Monday 31 December 2007

Wont Back Down

In response to a New Years Eve request from a Tameside Citizen viewer, I have posted this you tube clip. I think if the American Civil War was fought again the Confederate forces would be overwhelmed with Tameside volunteers ranging from people as diverse as Cllr Taylor, to his rival Roy West.


Anonymous said...

Representation is The New Nationalism.

Anonymous said...

I Wont be re-constructed.

Anonymous said...

Or you could have "Burning Down the House" by Talking Heads for Roy West:

Anonymous said...

John Taylor is back on the blog (fireman sam) welcome back John.

Anonymous said...

Is The British National Party really finished or just wishful thinking on the part of Cllr John Taylor and co?

“We’re the ones who modernised the BNP – and we’re the ones who intend to keep it modernised.”

“The Griffin clique makes the BNP unelectable.” Needless to say, this isn’t exactly a new smear, nor is it one traditionally only directed at me; as mainstream commentators such as Peter Hitchens and Richard Littlejohn have pointed out so often, smear-words such as ‘Nazi’ and ‘fascist’ have been routinely thrown by the liberal-left at anyone who has warned of the dangers of mass immigration over the last forty years.

What is new, however, is that I’ve recently been called this by a group of individuals who claim publicly to be mainstream nationalists, but who privately are ‘hardliners’ who loath our paper ‘Freedom’ because it is ‘soft’, who hate BNP members who happen to be Jewish, and who are bitterly hostile to Dave Hannam’s Great White Records operation precisely because it is moving nationalist music on from the grim, raucous, counter-productive hatred of the old neo-Nazi Blood & Honour scene with which they still associate.

A few of the small group currently attacking people like me and Mark Collett on account of things we said or wrote more than a decade ago in my case, or when he was no more than a boy in Mark’s, possibly genuinely believe that we haven’t changed. Most, however, are perfectly well aware of the fact that the real extremists who still infest and discredit the fringes of the British nationalist movement are at present heavily involved in an attempt to work with the far-left (shades of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact!) to discredit the BNP in general and me in particular. If one looks at their blogs, for example, nowadays one can hardly see any difference in the smears between them and those of the far left. Interesting.

Why is this? Why am I so hated by the Blood & Honour skinheads who Kenny Smith and Sadie Graham invite to their ‘socials’, want to bring back into the party, and use to try to intimidate decent nationalists? Because they once believed I was one of them ideologically and spiritually, and have quietly fought me and the other genuine modernisers every inch of the way as we’ve sought to remodel the BNP and make it electable.

Behind the scenes, their little group kicked up a huge fuss when I refused to kick out Lawrence Rustem because his father was a Turkish Cypriot. Lawrence is now a very well-respected BNP councillor, but they still want him out. The allies of the phoney ‘modernisers’- individuals who have been shown on television as grown men ‘sieg-heiling’ as little as two years ago, in displays of seriously politically suicidal moronicism - tried to force me to sack Martin Wingfield several years ago for the ‘crime’ of quoting in Freedom press coverage of a northern BNP council candidate saying that he wasn’t a racist and loved his mixed-race grandchildren.

Precious diversity

Now, I have done more than anyone else to establish the ‘BNP line’ that holds passionately that human cultural and genetic diversity is as precious as the diversity of the rest of the natural world, and should be preserved, which leads us to reject racial integration and to have far more in common with black separatists such as the younger Muhammed Ali than with liberal-capitalist promoters of miscegenation.

But there is a world of difference between holding as we do that people of goodwill of all races and cultures should preserve our God-given differences through mutually agreed separation, and the brutal and politically disastrous hatred exhibited by the ‘14 Words’ cultists when they describe the unfortunate young victims of propaganda-induced racial integration as ‘muds’ and want to expel a grandfather from the BNP because his grown-up daughter fell in love with an African.

Yes, I expect almost everyone (non-whites included) reading this will agree with me that we wouldn’t want to see it in our own families, but to claim that the Party or the State has the right to interfere in private affairs of the heart displays all too clearly the fanatical intolerance produced by the very un-British totalitarianisms of the bloody 20th Century. Totalitarianisms of which the worst examples were Hitler and Stalin, whose heirs are now in league running various smear websites to do down the modernised BNP - and those of us who created it.

The cultists’ anger against me and the mainstream BNP grew even greater when Pat Richardson stood for us in Epping Forest and became our first ever Jewish councillor. According to them Pat shouldn’t even be in the party, let alone be one of our biggest council group leaders.

Nazi Militant Tendency

The final straw for this ultra-right Militant Tendency within and on the fringes of the BNP came in March 2006. Concerned about the influence of cranky neo-Nazi conspiracy theories on the Internet, and in an effort to rid the British nationalist movement for good of the taint of Nazism, I published online a ground-breaking article: By their fruits (or lack of them) shall you know them. Read it here.

