population is set to overtake that of France within 13 years because of
the impact of high immigration, EU estimates have said.
of people living here will top French levels in 2030 and will keep
rising to make Britain the most populous country in Europe by 2050, they
key reason why the British population is going up so quickly compared
to that of neighbouring countries is immigration, according to the
projections from Eurostat.
high rates of immigration, they said, numbers in Britain would remain
lower than those in France for half a century and longer.
But by 2050 the UK's population is predicted to be 77.1million, ahead of 74.7million in Germany and 74.2million in France. Full article here
And there it is, our legacy to future generations. A relatively small country with a vast teeming population consisting of different ethnicity's and religions all vying for their place at the top of the tree.
What a vision of total hell for future generations of Britons. Kiss goodbye to the countryside and open spaces, the future is concrete, tarmac, glass and steel.
I have had an interest in politics for many years and never, not once have I heard a Labour or Conservative politician say that a vote for them is a vote for mass immigration. They talk of better schools, better hospitals, more prosperity etc etc etc but never did I hear them say vote for us and we fill the country to bursting point with immigrants, yet it has happened and both are as guilty as each other when it comes to fooling and ultimately betraying the electorate.
As a simple soul I view the Labour Party approach to immigration as ideological and the Conservative approach as economic. The Labour Party attitude to immigration is pretty well covered in this article in the Telegraph and the Conservatives know that to keep the wheels of unbridled Capitalism turning requires a never ending flow of cheap and easily exploitable labour.
I have had my life and I do not feel sorry for myself in any way, but I do feel guilt ridden that this demographic catastrophe which will bring so much torment to future generations has happened on my watch. King Canute demonstrated that he could not stop the waves, some foresighted people here tried to stop waves of a different type and just like Canute they failed and now we and future generations are going to reap what we have allowed to be sown.
Should it all go horribly wrong, those with Pakistani ancestry can leave and return to their ancestral homeland as can Botswanans, Greeks and all other immigrants to this once green and pleasant land, but as for future generations of native Brits, they have nowhere to go and that is why I weep them. Tameside Citizen