be bussing them in?

ukip said...

I am bitter towards the Greens, it is because of them and others like them, that we now have fortnightly bin collections,massive tax on fuel, hills full of useless windmills.
I feel quite bitter each morning scraping the global warming off my windscreen.
2000 DVDs and 2000 leaflets out today, quite a lot of BNP about, more than they have members in Tameside, guess you must be bussing them in?

Tameside Citizen said...

I declare UKIP the winner of this little ‘debate’. Despite considerable provocation he stuck to his guns and argued his point perfectly. Maybe a few other contributors should take a leaf out of Mr UKIP’s book. Well done UKIP!

Anonymous said...

The BNP website is by far and away the most visited British political Party site;
Don't believe the media lies,find out the truth for yourself

Anonymous said...

I'll definitely be voting BNP but at least UKIP has got the guts to stand up for what he believes.

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show that UKIP are only good at what was said earlier sat on their backsides at home using a computer,when it comes to being out grafting meeting real people they are useless.
Even the greens are in Newton now having a go.