The introduction set the tone: “If the neo-cons didn’t have the ‘world-Jewish conspiracy’ theorists to hamstring patriotic opposition to their war, they’d have to invent them. Nick Griffin warns against a monumental blunder.”

It was this article more than any other which convinced the neo-Nazi Militant Tendency that still unfortunately still lurked in the British nationalist movement that “Griffin must go”, and that they must seek out any conceivable allies, ranging from the far-left to gullible populists, in their bid to pull off a ‘coup’ against not just me but also against the spirit of the BNP’s constitution and the clearly expressed views of the Voting Members at two successive conferences.

Despite having been written nearly two years ago, the article is as relevant as ever, and I urge even those who read it at the time to take the time to re-read it once again. It should have been on our site permanently already but our former web editor, after only publishing it under pressure from me, twice secretly ‘spiked’ the article. Thus the most serious attempt to put behind us the mutually supporting vicious circle of gentile anti-Semitism and Jewish hostility to gentile nationalism since NF founder AK Chesterton published his ‘The Tragedy of Anti-Semitism’ was repeatedly sabotaged by an individual now running an anti-BNP blog propagating the myth that I stand in the way of modernising the BNP.

But at least, by reading the whole of my article that so angered them and their Nazi thug allies, and which so alarmed the Searchlight Zionists who make such a good living out of nationalist anti-Semitism, you will understand what this is really all about: This is a battle for the heart and soul of the British National Party, and perhaps even of nationalism in the entire English-speaking world.

While some of us do indeed have ‘extremist’ pasts, the point is that they are truly in the past, and that we’ve done something truly extraordinary in not just moving on personally, but in bringing the vast bulk of a once institutionally extreme movement with us and into a new era of genuine, principled modernism.

On the other hand lies a small clique (relentlessly backed by the far-left) has been plotting behind the scenes to use lies, character assassination and deceit to hijack the BNP and drag it back into an ugly past of mythical ‘Jewish conspiracies’, juvenile cross-burnings and crude race hate.

Meanwhile, someone within the same clique has now provided (sold?) the addresses of an unknown number of BNP members to an openly neo-Nazi outfit to send them advertising material for clearly illegal and deeply disgusting extremist propaganda. To those decent BNP members who have in the last couple of days received unsolicited mailshots from one Simon Shepherd I can only apologise and urge them to consign the filth to the bin. Shepherd is the hardcore and unreconstructed extremist who set up and ran John Tyndall’s Spearhead website, and will no doubt have taken malicious delight at the thought of disturbing decent people’s New Year’s Eve with his political pornography. Greater proof of the bad faith of the Smith/Graham/Blake gang, and - apart from our former web editor’s hacking of the private email accounts of national and local BNP officials - a greater betrayal of the trust that was placed in them, it is hard to imagine.

Fortunately, the moment their plotting was uncovered and exposed, they lost not just that battle but the entire war. We are now in the mopping up phase, with a whole team of loyal people working hard not just to return things to ‘normal’ but to improve things (as regular visitors to this site will already have seen over the last couple of weeks) and actively seeking to learn lessons from last year’s near brush with disaster so as to ensure that our new organisation is even stronger and more stable than before.

And, meanwhile, we’re pressing on with the vital tasks for the New Year - particularly organising to win in London in May. That’s why BNP activists from all over the country will be joining our hard-working colleagues in our capital city on our first Weekend of Action on 19th - 20th January. I hope to see you there - working to push the electable, modern, moderate, principled British National Party to another record high on our long road to the summit of power that we must scale to save our land and our people.

May 2008 be our best year ever, rid of elements who have sought to hold us back, and filled with the promise of electoral breakthroughs which will see our beloved country pulled back from the brink. I wish you and yours the very best for the New Year.

Nick Griffin

Leader, British National Party

Anonymous said...

No not me (Fireman Sam)out on the piss all night last night check it out with the landlord at the Masons and the Valley they will confirm while you were sat at home playing with your PC.

Anonymous said...

Wag,(John Taylor) a councillor that we can trust out on the piss all night.

Anonymous said...

No, Mr Anonymous it should be a slogan for Councillor John Taylor, an alcholic that you can trust.

Anonymous said...

Have been on the piss all night with Taylor, bad spelling of alcoholic.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous and real gay boy, its old news about John Taylor being a piss artist. Come up with something knew.

UKIP said...

FFS it was new years eve. And no I did not go out.

Anonymous said...

Influential Figures in British Nationalism

A. K. Chesterton
John Bean
Andrew Fountaine
Enoch Powell
Nick Griffin
John Tyndall
Martin Webster.

Anonymous said...

UKIP suspends fraud inquiry MEP

UKIP has 10 MEPs in the European Parliament
UKIP has suspended one of its MEPs, while an investigation continues into alleged financial irregularities.
Tom Wise, one of the party's 10 Euro MEPs, is being investigated by the European Anti-Fraud Office.

UKIP said "irregularities in his use of secretarial allowances" were being investigated.

But chairman John Whittaker said he hoped Mr Wise would be cleared, and the decision to suspend him should not be seen as prejudicing the outcome.

East of England MEP Mr Wise has been suspended from UKIP's group in the European Parliament.

The UK Independence Party said it would not be carrying out its own inquiry, but would await the findings of Olaf - the European Anti-Fraud Office.

Mr Whittaker told the BBC: "We're taking a principled stand. We have to be seen to be above suspicion. Any public body would suspend someone in a similar position."

He added: "Questions have been asked about this affair. Now that we've taken action, it should raise our standing." But he said he hoped the investigation would find that Mr Wise was not in breach of the rules

Anonymous said...

What the paper said about Labour corruption in Doncaster.
Where is Councillor John Taylor on this one then?

Web of corruption that shamed a town
By Nick Britten
Last Updated: 11:54pm GMT 12/03/2002

ONE of the most comprehensive police investigations into council fraud ever carried out saw two senior Labour councillors and a property developer sentenced to a total of 11 years in jail yesterday.

The seam of corruption running through Doncaster council was laid bare with the convictions of five people including Peter Birks, the council's head of planning, and the former mayor and council deputy leader, Raymond Stockhill, who took lavish bribes to process a planning application.

Others, including John Dainty, the leader of the Tory group, who was cleared of corruption in this case, face further allegations.

advertisementWhat began more than four years ago with a "whisper of wrongdoing", said a police source, had grown into a vast investigation; 74 arrests were made, 23 Labour councillors have so far been convicted for expenses fraud and more than 2,000 people have been questioned. But the case of Birks and Stockhill exposed the worst incidence of corruption within the Labour-dominated council.

It centred around Alan Hughes, a 63-year-old property developer, whose business was in dire straits when he bribed Birks and Stockhill to process a planning application for land designated for countryside.

In 1992, with debts mounting to more than £6 million and his business failing, Hughes's initial application to develop land known as Poppyfields in Branton, South Yorks, was rejected.

He knew Birks and his lifelong friend Stockhill could influence the planning committee. He lavished thousands of pounds on the wheelchair-bound Stockhill, and gave a £160,000 farmhouse to Birks and his common-law wife Stephanie Higginson.

A few months later his second application, despite being virtually identical to the first, was granted and Hughes then sold the land for £2.25 million, saving his business.

Mr Justice Hunt, passing sentence at Nottingham Crown Court yesterday, said the corruption struck "at the root of democracy". He jailed Hughes for five years, Birks, 58, for four and Stockhill, 68, for two, although he suspended it for a year because Stockhill, who has had a stroke and a heart attack, has a maximum life expectancy of five years.

Higginson, 50, was given 160 hours' community service while Hughes's financial adviser, Gordon Armitage, 62, from Chesterfield, Derbys, was jailed for a year. Both were found guilty of aiding and abetting corruption.

Stockhill's daughter, Janette Jones, 36, was found not guilty on two charges of aiding and abetting while Dainty was cleared on one count of corruption.

Among prominent local politicians already convicted are the former Doncaster council leaders Peter Welsh and Malcolm Glover as well as a former town mayor, Jack Meredith. Sentences have ranged from nine months' imprisonment to community sentences and fines.

Anonymous said...

Councillor John Taylor hides his face from Labour corruption, yet he is quick to jump on bnp corruption.
All should be treated with the same contempt. The list of Labour councillors convicted for crime seems to be endless to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Would be on the side of Grant and the union fighting Johhny reb

Anonymous said...

The South Will Rise Again.

Anonymous said...


Tom Hagen said...

There is fuck all the borough solicitor can do. Do not listen to these empty threats. If Taylor or any other councillor threatens this then I suggest complaining the the Standards Board with a complaint of the offending councillor using intimidation towards you over free speech and for wasting tax payers money!

I am a now a member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. If Sean wants to sue me for my "defamatory" comments, he is welcome to do so. I have the EFF on my side who will easily prove that he did make those homophobic comments on Wikipedia.

Anonymous said...

If think that Sean Parker-Perry is a snake in the grass, he gives me the shits.

Anonymous said...

Please allow for my spelling mistakes, I am pissed just trying to forget that I want to put my fist in Parker Perry's gob.

Anonymous said...

All Tory Councillors on Tameside council have been sent a coy of the BNP newspaper, Freedom. Good reading folks. The Truth.

Anonymous said...

That John Bell could not run a whore house mate.